Kiara:A letter from my missing daughter

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Background/context:Kiara has a 14 year old daughter who ran away because of a fight they had. Her daughter Bailey has been sending her letters every 2 weeks with hints on where she is. Kiara finally received the last letter and now she's trying to find her. Italics are parts from the letters. This will mention child abuse and kidnapping. (So if you don't like that then please skip this oneshot)

"Dear mom,this is the final letter I am sending you because the people who have me say I talk to you to much. Besides that if you look at my other letters I've sent I wrote key details and word in different colors. The first one should be big red house,the second one is,in the basement, the third one is,there's another person here with me,the fourth one is, me and Ellie are being abused everyday,the final one is the address 12456 evergreen street 67096. Mom I don't know if you're still mad at me but please hurry I don't think me and Ellie can take anymore. Just remember that I love you. And your the best mom in the world even if I never told it your face I just want you to know that and if Ellie and I make it out of here can you adopt her since her parents gave her away. Yours truly Bailey Rose Carrera. Remember whatever you do BRING THE POLICE WITH YOU!!!!

Kiara folded up the letter and placed it in her pocket. "Kie this is your call to make." Sheriff Shoupe said. "I know but what if we're too late." Kiara said. "If we are then we are but we need to stop these guys so they don't do this to anyone else's kids." Sheriff Shoupe stated. "Ok send them in." Kiara said. Sheriff Shoupe gave his men and women the signal to head inside the house. "The second one of them find Bailey and Ellie I promise you they will tell me." Sheriff Shoupe said. Kiara just kept waiting to hear that Bailey and Ellie were ok until she felt someone hug her. The persons arms felt very muscular and she realized it was JJ the pouge she had a crush on for years...and the father of Bailey. "JJ? What are you doing here?" Kiara said. "I wanted to make sure you were ok." JJ said as he stopped hugging her. "Oh...thanks" Kiara said. "We've got the girls I repeat we've got the girls sheriff." One of the radios blasted. "Alright bring them out" Shoupe said. "Roger that sheriff." One of the police offices responded. Kiara couldn't believe what she had heard. "Mom?" Bailey said in the distance. "Bailey" Kiara said as she ran over to her. Kiara gave Bailey one of the biggest hugs in the world. She then gave one to Ellie. Kiara let go of Ellie and she noticed how many cuts and bruises they had. The girls couldn't really walk since their legs were swollen from all the bruises they had so two paramedics carried them over to the gurneys. "Alright who's riding with who?" Shoupe said as he looked at Kiara and JJ. "I'll go with Bailey you go with Ellie." JJ said. "Mom!!" Bailey yelled. "Hey your gonna be ok" Kiara said as she ran over to Bailey. "Your dad is gonna ride with you while I ride with Ellie." Kiara said reassuring Bailey. "Promise me you'll adopt Ellie." Bailey said. "I promise Bails." Kiara said. Kiara kissed Bailey's hand and walked out of the ambulance and headed over to Ellie. "Your Baileys mom?" Ellie said. "Yes I'm—" Kiara said but she was cutoff by Ellie hugging her. "Kiara and you must be Ellie." Kiara said as she hugged Ellie back.

"Yes I'm 14 and Bailey told me a lot about you." Ellie said. "What did she say?" Kiara asked. "That you're an amazing mom,how's she sorry for running away,and that she wishes she wasn't always so rude to you." Ellie said. Kiara just looked down at the floor while Ellie looked everywhere else. "Alright kid you're about to bombarded by lots of doctors so get ready." The paramedic said. "I'm ready I guess." Ellie said. The ambulance had stopped and the paramedics opened the door. "What do we got Jen?" A doctor asked. "Elliana Jones the second teenage girl who was trapped inside the smiths basement. She has signs of a level 2 concussion,bruised ribs,but no signs of vomiting or external bleeding." Jen said. "Alright everyone let's get a head ct,and an MRI." The doctor said. "Ma'am we need to go wait in the waiting room please." A nurse told Kiara. Kiara walked out to the living room and saw JJ sitting down. "Kie" JJ said as he saw her walking over. "Hey." Kiara whispered. "How's Ellie?" JJ asked. "I don't know the doctors took her to run tests." Kiara said. "How's Bailey? Is she ok?" Kiara asked. "She's doing ok. On the ride over here she told me that she ran away to stay with me." JJ said. "What. After everything I've done for her." Kiara said. "Bailey is a good kid she only ran away because she wanted to find Ellie." JJ said. "She wanted to make sure Ellie wasn't getting hurt even more." Kiara said. "She was protecting her." Kiara whispered. "Just like you taught her." JJ said. Kiara just started crying and JJ just gave her a hug. "Do you want me to come back home?" JJ said. "Yea I think the girls are gonna need their dad back." Kiara said. "Kiara and JJ Maybank." A nurse said as she walked over to where Kiara and JJ were sitting. "Yes" Kiara said as she stopped hugging JJ. "Bailey and Ellie test results have come back. The doctors just want to speak with the both of you about it." The nurse said. Kiara and JJ got up and followed the nurse.

