Kiara:your coming home with me

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Context:read to find out (TW:this will be mentioning child abuse)

"Kiara where are you going?" Anna yelled. "Back to my house." Kiara said as she stormed out of her parents house. Kiara kept walking away until she saw a little girl crossing the street. As the little girl was crossing the street a car started to honk at her but the little girl got scared and just stood there. In that moment Kiara ran across the street and grabbed the little girl. Kiara and the little girl luckily didn't get hit but Kiara did see that her parents were following her and they ran over to her. "Kiara are you guys alright?" Mike said. "I think so I'm sure about her." Kiara said. "I'm ok" the little girl said. "Are you sure you have a few bruises" Kiara said. "No my daddy hits me all the time. But you can make me go back there." The little girl said. "Oh that's horrible honey. What's your name?" Anna said as she walked over to where Kiara and the little girl was. "My name is Annalese but I go by Annie... and I'm 10 years old." Annie said. "Ok Annie how about we walk back to where we live an—" Anna said but she was cut off by Annie's father. "Annalese bring your ass back here!" Annie's father yelled. Annie started to get up and run behind Mike. Kiara then ran behind Mike as well since she was really scared. "He's gonna beat me again." Annie said. "I'm pretty sure everyone around us is watching and maybe there calling for help." Kiara said. Kiara then grabbed Annie's hand and ran towards her parents house. "Why are we running to your house?" Annie asked. "I'm calling by boyfriend" Kiara said as she grabbed her phone.

The call between JJ and Kiara
JJ:Hey I just got your text I'm already on my way
K:please hurry
JJ:ok I love you
K:Love you too

"My boyfriend should be soon but I can go get the first aid kit for you if you'd like." Kiara said. "That's fine with me but I want to come with you." Annie said. "Ok follow me." Kiara said. Annie followed Kiara upstairs and just waited for her to find the first aid kit. "Kiara I hear someone knocking on the door" Annie whispered yelled. Kiara grabbed Annie's hand and ran into her room. "Ok we just have to be quiet and wait for JJ" Kiara whispered. "JJs your boyfriend right?" Annie asked. "Yea he's super nice but really protective since he comes from a rough childhood." Kiara whispered. "Oh well maybe when my dad leaves I can stay with you..(Annie paused) or your parents." Annie said. "Yea maybe" Kiara said. "Annalese open this damn door!" Annie's dad yelled as he banged on the door. Annie started panicking which made her start to have trouble breathing. "Hey it's ok just breathe." Kiara said as she watched Annie calm herself down. "Are you ok now?" Kiara asked. "Yea thanks that really helped." Annie said. "Well I know what it feels like to have panic attacks so it feels nice to help." Kiara said. "Yea my dad stopped banging on the door do you think we should go downstairs?" Annie said. "I guess since we did put a few bands on your cuts." Kiara said. Kiara and Annie slowly walked downstairs and went to the door. Kiara slowly opened the door and she saw JJ standing there with many police officers. "What's going on?" Annie asked. "Annalese Jones your father has been arrested for child abuse and domestic violence. We will have to place you in the care of a foster home until we can find a permanent solution for you." A police officer said. "No please let me stay here." Annie said as she hugged Kiara. "I'm not sure if this home is right for you." The officer said. "Please Kiara and JJ are the people I want to live with." Annie cried. "Annie stop being a goddamn baby" Annie's father yelled through the coo car window. Then out of no where Annie's father broke out of the handcuffs and grabbed Annie. "Let me go" Annie cried. Annie kept trying to break out of her fathers grip but he wouldn't let go. Then out of nowhere her father dropped her on the ground and started kicking her. The police officers then pulled him off of Annie and brought him back into the police car. "Call an ambulance now." An officer said. Annie was lying on the ground when Kiara and JJ ran over to her.

"Are you alright?" Kiara asked. "My back and head really hurt." Annie said. Kiara and JJ waited with Annie until the ambulance got there. Once the ambulance arrived Kiara went with Annie while JJ followed. "Kiara I want to stay with you and JJ please." Annie cried. "Don't worry me and JJ will do everything we can to make sure you come home with us." Kiara said. "Even if I don't thanks for helping and saving me." Annie said as she started to flatline. "Annie Annie stay with me please." Kiara cried. The paramedics started doing cpr and everything else they could do to save Annie. But nothing worked. "Time of death 4:30pm" a paramedic said." Kiara just started crying until the ambulance crashed.

"Kiara wake up" JJ said. Kiara woke up and started breathing very heavy. "Kiara it was just a bad dream." JJ said. "Is Annie ok?" Kiara asked. "Yea she's right next to you." JJ said. Kiara looked over and saw Annie laying next to her. "Mom what happened?" Annie asked. "Yea I'm ok I just had a nightmare. Wait did you just call me mom?" Kiara asked. "Oh I didn't mean to I'm sorry." Annie said. "No Annie it's ok and I'm more than happy to be your mom." Kiara said. "Hey what about me?" JJ asked. "I didn't forget about you dad." Annie said. "Good now can we go back to sleep." Annie asked. "Yea" Kiara said as she yawned. Kiara and Annie went back to sleep while JJ went into the kitchen to make them some breakfast. "So who's gonna tell dad that I'm gonna have to get carried down the stairs." Annie said. "He can figure that out for himself because I can barely get downstairs myself." Kiara said. (Note:Kiara and Annie actually got hit by the car and Annie's father threw her to the ground after she got hit)
"Well I'm just gonna lay here until he finishes making us food." Annie said. "Ok well I'm going to the bathroom." Kiara said as she hobbled to the bathroom. "Mom can you get my phone for me please." Annie yelled. Kiara didn't answer she just ignored Annie and continued doing whatever she needed to do.

Hey y'all here's another oneshot I don't really like it but maybe you guys do.

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