Jiara:"The flu"

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Setting:takes place in Kies and JJ Apartment

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Setting:takes place in Kies and JJ Apartment. TW: mentions of puking

JJ had woken up to the sun beaming through the curtains. He was about to give Kiara a kiss on the cheek,but her spot on the bed was empty. He quickly called her name and at first he heard silence then he heard Kie quietly yell his name from the bathroom. JJ quickly grabbed a cup of water and ran to the bathroom. The second he got into the bathroom he saw Kie sitting on the floor next too the toilet. Kiara's face was red and covered in sweat. JJ said "oh babe you look horrible". Kie looked at him and said "oh thanks I didn't know I was suppose to look gorgeous when I'm puking out my insides". JJ quickly said "sorry babe I didn't mean it". Kiara was about to get up from the floor but she ended up getting really dizzy. JJ noticed and he caught her before she passed out.

Kiara said "thanks. Can I have some water please". JJ said "sure but let me take your temperature real quick". JJ grabbed to thermometer out of the cabinet and scanned her forehead. The thermometer made a loud beep and read 101.6 degrees. "Kie you have a bad fever" JJ said. Kie said "I know but I feel fine. Now if you'll excuse me I need to get ready,I promised Sarah we would hangout today". JJ looked at Kiara and gave her a kiss on her forehead and said "maybe you and Sarah can hangout another time. Because right now you can't even stand up on your own". Kie said "I can too stand up on my own." JJ said "if you can stand up without me holding you up I'll let you hangout with Sarah. If you can't then you have to stay here and let me take care of you." Kiara annoyingly said "fine".

Kie tried to stand up on her own without JJ's help,but she failed and fell into JJ's arms. I'll tell Sarah we can't hangout today." Kie stated "ok let's go sit on the couch". JJ said as he picked Kiara up from the bathroom floor. JJ placed Kie onto the couch and placed her favorite blanket on top of her. Kiara ended turning on a movie while she was laying down. JJ was making her some chicken noodle soup. Once the soup was finished he poured it into a bowl he gave her the bowl and he sat down next to her. While Kiara was eating her soup she felt her stomach churn and saliva filling her mouth. She quickly ran to the bathroom and emptied her stomach into the toilet.

JJ ran after Kiara and held her hair back while she puked into after every breathe she took. JJ whispered into her ear "it's ok I'm right here". Over and over until she finally stopped puking. When she had stopped puking JJ helped her up from the floor and sat her on top of the toilet seat and gave her some mouthwash so she could get the taste of puke out of her mouth. Kiara ended up slowly walking back to the couch and started sobbing. JJ sat next to her and gave her a huge hug. He asked what was wrong and she showed him her positive pregnancy test.

JJ looked at Kiara and then back at the test,he started jumping for joy and started sobbing. JJ asked "when did you take this test Kie?" Kiara said "3 mouths ago. I hope your not mad." JJ said "Mad why I would be mad. Im thrilled I'm gonna be a dad and your gonna be a mom. Which is amazing". Kiara said" I'm glad your not mad.. Also we're having a girl". JJ screamed "Oh yeah baby this is the best day ever". Kiara started laughing and gave JJ a kiss on his cheek. Kiara then said "I guess having the "flu" was a great way to tell your boyfriend that your pregnant". JJ said "I guess so". Then he gave her a little peck on the lips and grabbed his things so he could go to the store and buy some baby clothes for soon to be daughter.

I hope you all like this and the little twist I added let me know if you want a part 2. ( If you do want a part 2 I would maybe do a time skip where Kiara has the baby or a few years after the baby is born.) Just let me know what you guys want.

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