John B:hiding an injury

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Context:John B has a daughter (her mom is not Sarah) and she got hurt one day at school so now she's hiding it from John B. Emily is 14.

"Em come downstairs I made you some pancakes." John B said. "Coming" Emily said. Emily limped downstairs and limped over to the dining room. "Are you ok?" John B asked. "I'm fine my foot just fell asleep." Emily said as she sat down. John B gave Emily her plate of pancakes and sat next to her. "How's school going for you." John B asked trying to start a conversation. "School is fine." Emily said. "You sure?" John B asked. "Yes I'm sure" Emily said as she slammed her hands on the table. Emily continued eating while John B also finished eating. "Do you want the rest?" Emily said as she was getting up. "Sure" John B said. Emily passed her plate over to John B and limped back upstairs. John B finished his food and put the plates in the sink. He then walked upstairs and as he was walking to his room,he saw Emily in the bathroom unwrapping her foot. Her foot had a huge bruise on it and her ankle was very swollen. "Emily what happened to your ankle." John B said as he opened the door. "Dad it's nothing." Emily said. "Your ankle is the size of my hand." John B said. "It's not that bad. Now please leave." Emily said. "Em I'm taking you to the hospital now." John B said. "No thanks" Emily said as she hobbled out of the bathroom. "Emily please your ankle seems like it's getting worse." John B said. Emily finally gave in and let John B take her to the hospital. As they were in the car John B asked Emily how she hurt her ankle. "I fell on it at school." Emily said. "And why didn't you tell me?" John B asked. "I don't know I thought the pain would go away." Emily said. Once they arrived at the hospital John B was told to fill out some paperwork. "Emily Routledge." A nurse called out. John B helped Emily into the wheelchair and followed the nurse to a room. "I see that your ankle is very swollen." The nurse said. "Yea I fell on it at school." Emily quickly said. "I'll tell the doctor that you need an x-ray." The nurse said. The nurse walked out and left Emily and John B alone in the room.

"John B there you are." Sarah said as she walked into the room. "Sarah what are you doing here?" John B said. "Emily texted me and said she needed some more support." Sarah said. "Am not I enough support?" John B said. "Well I need some female support." Emily said. "Oh" John B said. "Kiara's here too she just went to get some snacks for Saylor." Sarah said. "Emily" Saylor said as she ran up and hugged Emily. "Hi Say say. "Emily said as she hugged Saylor back. "Oh wow we have a full house in here." The doctor said as she entered the room. "Yea just needed some support you know." Emily said. "Alright well I'm gonna wheel you too the x-ray machine. The x-ray should only take 10-15 minutes." The doctor said. The doctor wheeled Emily out the room and took her to the x-ray room. "Mommy where is Emily going?" Saylor asked. "She's going to get an x-ray on her foot." Kiara said. "Why?" Saylor asked. "Because her foot hurts" Kiara said. "Is her foot gonna be ok?" Saylor asked. "Hopefully Say" Kiara said. "I don't get why she texted you two." John B said. "Maybe she wanted her favorite "aunts" to see her." Sarah said. "Or she wants you two to get together." Kiara said. "Why would we get together?" John B asked. "Because you both love each other." Saylor said. "We don't love each other." John B and Sarah said. Emily was wheeled back into the room and the doctor helped her onto the bed.

"The X-ray came back quicker than we thought but she just has a bad sprain. So she won't need surgery." The doctor said. "That's good." John B said. "Yea I'll be right back with boot and some crutches." The doctor said. "Ok thank you." Emily said. "You're welcome" The doctor said as she left. "Emily why didn't you tell me about your ankle the day you got injured?" John B asked. "Because I didn't want you to be mad at me." Emily said. "Emily I wouldn't have been mad you." John B said. "Dad are you sure?" Emily said. "Yes I'm sure" John B said. "Here's your boot and crutches." The doctor said as she placed the boot on the ground. The doctor helped Emily put the boot on and adjust her crutches. "Alright once your dad comes back from filling out your discharge forms you are free to go." The doctor said. Emily sat on the bed and waited for John B to come back. "Mommy can Emily sleepover?" Saylor asked. "Maybe in a few days." Kiara said. "Why not tonight?" Saylor said. "Because she needs to spend time with Uncle JB." Kiara said. "Oh can auntie Sarah sleepover then." Saylor asked. Sarah said she couldn't tonight since she was gonna stay with Emily. "They can sleepover another time Saylor." Kiara said. Saylor and Kiara gave Emily a hug and then walked out. "You ready to go?" John B asked as he came back into the room. "Yea" Emily said. "Sarah why didn't you leave with Kie?" John B asked as Emily was starting to crutch out of the room. "I wanted to stay with Emily." Sarah said as she started to follow Emily. John B started to follow them both and opened the car door for both of them since he brought the car around. 

Once they arrived home John B carried Emily inside since she fell asleep. John B placed Emily on the couch and went back outside for Sarah. John B then carried Sarah inside and placed her next to Emily. John B grabbed a blanket and set it on top of the girls and he even took their shoes off for them. He also wiped Sarah's makeup off for her. "John B don't go." Sarah said as she moved into a different position. "Give me a mintue Sar." John B said. John B shook Emily awake so she could go sleep in her room. "Sarah make him stop." Emily groaned. "Jb stop shaking your kid." Sarah said as she threw a pillow at his head. "Emily go sleep in your room." John B said. "Fine I'll leave you to love birds alone." Emily said as she hopped over to the stairs. Emily hopped upstairs and went to her room. "Wanna make out?" John B asked. "Maybe we could do a little more than making out." Sarah said as she threw her shirt at John B. I think we all know what happened next. And they are now officially dating after that little "make out session".

Here's another oneshot for yall I hope you guys like it.

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