Kiara and Gracie Maybank

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Context:JJ has a little sister named Gracie and she's 12 years old. JJ got sent to Military school and Luke came back so she became his new punching bag. And Kiara promised JJ that she would take care of Gracie until he came back. (Kiara and JJ are dating in this). TW:mentions of child abuse if you don't like that please don't keep reading.

"Gracie where are you hiding you little shit". Luke yelled. Gracie was hiding under bed and texting Kiara to come and pick her up. "If you don't come out I'll kick your ass". Luke yelled once more. Gracie was silently sobbing under her bed and as she was crying she let out a loud sniffle. Which Luke heard and he dragged her out from under her bed and started punching her everywhere you could imagine. Once he was finished Gracie grabbed the suitcase she hid under bed and limped outside to the porch. Kiara had just pulled up to the Maybank house and she saw Gracie hugging the broken fence that was surrounding the porch just so she wouldn't collapse due to the pain she was in.

"Holy shit Gracie I'm sorry I couldn't get here sooner I had to pick up some stuff from the store". Kiara told Gracie. "It's it's fine Kie my dad went to the store to get more beer. So I need to leave before I become a bigger punching bag in his eyes". Gracie told Kiara. Kiara helped Gracie into her car and she grabbed her suitcase and put it in the trunk. "Are you hungry G. We can get anything you want". Kiara said to try and lighten the mood. Gracie said "yea but I think I'm in too much pain to eat anything right now". Kiara whispered a small ok and just drove to her house. Gracie was still silently sobbing throughout the whole car ride,but when she got to Kiara's house she noticed it looked different.

"Hey Kie when did you move to a new house?" Gracie asked. "Umm 2 months ago me and your brother purchased this house together." Kiara said. "No way this house looks really nice. Way nicer then what me and JJ grew up in". Gracie said. "Yea well let's go inside and get you cleaned and bandaged up." Kiara said. Kiara got out of the car and helped Gracie inside. "Thanks but I I got it from here". Gracie told Kiara. "Are you sure I can give you a piggy back ride or something". Kiara said with concern. "A piggy back ride would be nice I guess". Gracie said. Kiara crouched a little lower so Gracie could get onto her back. When Gracie got on Kiara's back and she hissed when Kiara touched a bruise on her lower knee. "Sorry Gracie I didn't know". Kiara said with a panic. "Kie it's fine. It been there for a few days". Gracie said. Kiara moved her hand and carried Gracie inside and set her gently down on the couch and ran back outside to grab Gracie's suitcase and the stuff she brought from the store.

"Ok Gracie I'm gonna put your suitcase in your room so I'll be right back". Kiara said. "Ok.. wait I have a room here you and JJ didn't have to do that for me". Gracie said. Kiara then came back with some new clothes for Gracie and lots of bandages for all her wounds. "Gracie do you want to take a shower then I can help you patch up your cuts and bruises". Kiara told Gracie. "Umm sure can you show me where the bathroom is please". Gracie said. "Yea sure follow me". Kiara said. Kiara showed Gracie where the bathroom is and she grabbed her some clothes and towels. "Here is this enough for you?" I can wait outside for you too". Kiara said. "Gracie said "Kie this is plenty and umm can you please wait outside for me I don't want to be alone right now". "Of course Gracie I'll sit right outside the door". Kiara said.

Gracie finished taking a shower and saw Kiara sitting on the ground watching a movie on her laptop. "Did I really take that long Kie?" Gracie asked. "Oh no I just wanted something to pass the time while I was waiting". Kiara said. Gracie limped over to the couch and Kiara couldn't watch her limp anymore. "Gracie I think we should take you to the hospital and tell the police about your dad". Kiara told Gracie. "Why do I need to go to the hospital and I don't want my dad to find out". Gracie said "Gracie I'm just trying to help you and you need professional help." Kiara said. "Well I don't want to go to the damn hospital. There just gonna call child services just like they always do." Gracie told Kiara.

"Well if you don't go can you at least tell the sheriff about your dad please". Kiara asked". "Yea I will but who am I suppose to live with? Gracie said. "Well you can stay with me until JJ gets home from school. And besides JJ and I agreed we would do anything to make sure we have full custody of you no matter how much it costed". Kiara told Gracie. "Really thanks". Gracie said "Hey G is your ankle ok you keep hiding it from me?" Kiara asked Gracie. Gracie finally showed Kiara her ankle and her ankle was very bruised and swollen. "I know it's bad but but I can still walk on it". Gracie said with concern. "Gracie I don't care what you say I'm talking you to the hospital NOW". Kiara said.

Kiara picked Gracie up off of the couch and walked her to the car. "Put me down". Gracie said while Kiara strapped her into the passenger seat. "We are going to the hospital your ankle is horrendous and you can barley walk on it". Kiara yelled. "Now please just cooperate with me. JJ would tell you the same thing you know". Kiara said. "Fine but what about the bill and all the". Gracie was cut off by Kiara saying "I'm gonna pay it all for you. Ok I have a really good job that I can work from home so money isn't a problem". Kiara told Gracie. "Well that's good for you I just want to go to the hospital and get this over with". Kiara started the car and drove them both to the emergency room.

After the trip to the emergency room.

Gracie was being wheeled out of the hospital with
her crutches laying over her lap and a light blue cast on her foot. "See aren't you glad I took you too the hospital G". Kiara said. "Sure Kiara but I'm just glad that my dad is finally being put away for good this time". Gracie said. "Me too now let's go get something to eat because I'm starving". Kiara said "Me too can we get Chick fill a please". Gracie said. "Sure anything for my favorite Maybank". Kiara said.

After they got some Chick fill a Kiara and Gracie ended the night off by starting a marathon of all the disney princess movies. They both fell asleep while Tangled was playing. Let's just say Gracie is gonna be ok with Kiara and Kiara is gonna be a great "mom" for Gracie.

Hey y'all this took not that long to write. Let me know if you want a part 2 with this little story line or anything. This was a request by someone (I forgot who) but I hoped you liked it. Don't forget to comment some requests. (They can be oneshots or sickfics. Just no smut)

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