The World Conference

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Rimuru POV

After taking Yuuki and his group in, I also sent Silvia off as she returned to Sarion to look for El-chan. I also handed her a phone to contact me if she needed to. For now, she and Laplace had not spoken to each other yet but as were all broken and lost hearts, they will mend and heal over time. The day after tomorrow, the world conference will be held at Ingracia. It would be the first world conference for everyone as the Emperor of the Empire would also be participating in the Western States Council. I was supposed to meet Mollie and head over to the Kingdom of Blumund together but since someone invaded Leon's country, our plans were thrown off. Now all I could do to fill the gaps was finish some documents and sipping tea while waiting.

"Here is your tea, Rimuru-sama." Diablo said, serving me a cup of tea

"Thank you. You've worked hard too, Diablo. Why don't you rest with me?" I asked

He broke out a smile, "I'm honored."

"So what kind of person is Feldway?" I asked after he took a seat

He took a moment to think before answering, "He's a serious guy. He is hard-headed, inflexible, or whatever you wish to call it, but once he has made up his mind, he will not bend his will. He has a personality that doesn't consider other people's opinions even as a reference, so his peers were divided in their evaluation of him."

"I see... Anything else?"

"Let's see..." Diablo muttered, seemingly worried, "I'm not certain about this but..."

What he said next was pretty important information, it was about how to get to and from their base and this world. The Aggressors were the altered versions of those banished from this world by Veldanava and the Angel Legions that were their watchers. Their base was in the Otherworld. The connection between the Otherworld and this place, the Cardinal World, was a special force field called the Underworld Gate, and there were several of them spread around the world. They were guarded, or rather controlled, by the Demons. They were expanding their sphere of influence around the Underworld Gate. The only one known to exist was the Underworld Gate guarded by Carrera, not far from Leon's territory. The other gates guarded by Testarossa and Ultima had disappeared due to a major battle.

"We're better off without them. If you go to the Otherworld with your body, it might get contaminated and transformed. Those who come here from the other side are almost certainly Aggressors." Diablo said bitterly

In short, it was easier to destroy the gate itself since it only brings chaos to the world, but Testarossa and Ultima did not approve of that for a long time but when Diablo went to scout for them, the gates were already broken, so they were easy to recruit.

No, to be more precise, he destroyed them himself, didn't he? Carrera's gate appeared to be broken, and I think it was broken on purpose...

"I was wondering if a new 'gate' had emerged somewhere and that was how Feldway and the others were able to enter this world." Diablo pondered

"Or maybe they restored the gate Testarossa used to guard?" I suggested

"I cannot deny that possibility. However, it doesn't match the time when Feldway appeared in the Empire, so it is certain that another 'gate' exists." Diablo pointed out

"Ah, I see. So the base of the Aggressors would be in the Empire?" I wondered, No, Su would have found that a long time ago then.

As I thought this, Diablo also shook his head, "No, that's not all. From what I heard of Kagali's story, there is no doubt that Feldway has opened the gates to the Heavenly Star Palace. One would need a key to open it... There is no point in worrying about how they got it. What matters is that if you pass through the gates of the Heavenly Star Palace, you can come to the Cardinal World with the body that exists in the Otherworld. Of the Primordial Angels, only Feldway was given a body by Veldanava-sama. The current one is only inhabiting a temporary body, so there is no point in killing it."

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