Cleo,Sarah,& Kiara:the boys are alive!!

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Context:It's been a year and a half since the previous one shot. Kiara had Saylor who is now one years old. All the girls have been hearing rumors that the boys are alive let's see if there true. Kiara ended up getting a small house for her and Saylor. Cleo and Sarah just go over there a lot.

"Kie can you grab Saylor's hairbow." Sarah said. "Yea hold on." Kiara said. "hawrbow" Saylor said. "Yea mommy's gonna bring it to you." Sarah said. "Mama" Saylor said as she saw Kiara giving Sarah the bow. "Hi baby" Kiara said. Cleo walked into the living room with her computer. "Look what I found" Cleo said. Cleo showed Kiara and Sarah her computer. "It says the guys have been found alive" Cleo said. "Dada" Saylor said. "Yes that's dada." Kiara said. "Dada hwme." Saylor said. "Dada is not home yet but he might come home." Kiara said. Sarah finished putting the hairbow in Saylors hair she let Saylor play with her toys. "Play with me Auwtie Cleo." Saylor said as she grabbed Cleo's hand. Cleo got up and walked over to where Saylor had all of her toys. "House" Saylor said as she handed Cleo her magnets. Cleo built Saylor a little house and watched her destroy it. "Say say snack time" Kiara called out. Saylor ran into the kitchen and saw Kiara holding a bowl of grapes. "Apes apes" Saylor said over and over. "Eat your grapes while mommy talks with Auntie Sarah and Cleo." Kiara said. Kiara, Sarah, and Cleo walked into the living room and looked at what Cleo's computer said. "Do you guys really think there alive?" Sarah said. "I don't know I mean when we got into the accident we never even once saw their bodies." Cleo said. "Yea but maybe theirs a chance that they are alive." Kiara said.

The guys pov
"We need to find out where they are." Pope said. "No shit Sherlock." JJ said. "Do you think they forgot about us." John B asked. "Nah they couldn't have." JJ said. JJ, John B, and Pope walked and found an abandoned golf cart. "Should we?" Pope said. "We should" John B said. John B got into the drivers seat while Pope and JJ got into the back. "Let's go find our girls" John B said. John B started driving the golf cart and looked at all the houses to see if they could find any clues on where the girls might be.

The girls pov
"Mommy wook" Saylor said as she pointed at the golf cart outside. "Holy shit" Kiara said as she looked out the window. "Is that" Sarah said. "The boys?" Cleo chimed in. "I think it is." Kiara said. "Daddy?" Saylor said. "Maybe Say say." Kiara said. Then there was a knock at the door. All the girls gathered around the door made sure they looked somewhat decent and opened the door. "JJ Pope John B" All the girls said. "You guys are alive?" John B said. "You guys are too" Cleo said. "Mommy" Saylor said as she held her arms up ready to be picked up. Kiara picked her up and moved out of the way so the guys could walk in. "Is she mine?" JJ asked. "Yes" Kiara said. "Daddy up" Saylor said. Saylor started moving around trying to make Kiara put her down. "Saylor cut it out" Kiara said. "Kiara let me hold her for a second." JJ said. "Fine she might need a diaper change." Kiara said. Pope gave a Cleo and huge hug while John B did the same with Sarah. "JJ go give Kiara a hug or something." Pope said. "I can't" JJ said. "Why" Saylor said. "Because I don't know if mommy wants a hug or for me to leave." JJ said. "JJ she doesn't want you to leave." Sarah said. "How do you know" JJ said. "Because she doesn't stop writing letters about you." Sarah said. "And she wears your shirts every night especially when she misses you a lot." Cleo said. "Now go see her." Sarah said. "Tell her we're leaving too" Cleo said. JJ just gave a thumbs up while Saylor started dozing off on JJ's shoulder. "Alright kid let's go bring you to mommy." JJ said.

JJ walked upstairs and saw Kiara's room door open. "You alright mama?" JJ said. "Yea" Kiara said as she wiped her tears away. "That's a lie" JJ said. "Not it's not" Kiara said as her voice started to break. JJ placed Saylor onto Kiara's bed and sat next to Kiara. "How are you not dead?" Kiara cried. "Because we were all living in this persons house and she helped us find you guys." JJ said. "Did you even think to give us a sign." Kiara said. "I wanted to but I was scared you wouldn't believe that it was me" JJ said. Kiara got up and took Saylor into her room so she could change her diaper. "Kie can we talk about this please?" JJ said. "What is there to talk about?" Kiara said. Kiara finished changing Saylor's diaper and took her into her room. Kiara placed Saylor in her crib and shut the door. "Kie please listen to me." JJ said. "JJ just leave me" Kiara said as she was cut off by JJ kissing her. "I've missed that." Kiara said. "Me too" JJ said. Kiara and JJ kept kissing and it went further than they thought. Let's just say Kiara and JJ had a fun time while Saylor was sleeping. Oh so did Sarah and Cleo.

Here's part two to the Cleo,Sarah,and Kiara oneshot lmk if yall like it.

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