Sarah's little sister

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Context:Sarah has a little sister who is two years younger than her. Her little sisters name is Mia and she had already met the pouges before. Her and Sarah got into a really bad fight so they both decided to stay in separate houses to cool off a little bit.

"Mia Cameron what the hell are you doing." Sarah yelled. "Umm Kie said we should talk things out." Mia said. "Well I'm not in the mood to talk right now". "Oh ok I'll see you later then". Mia said as she ran off. Kiara noticed Mia was crying as she ran off so she decided to chase after her while John B decided to talk to Sarah. "Sarah that was extremely rude you know." John B said. "So she was the one who called me a piece of shit and said I was the worst sister ever." Sarah stated. "I get that but that doesn't mean you have to ignore her apology." John B said. "Well I did if she wants to apologize to me she can swing by the house later and apologize." Sarah said and walked away. "Sarah wait". John B said as he chased after Sarah. "Forget about it John B". Sarah yelled.

"Mia wait". Kiara said. Mia just stopped running and just fell into Kiara's arms. "I'm a horrible sister aren't I?" Mia sobbed. "Oh no sisters fight all the time. That doesn't make you a horrible sister or person for that matter." Kiara said. "Are you sure?" Mia said. "Yes I'm sure Mia now let's head back to your sister." Kiara said as they both walked back. "Kie can I ask you something?" Mia asked Kiara. "Sure what is it?" Kiara said. "Do you think Sarah is gonna actually accept my apology?" Mia asked. "Mia you have to figure that out for yourself alright". Kiara said. "Ok but if she doesn't I'll just keep my distance like always." Mia said.

"Sarah you need to hear Mia out she's trying to apologize to you why can't you understand that". John B said. "Fine I'll let her apologize to me if it will get you to shut up". Sarah said. "Fine with me". John b said.  John B walked with Sarah back to her house while they waited for Kiara and Mia to stop by.

"Hey Kiara can we stop by the store real quick". Mia said. "Sure I'm guessing your trying to buy Sarah's forgiveness back with her favorite snacks". Kiara said. "Yea I hope it works". Mia said. "I think Sarah should forgive you without snacks". Kiara said. "Fine we can just go to Sarah's house the so I can apologize to her in front of you and whoever else might be there." Mia said.

Kiara pulled up to Sarah's house and waited for Mia to get out of the car. "Mia everything's gonna fine Sarah is gonna have to forgive you someday". Kiara said. "Your right she has to forgive me so I'm just gonna knock on the door and see what happens". Mia said. Mia and Kiara walked up to the front door. Kiara knocked on the door and John B opened the door. He welcomed them in and said "Sarah is in her room I'll go tell her you guys are here." John B said. "Ok thanks Jb". Mia said. "Sarah Kiara and Mia are here". John B said. "Ok I'm coming downstairs." Sarah said.

Sarah was walking downstairs and the second she saw Mia sitting on the couch she said " why is she here?" Sarah continued to walk towards the other side of the couch waited for John B to answer her. "Sarah I just want to say I'm sorry for  everything I said and I know that it it really hurt your feeling but if you can't forgive me it's ok". Mia said. "Mia I forgive you I do but I can't keep dealing with your anger issues. You need find some way to relive your anger or not let it out on me". Sarah said.

"Yea I understand that but you still aren't mad right". Mia said. "No I'm not mad anymore but please just don't let your anger on me or any one of my friends for that matter." Sarah said. "Ok I promise". Mia said. Sarah and Mia both hugged each other while Kiara and John B were eating some of the chips Kiara had bought just incase Sarah didn't forgive Mia. "Hey are you guys eating the chips?" Mia said. "Are you talking about these chips". John B mocked. "Yes I am I was saving those for later". Mia whined. "Well we ate them so what are you gonna do about it?" John B said. "Oh you'll see Jb you'll see". Mia said. "You better watch out John B Mia will get her revenge and I mean she will". Kiara said. "Ok whatever". John B said. In the end Sarah,Kiara and Mia decided to watch a movie while John B had to sit outside in the rain. "Hey can I come back inside now it's cold out here". John B whined. "Not unless you buy me a new bag of chips." Mia said. John B then just flipped Mia off and sat back down on the porch.

Hey guys I hope you guys like this one and let me know your requests. (They can be oneshots/sickfics or family oneshots/sickfics)

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