Jiara:Your cutting yourself why?

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Context:Kiara has a daughter named Isabella who's 14. She's been having some mental health problems lately especially after her friend Sam committed. TW:Mentions of self harming and suicide. Kiara and JJ are married in this but they had a fight recently so JJ was staying in a hotel to try and ease some of the tension.

It was two am and Isabella was in the bathroom holding her broken razor blade. "It's all my fault Sam's dead." Isabella whispered to herself. Isabella took her razor and slid it across her wrists. After she saw the blood drip onto the floor she walked out of the bathroom and went back to her room. Kiara had heard Isabella go back to her room so she went into Isabella's room. "Belly you ok?" Kiara asked. Isabella didn't answer since she was crying. "It's all my fault." Isabella sobbed. "What's your fault?" Kiara asked. "Sam killing himself. I was the last person he talked to before he died." Isabella sobbed. "It's not your fault honey." Kiara said as she sat next to her. "But his mom and his entire family have been bashing me since I could have prevented him from doing it." Isabella said. "I'll talk to them later. Just try and get some sleep ok." Kiara said as she gave Isabella a kiss on her forehead. "Mom can you stay with me just until I fall asleep." Isabella asked. "Sure" Kiara said. Kiara got into Isabella's bed and laid next to her. They both fell asleep and when Isabella got up she saw that Kiara had left. "Mom" Isabella called out. Isabella was walking around the house when she was Kiara holding her three blades covered in her dried blood. "Isabella Madison Carrera." Kiara said. "Mom I those are from a year ago." Isabella said. "Let me see your wrists." Kiara said. "No." Isabella said. "Isabella Madison." Kiara said. Kiara went over to Isabella and grabbed her wrists. "Get your damn hands off of me." Isabella yelled. Isabella elbowed Kiara in her stomach and went into the bathroom. "Isabella you can't hide in the bathroom forever." Kiara said. Isabella was sitting on the bathroom floor crying. Isabella grabbed her phone and called JJ. "Come on dad pick up." Isabella whispered.
I:Dad can you come over please
JJ:Sure but why are you crying
I:I yelled at mom just come over please
JJ:I'll be there in five minutes
JJ:I love you
I:I love you too

Isabella hung up the phone and continued to cry into her knees. "Belly open the door please." Kiara said. "Not until dad gets here." Isabella hiccuped. Kiara just went to go sit down on the couch since Isabella wasn't gonna come out of the bathroom. "Hey Kie where is she?" JJ asked as he walked in. "In the bathroom." Kiara said while holding her stomach. "Did she hit you?" JJ said. "She elbowed me I'll be fine." Kiara said. "You didn't puke or anything did you?" JJ asked. "No but I feel like it. She's really strong when it comes to fighting." Kiara said. "Go by the sink while I try to get Isabella out of the bathroom." JJ said. Kiara went over by the sink while JJ went by the bathroom. "Bells can you come out here please." JJ asked. "Only if mom doesn't try to grab my wrists again." Isabella said. "I won't now get out here." Kiara said. Isabella came out of the bathroom holding her wrists. "Belly let me see." Kiara said. "Promise me you won't freak out." Isabella said. "We won't now show us." JJ said. Isabella slid her sleeves up and showed her wrists. Isabella had old and new cuts on her wrists and scars from her old ones. Kiara and JJ were shock when they saw them it was to the point Kiara had to walk out of the room. "Dad say something please." Isabella said. "You're cutting yourself why?" JJ said. "I don't know I mean it just felt better." Isabella whispered. Kiara came back into the room and hugged Isabella. "When did this start?" Kiara asked. "When a few girls at school found out you almost slit your wrists when you went to the kook academy." Isabella said. "Who told the school." Kiara asked. "James's mom." Isabella said. "That's doesn't explain why you are doing this." JJ said. "It just made me feel better ok." Isabella yelled. Isabella went back into her room and just cried. "Belly please just come out here so we can talk." Kiara said. Isabella came out of her room holding another blade. "Bells hand me the blade." JJ said. Isabella handed JJ and Kiara her left over blades and then broke down on the floor. "Come here Belly." Kiara said. Kiara rubbed Isabella's back and gave her a kiss on her forehead. "Mom don't be mad." Isabella said. "I'm not mad I just wish you would've told us." Kiara said. "I didn't want you guys to be mad at me." Isabella said. Isabella got up and rolled her sleeves back down. "I'll be in my room if you need me." Isabella said. Isabella went back to her room while Kiara and JJ just sat out in the living room. "What are we gonna do Kie." JJ said. "I don't know I want to help her but we have to start slow." Kiara said. "So we should get her a calendar so she can mark off the days she's been self-harm free." JJ said. "We can." Kiara said.

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