Side Story: Sworn Friend, Dear Friend

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Veldora POV

After all the festivities had ended, the labyrinth is going through many changes after the review of the first opening day. Today just happens to be one of the more peaceful periods after all the hectic work to get the labyrinth up and open.

"Mentor, where are you going?" Ramiris calls out to me just as I was about to leave

"I'm gonna go find Rimuru. She's probably really bored by now." I replied and took my leave

Arriving at the forested area of Floor 95, I found the 'door' and entered it, immediately giving me access to the realm Rimuru was in. Entering the cathedral, I caught sight of Rimuru speaking to Eden in front of the giant Herrscher core inside.

"Hey, Rimuru!"

Upon my greeting, Rimuru turns to me with an excited grin.

"Hi, Veldora! Is everything going okay in the labyrinth?" She asks

"Kuahahaha! Of course! With me and Ramiris, the labyrinth operations are running smoothly!" I responded confidently

Eden turns to me and gives me a small greeting bow, "Good morning, Veldora-sama."

"Same to you, Eden!"

Rimuru gets up from her seat and runs up to me, "Are we reading another novel today?"

"If you want to, but isn't Eden here to accompany you today?" I asked, looking back at Eden

Eden smiles breezily at me, "No, we just finished up our conversation. It is okay to spend time with him, Ellie. I'll drop by again for dinner."

Rimuru nods, giving Eden a grateful smile, "Okay! See you later at dinner, Eden!"

Rimuru dashes off to prepare our reading room while Eden walks up to me as we watch Rimuru's retreating back. The small pang in my heart was back again, but it was manageable now.

"I watched that back disappear in front of my eyes once. It still hurts my heart to see it now. Don't you feel the same?" Eden suddenly asks

I blinked and looked down at her before managing to work out a response, "Yeah. I watched that same back leaving to make the world a better place, but never again, not this time."

Eden sighs lightly, "I agree. This time, she will stay with us forever. But I heard she used that power again once..."

I nodded, recalling the incident of the Kingdom of Raja. It would have been fine to leave Rimuru to solve that kingdom's problem, but I never expected her to use that Authority's power. I never thought she could or would even use it. And the end result was the disconnection of our Soul Corridor for ten hours.

"Not just me, but every named resident in Tempest lost their connection to Rimuru for ten hours. There was panic, rising despair, and anxiety." I clenched my fist as I recounted that grueling time, "... That Authority is a blessing and a curse at the same time, and I still can't wrap my head around it. What caused that disconnection? And why? And if Rimuru had used more than she should have... She would have slept for longer, I'm sure."

"I see..." Eden sighs again, but it sounded resigned, "... It sounds just like Ellie. She always takes these risks without thinking about herself once. When she sets her mind on something and loves it, she would do everything in her power to keep it safe. But she must have never thought that the Authority would do that."

"Mm. That's why I made her swear on our 'Tempest' name to never use it again. She got us so worked up and worried..." I huffed, crossing my arms

"You are very kind, Veldora-sama. That's why Ellie is so interested in you."

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