Sarah's druken little sister

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Setting:In the Cameron/Routlege household. Context:Mia went to a party with her friends and she came home very drunk. TW: Mentions of puking/vomit

"Hey guys I should really get home. I'll call my sisters friend to pick me up." Mia said with a slurred voice. "Ok whatever party pooper." One of the girls from the party said. "Well I'm going home I'll see you guys later." Mia said. Mia then texted Kiara to come pick her up without Sarah knowing. Kiara texted Mia back and told her she was outside.

"Hey Kie you know you look amazing right not." Mia said. "Mia how much did you have to drink." Kiara asked. "Mmm this many". Mia said as she holds all ten of her fingers. "Alright let's get you home before Sarah wakes up". Kiara said. "Ok but do you have a burger because that sounds so good right now." Mia said. "Umm it's 2am not burger place is open I'll get you one when they open up later." Kiara said. "Ok". Mia said. Kiara helped Mia buckle her seat belt and drove them both back to Sarah's house.

"Mia we're here." Kiara whispered. "Ok let's go inside and party." Mia slurred as she wobbled out of the car. "Let's get you inside before you wake up your sister." Kiara said. Kiara helped Mia inside and right as they were about to walk upstairs, they heard someone coming downstairs. "Kie is that you?" Sarah said. Kiara placed Mia on the couch and then pretended to be asleep. "Kiara I know your not asleep now why were you making so much noise." Sarah said. "Oh hey Sarah I was um sleepwalking." Kiara said. "Hey Sar how are you." Mia said with a slur.

"Mia are you drunk?" Sarah asked. "What I'm not drunk your the drunk one". Mia said. "Umm your slurring your words and you smell like beer and teenage boys." Sarah said. Kiara slowly walked away into Mia's room so she could grab her some new clothes. "Mia let's get you into the bathroom so I can get you cleaned up." Sarah said. Mia pretty much collapsed into Sarah's arms and Sarah dragged her into the bathroom. "Kiara can you grab Mia some clothes. Because the one she's wearing right now reek." Sarah said. "Way ahead of you Sar." Kiara said while she was holding a pair of shorts and tank top in her hands. "Hey Sar do you mind if I stay the night?" Kiara asked.

"Oh for sure it's late anyway and Mia might need some company anyway." Sarah said. "Than-". Kiara said as she was cutoff by Mia puking her guts out. Sarah and Kiara quickly rushed over to Mia's side, Kiara held her back while Sarah rubbed her back. "You done bubs?" Sarah asked. "Oh yea that felt great can I have a burger now?" Mia said. "We can get burgers tomorrow right now let's get you in the shower." Sarah said. Kiara walked out of the bathroom and changed into some of Sarah's comfy clothes. While Kiara was changing she heard Sarah say "Kie when you come back can you get Mia some water please."  Kiara came back downstairs and grabbed Mia some ice cold water and put it down on the counter. "It's on the counter Sarah." Kiara said.

"Thanks." Sarah said as she was helping Mia walk to the couch. "Mia do you want to sleep out here or in your room?" Sarah asked. "Roooooom." Mia slurred. "Ok then Kie grab her other arm and help me drag her drunk ass to her room." Sarah said. Kiara chuckled and helped Sarah drag Mia to her room. The two teenage girls plopped Mia down on her bed. Sarah grabbed a trash can and Kiara grabbed the glass of water and some advil. "She's gonna need this for sure when she wakes up." Kiara whispered. "For sure" Sarah said. And they both walked out of her room.

Hey y'all hope this is good. Let me know your guys request. Just no smut.

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