Cleo and Pope:stomach bug

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Setting takes place 2 years in the future so Cleo and Pope have moved out of obx and to California.

It was no later than 7am and Pope had just waken up to surprise Cleo with breakfast in bed. Pope was about to get up and go to bathroom and as he was getting up he heard gagging and dry heaving from the bathroom. That's when he ran to the bathroom to see Cleo's head heaping over the toilet. Pope quickly rubbed Cleo's back and whispered in her ear "it's ok let it all out I'm right here." Cleo felt tears come out of her eyes as Pope was whispering to her. She had never had someone be there for her when she was sick,no one to hold her hair,and no one to comfort her. Then Cleo started gagging again so Pope quickly grabbed a hair tie and tied her hair up in a lose ponytail just to make sure she didn't have any hair her face. When she was finished puking she pretty much collapsed into Popes arms as her body was exhausted from puking for the last hour and a half. Pope helped Cleo onto her feet and sat her onto the toilet and ran to the kitchen to grab her some water. Pope gave Cleo the cup of water and he watched her drink the smallest sip of water before handing him the cup back. Pope put the cup onto the counter and asked Cleo "why didn't you wake me up when you first started feeling sick?" Cleo waited a moment before answering "she quietly said" I thought I could handle it by myself. And I didn't want to wake you up since you looked so peaceful." Pope was shocked by the fact Cleo wanted to handle being sick all by herself he thought she was crazy. Pope looked Cleo directly in the eyes and said "not everyone can handle being sick by themselves even badasses need help sometimes".  Cleo laughed and drank another sip of the cup of water Pope had brought in for her earlier.

Pope asked Cleo if she wanted to take a shower so she wouldn't smell like puke. Cleo said yes to the shower immediately and asked Pope for one of his t-shirts and a pair of biker shorts. Pope gave Cleo the clothes and waited for her to get out of the shower before he did anything else. Pope had been waiting for about 30 minutes until he dry heaving from behind the door. He quickly opened the door and saw a puddle of puke on the floor and a hysterical Cleo gripping onto the counter. Pope ran to grab a bucket from kitchen and right as he grabbed the bucket he heard Cleo sobbing his name over and over. Pope ran back Into the bathroom with the bucket in one hand and towels in the other. Pope was about give Cleo the bucket but her stomach had other plans. Cleo ended up puking on the floor once more and that's when the water works started again. Pope tried to calm her down but she didn't want him near her. Pope opened the toilet lid and put the bucket down on the floor and went back to there room to grab Cleo some new clothes. The second he got back to the bathroom he saw Cleo sitting on the floor with her knees to her chest. Pope dropped the clothes outside the bathroom door and sat right next to her. Pope kissed Cleo on her head and said "I think you really should let me help you now". Cleo shook her head in agreement and finally let Pope help her.

Pope quickly rose up from the floor and carried Cleo back to there room. Cleo just rested her head on Pope's neck and when he tried to put her down on there bed she wouldn't let go. Pope whispered "Cleo you have to let me go so I can clean up the bathroom." Cleo then said "let me clean it you go back to sleep".  Pope looked at Cleo and said "Cleo sit here and don't move unless you have to puke ok". Cleo replied with an annoyed fine and laid down on there bed. Pope walked out of there room and went to go clean the bathroom but before he started he placed the bucket right by Cleo's side of the bed and a trash can on the other side. Pope then cleaned up the bathroom and went out to the store to buy Cleo her favorite soup. When he came back he saw a very sad Cleo standing by the door just waiting for his arrival. Cleo asked "is that what I think it is ?" Pope said "yes it is. I wanted to get it for you so you could feel better an — and I got you some medicine and your favorite flowers". Cleo was in all shock when she saw the bag of her favorite soup,the bottle of medicine,and her favorite flowers she didn't know what to do or say so she just cried.

Pope saw her crying and asked "do you not like it. Is it too much I can take the flowers back I swear".  Cleo said no gray pipe it's amazing no one has ever done anything like this for me before. I love it thank you". Cleo took the bag of soup out of Pope's hands and ran straight to there room. Pope yelled "Cleo take the medicine first then you can have the soup". Cleo yelled back "aww man do I have to ". Pope said "yes unless you want to puke again". Cleo grabbed the bottle of medicine and took a dose and sat on the on the couch with an upset look on her face. Pope gave Cleo a bowl of the soup and some water. Cleo said "thanks for taking care of me Gray Pipe". Pope said "you're welcome Gray Pipe is always here too lend a helping hand". Cleo then rested her head on Pope's shoulder and fell asleep.

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