Jiara:teen parents

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Context:In the last oneshot Kiara found out she was pregnant with JJ baby. Fast forward to now they have a two year old daughter named Eloise. Kiara and JJ are now 18. They also live in JJs house they just fixed it up.

"Mama up" Eloise said. "Mama is still asleep." JJ said. "Mama up now." Eloise said. "Let's go wake her up now." JJ said. JJ picked Eloise up and brought her to their room. JJ placed Eloise on their bed and she immediately crawled over to Kiara. "Mama up" Eloise said. Kiara rolled over and saw Eloise sitting on legs. "Mama up" Eloise said. "I'm up baby" Kiara said. Kiara sat up and gave Eloise a hug. "Hungwy" Eloise said. "Do you want Daddy to make breakfast?" Kiara said. "Yea" Eloise said. Kiara picked Eloise up and took her into the kitchen. "Daddy" Eloise said. "Hi Ellie bean" JJ said. JJ was making breakfast for everyone since he was about to get ready for work. "Daddy work today." Eloise said. "Daddy does work today." JJ said. "That's means you get to hangout with mommy today." Kiara said. "Daddy no leave" Eloise said. "Daddy has to now eat your pancakes please." JJ said. Kiara cut Eloise's pancakes up and gave her some fruit. "Mama eat too" Eloise said. "I will honey give me a second." Kiara said. Kiara picked Eloise up and placed her in her high chair. "Mama I wanna sit next to you." Eloise said. "How about you sit on my lap." Kiara said. ""Ok" Eloise said. Kiara grabbed Eloise and placed her on her lap. "Mama" Eloise said. "Yes" Kiara said. "I'm not hungry anymore." Eloise said. "Kie I'm heading out." JJ said. "Ok bye" Kiara said. "Bye love you." JJ said. "Bye daddy" Eloise said. "Ellie do you feel ok?" Kiara asked. "My tummy hurts" Eloise said. "Let me feel your forehead." Kiara said. Kiara felt Eloise's forehead and it was pretty warm. "Mama" Eloise whined. "Yes Ellie." Kiara said. Kiara went over by Eloise and saw her face turn really pale. Kiara grabbed the trash can and Eloise threw up. "Eloise you ok?" Kiara asked. "I feel icky." Eloise said. "Let's get you into a bath while I call Auntie Sarah." Kiara said. Kiara started a bath and placed Eloise in it. "Mama huggie." Eloise said. "I will after your bath." Kiara said. Kiara helped Eloise with her bath and then helped her with putting on a different pair of pajamas. "Mama huggie" Eloise said. "Mama huggie." Kiara said as she gave Eloise a hug. Kiara took Eloise into the living room since her parents were going to come over. Kiara placed Eloise on the couch and turned on a movie for her.

She then started cleaning the kitchen and as she was cleaning it there was a knock at the door. "Auntie Sarah." Eloise said. "Auntie Sarah is coming over tomorrow Ellie." Kiara said. Kiara opened the door and to her surprise Sarah was at the door with a toddler in her arms. "Sarah" Kiara said. "Sorry for not texting but we need some place to stay just until John B and JJ come back." Sarah said. "Come in. And what do you mean come back." Kiara said. "JJ didn't tell you." Sarah said. "Didn't tell me what." Kiara said. "They're going to find El Delrado since John Bs dad never got to." Sarah said. "No they can't go I need help with taking care of Eloise and you need help with Claire." Kiara said. "Until they get back I brought our things so we can take care of the girls together." Sarah said. Eloise and Claire were both sitting on the couch watching the princess and the frog. "Mama my tummy hurts" Eloise said. "Me too." Claire said. "Ellies sick too." Sarah said. "Yea she's threw up earlier and she has a fever." Kiara said. "So did Claire." Sarah said. Kiara and Sarah went over to the girls and sat next to them. "I'm gonna grab some medicine." Kiara said. "Can Claire have this?" Kiara said as she was showing Sarah the medicine. "Yea that's the one we have at home." Sarah said. "Can bring them up here." Kiara said.  Sarah grabbed Eloise and Claire and brought them into the kitchen. She then placed the girls on onto the counter. Kiara gave Sarah a small spoon that had the medicine on it. "No medicine" Eloise said. "Ellie if you take it you'll feel all better." Kiara said. Eloise took the medicine she didn't like it but Kiara was happy so that's all the mattered to her. "Daddy home?" Eloise said. "Daddy's not home yet Ellie." Kiara said. "Daddy" Claire said. Kiara and Sarah grabbed their daughters and took them over to the window. "Look daddy is not here?" Kiara said. "Yes he is." Eloise said as she pointed at the window. "Daddy" Claire and Eloise said as John B and JJ walked in. "Hi girls." JJ and John B said. "You guys are home." Sarah said. "Yea we left work early and picked up some medicine." JJ said. "I thought you guys were going to El Delrado." Sarah said. "When did we say that?" John B said. "Last night." Sarah said. "I was talking about how I wish we found El Delrado before we had the girls." John B said. "Oh" Sarah said. Kiara went to go sit down on the couch since Eloise was starting to fall asleep in her arms. "Kie you can put Eloise down for a nap if you want." JJ said. "I can't shes sick and I need to make sure she doesn't throw up everywhere." Kiara said. Sarah sat next to Kiara and they both placed the girls on the other side of themselves. "You two aren't sick right." JJ asked. "My nose is a little stuffy and my head hurts but that's about it." Kiara said. "My throat hurts". Sarah said. JJ and John B felt their girlfriend's foreheads and they were a little warm. "You're both a little warm I'm gonna get you both an ice pack to put on their foreheads." JJ said. Then right in that moment Sarah and Kiara threw up. "You have got to be kidding me." JJ and John B said.

Here's the part two of the sleeping Carrera oneshot lmk if you guys like it.

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