Clope:emergency room

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Context:Pope walks in on Cleo having a breakdown and then she hurts her hand. Obviously they go to the emergency room.

"Where's my phone?" Cleo said as she was throwing her stuff around. She kept trashing the room because she couldn't find it. Then out of no where she just punched the wall. Pope heard her scream and he ran into there room. "Cleo are you alright?" Pope asked as he saw Cleo on the ground crying. "I can't find my phone." Cleo cried. "You left it out on the couch." Pope said. Cleo was just standing by the door holding her hand and crying. "Cleo let's go to the bathroom and wrap your hand up." Pope said as he walked with Cleo to the bathroom. "But what about our room?" Cleo cried. "I'll help you clean it up but first I want to make sure your hand is ok." Pope said. Pope grabbed the first aid kit and took out an alcohol wipe and some wrap. "Cleo how bad does your hand hurt?" Pope asked. Cleo didn't answer. "Cleo Cleo" Pope said over and over. Until she finally looked up at him with her tear stained face. "My hand hurts." Cleo cried. "I know but how bad does it hurt." Pope said. "9/10". Cleo cried. "Ok let's head to the emergency room". Pope said as he helped Cleo. Cleo just agreed and walked out the car with Pope. "Pope I didn't mean to punch the wall. I'm so sorry I'll pay to repair it and everything." Cleo said. "Cleo I don't care about the wall I just want you to be okay." Pope said.

Once they arrived at the emergency room they went up to the front desk and grabbed all the paper work. "Are you feeling dizzy?" Pope asked. "I don't think so." Cleo said. "Cleo it's a yes or no question." Pope said. "A little" Cleo said. Pope finished all the paperwork and he saw Cleo looking at her hand. "Cleo" A nurse called. Cleo and Pope walked over by the nurse and followed her to a room. "So what seems to be the problem here?" The nurse said. "I punched a wall" Cleo said. "Oh I'm guessing you were a little frustrated" The nurse said. "Yea I was." Cleo said. The nurse then walked over and looked at Cleo's hand. "Ooo that seems like a bad sprain or a fracture but we won't know for sure until you get an x-ray." The nurse said. "Well I will let a doctor know and after the x-ray we will discuss the issues." The nurse told Cleo.
After the X-ray
"Hi I'm Doctor Mayfield and you must be Cleo." Doctor Mayfield said. "I see that you have sprained your hand." Doctor Mayfield said. "Yea" Cleo said. "Alrighty well all I can tell you is that wearing this brace should help and if the pain gets worse just come back." Doctor Mayfield said. "Ok thank you so much." Cleo and Pope said. "Your welcome have a good day you two". Doctor Mayfield said as they walked out. "You two are free to go." The nurse said. Cleo and Pope grabbed there things and then walked out of the room. "Pope are you mad at me?" Cleo asked. "I'm not mad at you I just wish you didn't punch the wall." Pope said. Cleo didn't say anything so the rest of the car ride home was silent.

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