Beginning Signal

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Third Person POV

Yuuki was confused. First the Empire launched a full assault on Tempest with the giant flame, then it was instantly dispersed before it could even touch the forest. Yuuki was sure that it was Rimuru's powers at work, but more than that, Gadra even informed him that Rimuru wanted to warn him that something was amiss, and to keep an eye out. That was why he had gathered the executives for the coup d'etat and tried to formulate a new plan. Unfortunately, Damrada arrived, siding with the Emperor for some reason, even telling them that Misha was killed by Kondou.

"... I've been fooled. Since when was it?" Yuuki questioned

"What are you talking about?"

Hearing his indifferent tone, Yuuki's eyes narrowed further. It would make sense if Damrada was controlled without his knowledge. Yuuki trusted Damrada, thus he came to the conclusion that Damrada was being manipulated by someone. Issuing the order for Kagali and the others to retreat, Yuuki and Damrada fought each other.


The thirty or so warriors ran down the streets of the capital, attempting to escape in the dark night to meet up with the Mixed Corps stationed outside the Dwarven Kingdom. If they shortened the distance even slightly, those with high magicules would be able to use a portal in the capital to instantly teleport there.

"Is Kagali-sama okay?" Tear asked in concern

Kagali nodded in assurance, "Yes, there's no problem. Thanks for your concern, Tear."

"Well that's good. I just wish Laplace was here at this point..." Tear mumbled

Kagali chuckled, "Yes, Laplace could have won against Damrada."

"Hohoho. The Boss is strong too. He will surely come back to us with a victory!" Footman said with a confident laugh


"Yes, you're right."

However, even as she said it, there were alarm bells ringing in her head continuously and her anxiety peaked, finally looking around before turning to Tear and Footman.

"Call Laplace."


"Tell him to come back. I don't care if he's being the messenger, get him to come back! Hurry!" She ordered before turning to the other executives, "Everyone, spread out from here! Use your own judgement and put survival first!"

After a few moments, someone approached them from the shadows.

"Impressive. I thought I had completely covered my tracks, but I'm surprised you noticed." Kondou praised her

Around them were individuals with strong fighting prowess even from a glance. They were different from the Imperial Guardians, sent by Hua as she waited in the airship.

"Who...?" Kagali muttered, now noticing that they were different from normal

"Stop your futile resistance and surrender. Then you will have the honor of dying for the Emperor." Kondou stated

Kagali clicks her tongue, "I don't know who you brought with you this time, but..."

Before she could finish her words, the alarm bells in her head rang out again, this time directed at the seven that surrounded them. Kagali's plan was to simply buy time for Yuuki to defeat Damrada and come back to assist them, yet...

"It's no use. We won't be playing with your stalling games." Kondou declared, "If you're planning to join up with the Mixed Corps, then unfortunately for you, the Emperor has already organized a strike force."

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