Sudden Attack

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Rimuru POV

It was now silent on Floor 100 after the transfer succeeded as I looked over to Beni.

"I'm sure they'll win, right?"

"Yes, it will be no problem. I didn't see any movement among the Imperial Army generals, but there were signs of a flurry of activity at the top floor. Krishna and the others must have reported what happened in the labyrinth. Once they realize they're the only survivors, they'll pull out. Well, before that, I'm not going to let the situation get to that point." Beni answered with a wry smile

"I guess you really cannot be greedy in anything you do."

"Yes, that's true. War and looting go hand-in-hand, but at least in our army, that's forbidden."

"Hm... Though if something were to happen now, it would only be the two of us since we left Mobius and Iris in the Control Room." I noted with a finger on my chin


"Then if any enemy is in the labyrinth right now, they wouldn't let this chance pass." I continued

"That's right."

Hm... How unusual.


Nothing big, but it's just a feeling that there's something unusual going on. Call it... a gut feeling?

<Answer. All suspicious people have been confirmed.>

Well, it is just a feeling. I just think that people that we know could be a candidate too. Not that I want to doubt them! But you know... I know I can trust Eren and her group, Mollie and his friends too... And then there's...


I looked toward the voice that I heard calling my name and gave Masayuki a small wave as I saw him approaching from the Labyrinth City with his own wave.

I don't doubt Masayuki-kun. Felis always had a good judgment of a person's character, so I can trust him, but Gadra said that he looked like Emperor Rudra...

<Answer. After considering the history of the Empire and many other factors, there is a 0 percent chance that Masayuki is the same person as Emperor Rudra.>

I see.

"What's wrong, Masayuki-kun?" I asked as he stopped in front of me

He huffs, "You ask me! You appointed me as the leader of the corps without my permission, so I'm in a lot of trouble! Even the vampire members are asking me to join temporarily, and it's really hard for me. Then, there was a flurry of activity earlier, wasn't there? That's when everyone started to make a fuss about what was going on..."

The number of applicants was increasing rapidly, and just organizing them was a challenge. Because of the circumstances, the army had just gone into action, and some who were eager to fight were making a fuss.

"But most of them are staying in their original town, right?"

"Yes, they are, but the vampire members said that they had too much free time on their hands and they wanted to participate. Bacchus from the Holy Knight Order and Jiu are currently appeasing them, but they need some help before things spiral out of control." Masayuki explained

"I'm sorry for giving you this much trouble."

"Right? Please do something!"

"Not to worry! The war will be over soon!"

"No, no, no, it's not that easy to just let it be someone else's problem!" Masayuki whined and complained

I gave his shoulder a small pat, "I know, I know. Don't worry, the war will be over soon."

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