"Here they are. I'll leave you four be." The nurse said. "Mom" Bailey said. "Bails" Kiara said as she gave Bailey a hug. "Bailey why is your dad hugging me again." Ellie asked as JJ was hugging her. "I don't know. We haven't seen him in a month." Bailey said. "Mr and Mrs Maybank. I see you've decide to greet us with your presence." The doctor said. "Mmm" Kiara said as she looked at the doctor. "Well both of the girls test results came back. And they both have concussions, bruised ribs,and minor cuts." The doctor said. "When can they go home?" JJ asked. "They can go home now actually I just need you too to sign there discharge papers." The doctor said. "Ok JJ can you stay here with the girls while I go sign the papers." Kiara said. "You got it" JJ said. "I'll be right back." Kiara said as she gave Ellie and Bailey kisses on their foreheads. "I brought you guys new clothes to change into." JJ said as he took two outfits out of his backpack. "Thanks" Bailey said as she took the clothes out of JJs hands. The girls went to go get changed and while they were changing they couldn't put their shirts on. "Bailey I can't put my shirt on." Ellie said. "Neither can I my arms are really sore." Ellie said. "Maybe your dad can help us." Ellie said. "No I don't want his help I'll just wait for my mom to come back." Bailey said. "Bailey your dad has been trying to reconnect with you for the past year and you aren't letting him." Ellie said. "I know it's just what if he doesn't like me or he's mean to my mom." Bailey said. "I don't think someone who looks at your mom the way he does would be mean to her." Ellie said. "Are you sure?" Bailey asked. "I'm sure. Now ask him if he can help us because I want to leave." Ellie said. "Fine... Dad can you help us please." Bailey called out. "I'm coming" JJ said. JJ opened the door and he saw Bailey and Ellie struggling to put there shirts on. JJ helped Ellie first since she made the most progress.

JJ finished helping Ellie put her shirt while Bailey still struggled with her shirt. "Hey you girls ready to go." Kiara asked as she walked back in the room. "No I can't put my shirt on." Bailey said as she struggled. "Do you want help?" Kiara asked. "Yes" Bailey softly said. Kiara helped Bailey put her shirt on and told her to be nice to JJ. "Alright let's head out" JJ said. Ellie and Bailey had to be wheeled out in wheelchairs since they both were injured. "Are you two hungry at all?" Kiara asked. "A little bit" Ellie said. "Bailey what about you?" Kiara said. "I guess I'll eat a little something." Bailey said. "We can go home first and then I can go get something for you two." JJ said. "Can we just go home please. I just want to lay down." Bailey said. "Me too" Ellie said. JJ got into the drivers seat while Kiara sat in the back with the girls. JJ started driving slowly while Kiara made sure Ellie and Bailey were ok. Bailey and Ellie laid down on Kiara's shoulder and Kiara just rubbed their backs the whole way home. "I love you mom." Bailey said. "I love you too Bails." Kiara said. "I love you too Ellie." Kiara said as she gave Ellie a kiss on the cheek. "Thanks mom." Ellie said. Ellie and Bailey just cuddled with Kiara and they all just "rested their eyes" until they got home.

Here's another oneshot for y'all I hope you like it.

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