Sarah:stomach flu

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Setting:Sarah's house,bathroom,and bedroom. She also has a daughter named Alexandra/Lexie. Lexie is also 13 years old TW: Mentions of puking/vomit

Sarah and Lexie were peacefully sleeping in on the couch since they've had a movie night the night before. While they were sleeping Sarah felt her stomach churn with pain,and felt a trail of vomit fill her throat so quickly ran to the bathroom and vomited everything into the toilet. Lexie was woken up by her mother's loud gags and dry heaves coming from the bathroom. So she quickly got up,grabbed a cup of water,and ran into the bathroom. "Crap Mom are you alright". Lexie asked. Sarah had just lifted her head out of the toilet and looked at Lexie saying "do I look alright?" Lexie just shrugged her shoulders and crouched down by her mom and gave her the glass of water. Sarah grabbed the cup of water and drank a little bit of it and put it on the counter.

"Mom let me get the thermometer real quick". Lexie said. Right as she said that Sarah threw up once again. Lexie put the thermometer down and held her moms hair back as she continued to vomit. "Mom I think you caught the stomach flu from Aunt Kie". Lexie told Sarah. "That's great just great". Sarah replied.  "I think I'm finished now. Can you help me up please". Sarah asked Lexie. "Ok let me flush the toilet for you". Lexie said. Lexie got up off the ground and helped Sarah off the ground. Sarah started to feel a little lightheaded so she stumbled a little as she got up. Lexie noticed and she tightly grabbed her moms hands. "Woah mom let's get you in bed before you pass out". Lexie said. Lexie slowly took Sarah into her room and laid her down onto her bed. "You didn't have to help me Lex I could've walked here myself". Sarah told Lexie. Lexie replied "mom you were about to pass out I don't think you could've walked to your bed by yourself". Sarah ended up rolling her eyes and grabbing the remote for the tv.

"Mom I think you should get some sleep. I'm just going to grab you a trash can just incase ." Lexie said. Sarah quietly said "ok but can you make me some soup please." Lexie said "yea". So she grabbed two trash cans and placed by both sides of the bed and went to take a shower. Lexie was getting out of the shower and getting dressed. While she was getting dressed she heard her mom call for her. "Hold on mom let me put my shirt on." Lexie yelled back. The second she said that she heard a loud bang coming from her moms room. "What the hell was that." Lexie said quietly to herself. She walked towards her moms room and saw her mom passed out on the bathroom floor. "Oh no... Mom wake up please." Lexie cried. Lexie grabbed her phone from off the nightstand and called Kiara. Lexie just kept shaking Sarah over and over until she realized that her fever was getting worse.

Lexie quickly took off her mom's sweater and sweatpants so that she was only in a bra and shorts. Lexie had heard a knock on the door and so she ran to see who was and obviously it was Kiara with a whole bunch of stuff to help Sarah. Kiara said "Lexie what's wrong your face is all red and it looks like you've been crying". Lexie wiped the tears off her face and said "it's mom she passed out and know she won't wake up. You have to help her she can't die I need her Aunt Kie I need her". Kiara said "ok ok breath Lexie and let me see her ok". Lexie shook her head in agreement and grabbed Kiara's hand and dragged her to the bathroom. When they both walked in there Sarah was starting to wake up. "Lex what what happened. And why is Kiara here." Sarah said. "You passed out from your fever. I called Aunt Kie just incase if you needed to go to the hospital". Lexie told Sarah.

Lexie and Kiara helped Sarah off of the ground and into her bed. Lexie then went into the kitchen and got Sarah so medicine. While she was in the kitchen Sarah and Kiara were talking. (Here's the conversation)
K:Sarah I hope you know that you scared me today.
S:I'm sorry Kie it's just I wanted to try and tough it out before I called you.
K:Well maybe next time at least let me or your own daughter know that you are feeling off  or sick.
S:Ok I will.
K:Hey did you tell Lexie our secret?

Right as Kiara said that Lexie had just walked into the room. And blurted out "what secret?"  "Mom what are you hiding from me?" Lexie asked  "umm I don't know if I should tell you.. but me and Aunt Kie are.... dating. I hope your not mad". Sarah said Lexie had a huge smile on her face and said "finally it took you guys forever to date. I even had a bet with Aunt Kie about it".
Sarah said "really Kie a bet with my own daughter." Kiara said "what I knew it was going to happen so it worked out in the end".  "I guess it did work out in the end". Sarah mockingly said. Kiara then said "I know I'm your girlfriend and all but can you please take a shower because you smell like puke". "She's not wrong Mom". Lexie chimed in. Sarah flipped both Kiara and Lexie off, and took a long needed shower. 

Hey y'all I hope you guys like this chapter but let me know your requests or anything like that.

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