Cleo,Kiara & Sarah:the death of a loved one

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Context:All the pouges were out sailing at sea when a huge wave came and crashed their boat. The girls made it out alive but the boys sadly didn't make it.

Cleo has been staying with Kiara and her folks since the accident happened and she's been not her normal self. She barely leaves the guest room,the only time she does is to eat,use the bathroom,and talk to Kiara. Kiara on the other hand found she was pregnant with JJs baby and it caused to go a little crazy. Her parents almost sent her back to Kitty Hawk but Cleo convinced them not to. Today was the day Sarah was going to come over but Kiara didn't even want to see her. Cleo decided to go over to Sarah's house so she could give Kiara some space. "Kie I'll be back tomorrow if anything happens just call me." Cleo called out. Kiara didn't answer. "Cleo is everything ok?" Sarah asked as she got out of her car. "I think something is wrong with Kie she always says something when I leave the house." Cleo said in a panic. Then out of nowhere the sound of a body collapsing echoed from Kiara's bathroom. Cleo and Sarah ran upstairs to Kiara's bathroom. Cleo opened the door and saw a very pale Kiara passed out on the floor. "Kiara can you hear me?" Cleo said. Kiara started mumbling something but it wasn't very clear on what she was saying. "Cleo she doesn't look to good I think she's sick" Sarah said. "I think she is. Can you grab some water and an ice pack she's burning up." Cleo said. "Yea" Sarah said as she walked downstairs to the kitchen. Kiara started to wake up but she was very confused. "What happened" Kiara slurred. "You passed out." Sarah said as she gave Cleo the bottle of water she grabbed. "What" Kiara said. "Cleo was saying bye and you didn't respond and as we were about to leave we heard you collapse." Sarah said. "Oh well I'm fine now so you guys can go." Kiara said. "We aren't leaving" Sarah said. "Why" Kiara asked. "Because you're sick and we're gonna help you and baby Maybank get better." Cleo said. When Kiara heard the words baby Maybank she lost it. "Don't call my daughter baby Maybank you haven't earned the right. To call her that." Kiara yelled. "Kie I'm sorry it just slipped out." Cleo said. "Slipped out. Something like that doesn't just slip out." Kiara said. Kiara slowly got up and walked back to her room.

"She's been a real bitch ever since she found out she was pregnant." Sarah said. "I know. I wish things would go back to how they used to be." Cleo said. "Me too even though the guys aren't here I miss hanging out with the both of you everyday." Sarah said. "Me too now it's just me and you which isn't a problem but—" Cleo said. "We're missing our favorite turtle girl" Sarah said. "We sure are" Cleo said. "I guess we can clean up her bathroom for her." Sarah said. Cleo and Sarah started cleaning up Kiara's bathroom they picked up and re organized her bathroom to how it looked before Kiara stopped cleaning it. "Man for one person Kiara has a lot of shit." Sarah said. "Most of that stuff is JJs. She hasn't gotten rid of it because she can't." Cleo said. "Ok then I'm not gonna touch it" Sarah said. Once they finished they saw Kiara standing in the doorway. "Oh my god Kie you scared the hell out of me." Sarah said. "What are you two doing?" Kiara said. "We just cleaned your bathroom a little bit." Cleo said. "Why?" Kiara asked. "Because we wanted to help you." Sarah said. "I don't need your guys help I'm capable of doing this all on my own." Kiara said as her voice started to break. "Hey it's ok" Sarah said as tried to comfort Kiara. "Kie what's wrong?" Cleo asked. "I need help." Kiara cried. Kiara cried into Cleo's and Sarah's arms and apologized for shutting them out. "Kie it's ok you're still coping." Sarah said. "I know but when I really needed you guys I just shut you both out." Kiara cried. "I'm dizzy again" Kiara said. "Alright I'll get you some water." Sarah said. Cleo helped Kiara sit down on top of the toilet seat and made sure she was ok. Sarah came back with some grapes and water. "You probably need to eat something." Sarah said. Sarah handed Kiara the grapes and she started eating them. "Thank guys." Kiara said. "No problem girl we gotta look out for our little niece." Cleo said. "Do you guys wanna hear the name I picked out." Kiara said. "Yes but can we do this in your room I don't want to sit on the floor." Sarah said. "Fine" Kiara said as she struggled to get up. Cleo and Sarah watched her struggle and waited for her to ask for help. "Help" Kiara whined. Cleo and Sarah helped Kiara up and they all walked into Kiara's room and sat down on her bed. "What's her name gonna be!!" Sarah said. "Saylor James Carrera." Kiara said. "That is so cute" Cleo and Sarah said.

All the girls just kept talking and having a good time which made them all somewhat forget that they lost their significant others. But hey maybe they'll find someone new who knows.

Here's another oneshot for yall lmk if you guys like it!!

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