Kiara and Gracie Maybank Pt3

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Setting:takes place in JJ's and Kiara's house. Context:It's been four years since Kiara and JJ gained full custody of Gracie and had there daughter Eloise who is now four years old.  JJ also went on a trip with the Military so he hasn't been home since Gracie's birthday.

It was 8:00am and Gracie was peacefully sleeping until she heard Eloise come into her room and lay next to her. "Umm Eloise what are you doing why aren't you in your own bed?" Gracie said. "I heard something from Mommy and Daddy's room and it scared me". Eloise said. "Oh El did you knock on the door to see if they were ok?" Gracie asked. "Yea it sounded like Mommy was crying". Eloise said. "Ok I'll go check on her and can you grab my phone just incase Mommy is hurt". Gracie said. Eloise grabbed Gracie's phone off of her nightstand and they both walked towards Kiara's room.

Gracie knocked on the door and waited for Kiara to say anything. "Kie are you ok? Eloise is really worried about you so could you open the door or let me know if your ok". Gracie said. There was no answer so Gracie slowly turned the doorknob and opened the door slowly. Gracie and Eloise both walked in and saw Kiara sitting with her knees to her chest. "Why is mommy crying Gracie?" Eloise asked. "I'm not sure El maybe she misses daddy". Gracie said. "Eloise I have to to talk to Gracie alone. So how about you go play with your magnets ok". Kiara said.  "Ok mommy I'm gonna build a big tower." Eloise said.

"Kiara your scaring me what is going on?" Gracie said. "You know how JJ went on the emergency trip on your birthday last month." Kiara said. "Yea but what does that have to do with anything". Gracie said. "Well um yesterday while you and Eloise were at school his sergeant came by and told me that he um you know didn't make it back to the camp". Kiara said before she started crying. "Wait he's dead". Gracie said. "Well the sergeant said he was MIA". Kiara said. "Kiara Anna Maybank TELL ME YOU ARE LYING TO ME RIGHT NOW!" Gracie yelled.

"Gracie calm down everyone from his camp has been looking for him. They will update us when they have news about him". Kiara said. "Daddy's missing when is he coming back". Eloise said while she was peaking her head through the door.
"El what are you doing your suppose to be playing in your room". Kiara said. "I didn't want to play anymore I wanted to make sure you were ok Mommy". Eloise said. "Oh come here". Kiara said as she was lifting Eloise up onto her bed.

"It's ok Mommy. Daddy's gonna come back and then we all can go to the beach just like he promised." Eloise said. "We sure can bubs". Gracie said. The three of them got up and went into the kitchen so Kiara could make them some breakfast. Right as she got the stuff out to make pancakes she heard a knock at the door. "Gracie take Eloise and go hide NOW!" Kiara said. Gracie grabbed Eloise and took her into room and they both hid inside her closet. Kiara ran to her and JJ's room and grabbed the gun her and JJ had just incase if anything happened to her while he was gone. Kiara had he gun hidden in her in pajama pants pocket and she looked through the peephole and saw a man who looked like JJ but she wasn't sure.

She slowly opened the door and the man said "Is this the Maybank residents?" "Umm yes it is. How can I help you sir?" Kiara said. "Umm I'm here to tell you that there is a certain someone here to see you". The man said. "Can you give me one second I need to grab my kids". Kiara said. "Oh sure I'll tell the someone to wait a little bit". The man said. "Gracie Eloise it's safe to come out now ok." Kiara said. "Are you sure Kie". Gracie said. "I'm sure". Kiara said. Gracie came out with Eloise in her arms. "Who was at the door mommy". Eloise asked. "It was one of daddy's co-workers he said there's someone waiting for us outside". Kiara said. "Is it Daddy/JJ". Gracie and Eloise said at the same time. "Let's go find out then". Gracie said.

Kiara opened the door and told the man she was ready to see the certain someone. "Gracie I'm nervous what if it's not Daddy?" Eloise whispered. "It's ok El I'm nervous too but we just have to see what the surprise is. Maybe it's a ice cream sundae bar". Gracie said. "That would be cool". Eloise said with excitement. "Hate to break it to you but it doesn't look like a sundae bar." Kiara said. "Aww man". Gracie and Eloise said. JJ's coworkers finally took the three girls over to where the certain someone was waiting for them. "Ok the certain someone is now ready for you to see them". The man said. 

"Bring the ladies around soldiers". The man said. The ladies were brought around they all were holding hands and had blindfolds on. "Mommy where can I take my blindfold off it's itchy". Eloise said. "She's not wrong Kie it is very itchy." Gracie said. "You may take the blindfolds off now". JJ said. "JJ/Daddy". Eloise and Gracie said  at the same time. "How are my girls". JJ said. Kiara couldn't believe her eyes. JJ walked up to her and gave her a big hug. "I missed you so much". Kiara sobbed. "Hey well I'm home now and I'm not going on anymore trips or anything I've done enough so now we can all go on our beach trip." JJ said. All of JJ's old co-workers left and Gracie and Eloise started playing on the trampoline.

"Look daddy I can do a back flip". Eloise said. "Please be careful El". Kiara said. "Relax Kie she's a maybank". JJ said. Eloise showed JJ her backflip and he was surprised. "Kie we need to sign her up for gymnastics we might have a little olympian in the making". JJ said. "Hey what about me? "I'll sign you up for dance since you are pretty good at it". Kiara said. "Thanks Kie". Gracie said. "Come on girls it's time to go eat". Kiara said. "Ok can we have chocolate chip waffles please". Gracie asked. "Sure and a fruit salad".  "Kie why are you being all healthy". "Because I want the girls to be healthy. But they can put whipped cream on it and that's it". Kiara said. "Man you are such a mom Kie". JJ said. "JJ the waffle maker isn't working I think it broken". Gracie said. "I just brought that waffle maker two months ago how did you break it?" Kiara said. "Umm I don't know it just isn't working I'll buy you a new one." Gracie said. "I'll just make pancakes G don't touch anything else". JJ said.

"Ok come Eloise lets go finish our movie." Gracie said. "Ok but I want to sit in the middle this time." Eloise stated. "Fine but I'm gonna get the biggest pancake when JJ'S done making them". Gracie said. "That's not fair. Mommy she's trying to get the bigger pancake". Eloise whined. "El Gracie is older than you so she gets the bigger pancake end of discussion". Kiara said. Eloise frowned while Gracie whispered "I'll split the pancake with you don't worry." Eloise smiled and continued watching the movie they were watching the night before.

"Hey JJ I'm glad your back for good. And I think the girls are happy too." Kiara said. "I'm glad I'm back too and we can finally go on our surfing trip. But the girls can come to." JJ said. "Yea I think they would like that a lot". Kiara said. "Girls the pancakes are done." JJ called out. "Gracie was already starting to get up off the couch. "Hey Eloise last one to the table is a rotten egg." Gracie yelled. "What no fair you started running to the table before me." Eloise said. "Hey no fighting please". Kiara said. "Fine you can have half of the big pancake Eloise." Gracie whined. "Yea thanks G". Eloise cheered. "Your welcome El". Gracie said. For the rest of the day the Maybank family relaxed,played,and hung out all day.

Hey guys let me know how you like this chapter of Kiara and Gracie series. Let me know if you have any requests. (They can be oneshots,sickfics,or family oneshots and sickfics)

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