Jiara:panic attack (requested)

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Request by:(I don't have any experience with having panic attacks so sorry if this is offensive to anyone)

JJ and Kiara just started dating and today was the day they were going to reveal there relationship to Kiara's parents

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JJ and Kiara just started dating and today was the day they were going to reveal there relationship to Kiara's parents. Both of the teens were very nervous but they kept trying to push past the fact how Kiara's parents never like JJ or any of the pouges for that matter. Kiara was getting ready while JJ was trying to tell her to not worry as much. JJ randomly said " Kie whatever your parents say doesn't matter. I will love you even if I have to change my whole personality for them to like me". Kiara looked at JJ and said"why would you your whole personality for my parents. They should like you for who you are and not what your dad did in the past". JJ said "well whatever I still love you".

Kiara gave JJ a kiss on the check and both of them walked to Kiaras car. The car ride was silent until Kiara started breathing way faster than normal. JJ quickly noticed and kept asking Kiara to tell him what was wrong but no word could escape her mouth. Tears were flowing down her face and the only words that managed to escape her mouth was "I can't do it". JJ heard what she had said and quickly got out of the car and opened her door. All he could think was to give her hug and telling her that everything is going to be ok. Kiara was trying really hard to listen what JJ was saying but her parents came outside and yelled at her. Her dad ran over to JJ and pushed him out of the way but Kie didn't let that happen. Her mom saw that she had been crying and asked what was wrong.

Kiara said that she had a panic attack and JJ helped her through it. Her parents were shocked at the fact JJ was kind enough to help her and all. They both finally came to there senses and agreed to let Kiara date JJ under one condition. No more stealing from money from them. JJ and Kie both agreed and went on with there day.

This is so bad and im so sorry anyway don't forget to leave more request. (I really want to write a sickfic so if you have any ideas leave them down below)

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