Jarah:Finding Emily

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Context in the last Jarah oneshot Emily ran away after hearing something Sarah said about her. Now Sarah and John B have been looking for Emily for about a week.

"Does anyone know who this kid is?" A doctor said. "No one knows. With all the bruising on her face no one can tell we're just waiting on the DNA results to come back." Another doctor said. "This poor kid I would want to have my parents right by my side after being hit by a car." The doctor said. "She wasn't just hit by a car she also walked off and fell onto the side of a hiking trail." The front desk lady said. "That wasn't necessary Mira." The doctor said. "Sorry Paul." Mira said. "The results are back." A nurse said. "Don't just stand there open them." Paul said. "Emily Routledge. She's that girl who went missing is Outerbanks how the heck did she get all the way out here?" The nurse said. "I don't know but let's call for a helicopter to bring her back." Paul said. The front desk lady called for a helicopter to bring Emily back to Outerbanks. "The helicopter will be here in an hour." The front desk lady said. "Ok let's get her ready for transportation." Paul said. The doctors started getting Emily ready for the helicopter to pick her up. When the helicopter arrived Emily had woken up. "Mmm what happened?" Emily said. "You were hit by a car a few days ago and you were in a coma. We're flying you back to Outerbanks right now." The paramedic said. "I don't want to go back there let me off." Emily said. "Emily that is your home why don't you want to go back." The paramedic said. "I want to see my Aunt." Emily said. "You can't go see her at the moment." The paramedic said. "Why not?" Emily said. "Because I'm your Aunt. I'm your Aunt Willow or as your mom would call me Wheezie." Wheezie said. "You're a paremedic?" Emily said. "Yes I've been one for the past 5 years your mom didn't tell you?" Wheezie said. "No she didn't." Emily said as she looked away from Wheezie. "Emmy you're staying with your parents." Wheezie said. "No I want to stay with you." Emily said. "Why?" Wheezie said. "Because I'm scared of my own dad and it's making mom feel horrible." Emily said before she started crying. "Hey we're here prepare her for arrival. The pilot said. Wheezie prepared Emily for her arrival at the hospital. When Wheezie rolled Emily out of the helicopter Sarah was the nurse who was there there to help Emily. Sarah looked at Wheezie and then she wheeled Emily inside. "Wow your sister must not like you." The pilot said. "Shut your damn mouth Hayden." Wheezie said as she went inside. Hayden just went inside and then left since his car was parked outside. "Oh my god Wheezie is that you?" Kiara said. "Hey Kie" Wheezie said as she just stood there. "You have really grown how's work been?" Kiara said. "It's been good I mean except the fact I just worked on my own niece. And my sister doesn't even want to acknowledge me. But other than that everything's been fine how's Isabella?" Wheezie said. "She's good she's got a newborn and two year old but she's handling things pretty well." Kiara said. "She had a baby tell her congrats and if she needs diapers or anything I can totally get her some." Wheezie said. "I'll let her know I think JB is here." Kiara said. "I came as quickly as I could. Hey Wheezie... Wheezie what are you doing here?" John B said. "She was the paramedic who was with Emily." Kiara said. "Oh is she ok?" John B said. "I'll tell you in the waiting room come on." Wheezie said. Kiara said bye to Wheezie and then went back to work while Wheezie and John B went to go sit down in the waiting room.

"Emily you're just going to need a lot of rest before we send you home." The doctor said. "My head hurts." Emily said. "It most likely because of your concussion but I can have some tests done on you just to be sure." The doctor said. "Can my mom be in there?" Emily asked. "She can or Kiara can if you'd like." The doctor said. "Ok" Emily said. The doctors got Emily prepped for her test and when she went in she only saw Kiara and not Sarah. Once her test was finished she was sent back to her room. "Emmy I got you something to eat I don't know if you can have this but I got you a sandwich and some soup." John B said. "Thanks dad." Emily said. "I'll just leave it here I'm gonna go back out into the waiting room." John B said. "You can stay." Emily said. John B stayed and him and Emily started talking to one another. Then Sarah walked in. "Hey I'm" Sarah said as she was cutoff by Emily throwing her empty cup at her. "Emily I'm sorry I couldn't come to your test I had to help your Aunt." Sarah said. "You didn't even ask Aunt Kie if everything went ok." Emily said. "Emmy let's just calm down." John B said. "Emily I'm sorry I had to make sure your Aunts cut wasn't infected." Sarah said. "It's true Emmy." Wheezie said as she came out from behind Sarah. "I got a cut a few days ago and I thought it was infected." Wheezie said. Emily just started crying and that's when Kiara came into the room. "Everyone out your stressing her out." Kiara said. "Kie she's my daughter." Sarah said. "Out now." Kiara said. Everyone got out of the room and Kiara just rubbed Emily's back and gave her some water. "I called Isabella she's on her way with Charlotte and Skyler." Kiara said. "What" Emily said. "Emmy you need her right now and she needs you." Kiara said. Emily was coughing a lot from crying then she threw up. "Emmy you feel ok?" Kiara said. "I think it's from the medicine I've been having and I haven't eaten in almost a week since I was in a coma." Emily said as she wiped her mouth. "My face is gonna be ok right?" Emily said. "Yes Em your bruises just have to heal." Kiara said. Isabella came in holding Charlottes hand and Skyler's carrier in her other. "Emmy"Charlotte said. "Hey Char char." Emily said. "How's my little Sky Sky." Kiara said. "She needs a diaper change so could you be the best mom ever and change her." Isabella said. "Yea" Kiara said as she took the diaper bag and the baby carrier. "What the hell is in this bag?" Kiara said. "Stuff for Charlotte too." Isabella said. Kiara took Skylar to the bathroom when Charlotte followed her. "My mom told me you got hit by a car. You sure you're ok?" Isabella said. "My body really hurts but i should be fine. That's what your mom said. I wish she was my mom." Emily said. "Your mom is just as good as mine." Isabella said. "Your mom has just been nervous ever since you ran away again." Isabella said. "I just wanted to see Aunt Wheezie." Emily said. "I know but you should've told your mom before you went." Isabella said. "Well I didn't want to and now she probably hates me." Emily said. "She doesn't hate you she just wants you to be protected. It literally took me 20 minutes to convince my dad to let me leave the house to come see you. He's been up my ass ever since we got back but I love him so I can't be upset." Isabella said. "Well that's your dad I couldn't even look at my dad without getting scared. So maybe I shouldn't go home." Emily said. "Emmy you should go back home with your mom and dad." Kiara said as she came back into the room. "But my mom hates me." Emily said. "No I don't." Sarah said as she was holding Skyler. Emily just looked away from Sarah as Isabella took Skyler back. "I'm gonna go I'll see you later ok." Isabella said as she picked up Charlotte. "Ok" Emily said. Isabella walked out and Sarah just sat next to Emily. "Emmy I'm sorry that I made you feel that way." Sarah said. Emily just laid down and tried her best to ignore Sarah. "Emmy" Sarah said. Emily just sat up and cried. "Mom" Emily sobbed. "I'm here." Sarah said as she comforted Emily. "Emmy why are you crying?" John B said as he walked in. Emily just kept crying when Sarah took a look at her body. "I think the pain from her getting hit is starting to come back since she was in that coma for four days." Sarah said. John B went over and gave Emily a hug. John B let go and left for the night while Sarah just waited till Emily fell asleep to leave.

Here's part two of Emily's story lmk if yall have any requests!!

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