Kiara and Sarah:where's your mom?

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Setting:Kiara and Sarah are best friends in this oneshot. This takes place in the "kook" part of the obx.

Sarah and Kiara were just taking there daily nightly stroll and while they we walking around the neighborhood they saw something run into the bushes. "Sar did you see that". Kiara said Sarah replied "yea what was that?" Kiara shrugged her shoulders and slowly walked over to the bush. Sarah followed her but kept her distance just incase it was some weird wild animal. Kiara yelled out a quiet hello right by the bush. Sarah said "maybes there's nothing in there Kie. We should go".

Kiara said "wait Sarah I think I see something. It kinda looks a kid". Sarah came closer to where the bush is and she saw a pink coat. Sarah stuck her hand into the bush and the object in the pink coat grabbed her hand. Kiara helped Sarah pulled whatever was in the bush out and when they pulled the object out. They both realized it was little girl wearing a pink coat. Her coat was covered in dirt and so we're her clothes. Kiara crouched down to look the little girl in the eyes. She asked the little girl what was her name and how old she was. The little girl said "I'm four years old and my name is Claire." "That's a really pretty name. Well I'm Kiara and this is my best friend Sarah". Kiara told the little girl.

Claire looked at both Kiara and Sarah and asked them "are you gonna take care of me?". Sarah said "maybe we just need to find your mommy and daddy first." Claire said "mommy and daddy are gone." "What do you mean there gone honey". Sarah asked. Claire said "mommy and daddy are dead". Kiara and Sarah looked at each other and asked Claire if she wanted to stay with one of them. Claire ran up to Kiara and said " I stay with you please." Kiara said "umm ok you can stay with me". Sarah gave a Kiara a hug and said "I'm gonna head home. I'll see you later then". Kiara said "see ya Sarah". Claire waved bye to Sarah and tugged on Kiara's arm. "Up please". Claire asked Kiara. Kiara picked Claire up and walked home.

Kiara slowly opened the front door and she saw her parents sitting on the couch. "Hey Kiara your home." Anna said. "Why is there a little girl sleeping on you?" Mike asked. "Umm me and Sarah found her while we were walking around... and she asked me if she could stay with me and I said yes". Kiara said quietly. Claire started to wiggle around in Kiara's arms so Kiara started rubbing her back slowly to calm her down. Claire calmed down and went back to peacefully sleeping. Anna said "she can stay with us until we talk to some agency to see if we can foster or adopt her." Kiara gasped and said "really mom?" Anna said "yes she seems to like you and she needs a home". Kiara gave her mom a hug and took Claire upstairs.

Kiara lightly shook Claire awake and asked her if she wanted to take a bath. Claire woke up and walked with Kiara to the bathroom. Kiara ran a bath for Claire and she got some really old clothes she had so Claire could change into them. Kiara ended up showering in her parents bathroom and made sure Claire was all situated before they both went to sleep. Claire climbed into Kiara's bed and laid on top of her and went back to sleep. Kiara whispered into Claire's ears "your gonna be the best little sister ever". Then Kiara went to sleep.

Hey y'all this is kinda bad but let me know if you want a part 2 or another oneshot with Kiara and Claire.

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