JJ has a cold

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Context:JJ has a cold and his younger sister Gracie takes care of him.

JJ was sleeping and of course he had caught a cold from his younger sister Gracie. JJ didn't seem like he was sick but he was pretty good at hiding his sickness. "Hey JJ you want some of these pancakes I made?" Gracie said as she walked into his room. "No I'm good." JJ said as he had a huge coughing fit. "JJ are you alright?" Gracie asked. "Yea I'm fine." JJ said as he starting sneezing. "JJ I think you caught my cold." Gracie said. "I did not." JJ said. "Yes you did." Gracie said. "Well even if I did I'm fine." JJ said as he got up and walked to the front door. "JJ where are you going?" Gracie asked. "To see Kiara." JJ said. "JJ you can't see Kiara. You have a fever." Gracie said as she felt JJs forehead. "I don't have a fever." JJ said. "JJ I'm done arguing with you so if you want to go see Kiara then go see her." Gracie said as she walked away. JJ then walked out and started to walk to Kiara's house. Gracie literally grabbed her phone out and texted Kiara.
G:Hey Kie, just to let you know JJ is walking to your house and he's got a fever so if you could bring him back home that would be great.
K:Don't worry G I'll bring him home whenever he gets here.
G:Thanks Kie your the best.
K:No problem I'll do anything for my favorite Maybank.

It's only been twenty minutes since Gracie texted Kiara about JJ and she heard a knock on the door. "Oh hey Kiara let me guess JJ didn't last that long." Gracie said. "Yea he practically passed out in my arms when I opened the door." Kiara said as she dragged JJ inside. "Alrighty then I'll take him from here Kie." Gracie said. "Ok let me know when he's feeling better." Kiara said as she walked back to her car. "I will." Gracie said as she shut the door. "JJ now do you believe that your sick?" Gracie asked as she watched JJ slump himself onto the couch. "Yea." JJ groaned. "Good go shower and then I'll make you some soup." Gracie said. JJ slowly up and walked to the bathroom. Gracie started to make JJs soup and she saw him walk back out and laid down on the couch once more. "Here's your soup JJ. Please don't spill it." Gracie said. "Ok mom." JJ said as started eating his soup. "Ugh I'm going to shower." Gracie said.

Sorry this is short... but I hope you guys like it.

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