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Rimuru POV

Veldora sets me down on my chair once we were back in the meeting room as Shuna brought a blanket from my bedroom, covering my legs with it.

"Please be wary of your clothing, Rimuru-sama!" She warns me with a small huff


Mei was given a chair to sit on, situated beside Sakura, as she looked at my executives around the table.

"Let me introduce everyone to our guest! The successor of the Flame-chasers and the Herrscher of Thunder, Raiden Mei!" I announced

Those around the table gave her nods of greeting as she does the same, albeit looking slightly confused.

"I am Benimaru, the Samurai General. So you are the successor Rimuru-sama talked about before." Beni introduces himself with a friendly smile

Mei stares at him in confusion, turning her eyes to me, "... Sorry. I don't understand the language here."

... Ah! That's right! I and the other Flame-chasers naturally spoke to her in our old language and completely forgot that this world uses another language!

Beni is also now looking at her in confusion due to the unknown language he's hearing from her mouth.

"Give me a moment! I completely forgot about this language barrier between worlds!" I gasped out as I ran over to Mei, putting a finger on her forehead

Can you help her, Raphael-san?

<Affirmative. Sharing the language of this world with the individual Raiden Mei is successful.>

"What did you do?" Mei asks, seemingly having felt the information given to her

"I see. Can you understand me now, Mei-dono?" Beni asks, catching on to what I was doing

Mei blinks in surprise and looks over at him, giving him a nod while I returned to my seat with the blanket on my lap.

"Very clearly..."

"Then let me introduce myself again. I am Benimaru, Rimuru-sama's right-hand man and Samurai General."

"I am Shuna, Rimuru-sama's attendant, and executive."

"I am the Prime Minister, Rigurd!"

"I am the Blacksmith, Kaijin."

"I am the Head Researcher, Vesta."

"My name is Gabiru! Executive of the Development sector!"

"I am Souei the Spy."

"I am the Orc King, Geld. I am in charge of any business relating to construction."

"I am the Instructor for swordplay, Hakurou."

"I'm his disciple, Gobta!"

"I am Rigur, Head of the Security Forces."

"I am Shion! Rimuru-sama's first Secretary!"

"My name is Diablo, Rimuru-sama's second Secretary."

"I am Iris, Herrscher of Genesis."

Hm? Mei looks slightly surprised to see Iris... Have they met before?

The three Flame-chasers didn't need to reintroduce themselves to her, so she simply takes a look at me.

"I am Rimuru Tempest the slime! I am the ruler of my nation, the Jura-Tempest Federation. I've just recently been inaugurated as a Demon Lord and I am also the Chancellor and now the ruler of the Great Forest of Jura!"

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