Jarah:the name of our daughter

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Context: Sarah just gave birth to her daughter and she hasn't told John B the name yet.

"Just tell me." John B said. "Not yet." Sarah said. "Please I want to know." John B said. Sarah was getting rest to go home since she had been in the hospital for two days. "Tell me in the car?" John B said. "Maybe" Sarah said. "Is it Emily?" John B said. "Maybe it is and maybe it's not." Sarah said. John B helped Sarah into the wheelchair and then he wheeled her out to the car. "Is it Emma?" John B asked. "It doesn't start with an E." Sarah said. Sarah got into the backseat with her newborn daughter while John B went back inside to give the wheelchair back. "It's Claire." John B said. "No" Sarah said. John B drove back home and when parked the car he helped Sarah and his daughter inside. "Someone's a little tired." Sarah cooed. "She is?" John B said. "Yea and stinky can you go get a diaper from her room?" Sarah said. "Sure" John B said. John B went upstairs and went into the nursery. In the nursery there was a wall sign with his daughter's name on it. "Charlotte Elaine Routledge." John B said as she came downstairs with a diaper. "Charlottes my mom's name." John B said. (Note I don't know if charlotte is John B mom actual name but for this oneshot it is). "It is" Sarah said. "Can we can call her Char please." John B said. "We can. Give me the diaper before she gets her poop everywhere." Sarah said. "Here" John B said. "Should I get Charlotte a new pair of clothes?" John B said. "Yea these one have a stain on it." Sarah said. John B skipped upstairs and grabbed Charlotte a new onesie. "Here I grabbed two just in case one doesn't fit." John B said. "Thanks" Sarah said. "She's so cute." John B said. "She is." Sarah said. "Wait her and Bells could be best friends just like you and Kie." John a said. "Duh that's why we both decided to have kids and there birthdays are literally on the same day." Sarah said. "They can have a shared party." John B said. "Woah slow down she's only 2 days old." Sarah said.

Sorry this is so short but I hope you guys like it. Lmk if I should make a oneshot with Sarah,John B,and Charlotte.

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