Jarah:coming home drunk

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Setting takes place ten years in the future. TW: mentions of puking/vomit

Sarah and John B ended up moving out of outer banks,getting married and starting a family

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Sarah and John B ended up moving out of outer banks,getting married and starting a family. Then had twin daughters named Alana and Elliana. Alana was the older twin just by one minute and she likes to go by Lana and Elliana is the younger twin and she likes to go by El or Ellie bit Ellie is her go to nickname.

At school
Ellie and Lana heard there friends taking about a secret party that was going on and all of the girls wanted to go. So they all had to come up with a plan to tell there parents so they wouldn't find out about the party. Ellie said" why don't we tell our parents there's a girls night happening at the house down the street and then we just walk to the house where the party takes place after they leave". All of the girls agreed but one of Lana asked " why would we go to the house down the street first?" Ellie rolled her eyes and said " because that's where Aunt Kie and Uncle JJ live so they won't have a problem with it." Lana scoffed and said "if we get in trouble I will not be taking the blame at all. Got it Ellie." Ellie said "fine but your breaking the sister code and besides we can steal a few beers from Uncle JJ's fridge while we stop by". Lana said"ok you got me there I won't break the sister code as long as I get to have some of the beer we steal from uncle JJ". Ellie looked at her friends and said "deal". After that school had ended and the party night was going to start soon. Ellie and Lana said bye to there friends and walked home.

At the Routlege house
When the girls had got home they quickly ran into there home and grabbed two outfits. One outfit was for the "girls night" and the other was for the party. Ellie ended up asking Sarah if she could pick up there friends and drop them off at Kie and JJ's house. Sarah didn't question anything the girls had asked so she took the girls to there friends house picked them up and dropped them off at Kie and JJ's house.

Kie and JJ's house
Lana knocked on the door and waited for the door to open. All of the girls started to worry until little Eloise opened the door and screamed "Lana,Ellie I missed you guys". She then jumped into Ellie's arms and gave her a big hug. Eloise then waved at her friends and Eloise gave them a bag that had a few beers in it. (Ellie texted Eloise on her IPad to grab two beers for her and to not tell her parents) Ellie took the bag from Eloise and in return she gave her a huge giraffe stuff animal that she had been wanting for about a year now. Eloise took the giraffe and shut the door.

At the party
Ellie,Lana,and there friends had all arrived at the party and noticed two things. Boys and lots of alcohol. All the girls parted there way expect Ellie and Lana they stayed together the whole time. Lana grabbed the two beers out the bag Eloise had gave them and gave one to Ellie and told her that they should chug the beers. Ellie agreed and they both chugged the beers and became the life of the party until they saw there dad calling Ellie's phone.

The phone call
E:hello (slurred)
J:Elliana are you and your sister at a party?
E:Lana dads asking if we're at a party.hehe
J:Give your sister the phone NOW!
E:Lana dad wants to talk to you.(slurred)
L:hey dad how are you! (Slurred)
J:Alana stay where ever you are I'm going to pick you and your sister up now!
L:ok dad you'll never know where we are!
E:we're at the house two house down from Aunt Kies' (away from the phone)
L:Ellie shut up now he'll know for sure
J:I already did. Just stay there me and your mom are on the way to get you both right now!
L:ok bye dad
J:Bye Alana

Lana had just hung up the phone with her dad. So she told Ellie to grab her stuff and they both stumbled outside and waited for her parents car to pull up. Just as they walked outside they heard a door slam shut and a very angry John B walking out. He didn't say anything but he just gave the girls a look that they personally knew was bad. Sarah got and helped Ellie into the car while John B helped Lana into the car. The car ride was silent until both girls started gagging. Sarah heard them gagging and quickly grabbed two plastic bags she brought with her and gave them both to the girls. Sarah asked them if they were ok but she didn't hear anything but sobs. Sarah ended up climbing into the backseat with the girls and she held there hair back as they puked even more.

Once they arrived home both of the girls were asleep including Sarah so John B woke Sarah up and told her that they were home. Sarah then helped Lana inside while Ellie was carried in by John B because she still asleep. John B set Ellie down on the couch and Sarah placed Lana onto the other side of the couch. John B was going to yell at them but Sarah said that he should wait until tomorrow so they could all talk about it. He listened to Sarah and made sure the girls had a glass of water and trash cans right beside them. Sarah stayed with girls the whole time until she feel asleep.

The next morning
Ellie and Lana had both woken up with huge headaches and an angry John B staring at them. The girls noticed that Sarah had moved to wear John B was sitting but she wasn't angry at all. John B said"did you two have fun at the party?" Ellie and Lana looked at each other and said "umm yea. How did you find out". Sarah said "Kiara told me. She said that you two told Eloise to take two of JJ's beers and give them to you". John B took a breath and said "why the hell would you make a seven year old do that. And don't say you gave her a stuff animal". Lana quietly said "we did but but". John B cut her off and yelled"that doesn't explain why you two went to a party without our permission. And if you two say "because we wanted to" is not a good answer. Do you both understand".

Both of the girls said yes and we're about to leave but John B wouldn't let them he was going to yell at them even more until Sarah said "John B enough they're just teens. This is nothing compared to the shit we did as teens so don't even act like this such a bad thing. Especially when you were getting even more wasted then they were last night". John B said "it doesn't matter what we did as teens I just want them to be better then we were ok". Sarah said "I get that but you have to hear them out before we ground them". Right as Sarah said that her and John B had heard dry heaving and sobbing from the girls. They both quickly rushed the girls side and Ellie said "we are never doing that again got it Lana". Lana said"agreed and I'm adding that to the sister code ". Ellie said "that's fine with me". 

The girls apologized and for the rest of the day they were grounded from all there devices and they had to babysit Eloise for the whole week. John B then asked the girls "how many beers did you two have?" Lana said "you don't want to know dad". Ellie chimed in "you really don't". John B laughed and said "ok you two will tell me soon right"? The girls laughed and said "sure dad".

I really love this oneshots sm! Sorry it's long but don't forget to leave request down below. (If you have any sickfic requests I will do them for sure. It just depends on the topic)

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