Jarah:The worst case of the stomach flu and the flu

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Context:John B and Sarah have a ten year old daughter named Charlotte who's adopted and eight year old daughter named Emily. They're both really sick to the point Sarah and John B don't know what to do. Now they're both at home taking care of them.

It was about 3am everyone in the house was sleeping until Emily woke Charlotte up because she puked in the bathroom. "Char I threw up in the bathroom." Emily said. "Do you need to throw up again?" Charlotte asked. "I don't know but I don't want to wake up Mom and Dad." Emily said. "I'll go with you in the bathroom." Charlotte said. Charlotte and Emily tiptoed to the bathroom and they sat by the toilet. "I don't want to be sick anymore." Emily said. "I don't either but maybe we'll get better today." Charlotte said. "Hopefully." Emily said. Emily threw up into the toilet once again and Charlotte just held her hair back. "Emmy you want so water?" Charlotte said. "No" Emily cried. "What do you want." Charlotte said as she rubbed Emily's back. "I want mom but I don't want to wake her up." Emily cried. "I'm sure she won't mind." Charlotte said. "But she just went to sleep an hour ago." Emily said. John B had heard the girls voices from the bathroom so he went to go check on them. "Why aren't you two in bed?"
John B said as he turned on the big light in the bathroom. Emily threw up again in the toilet which made her cry even more. "Char you can go back to bed I'll stay here with your sister." John B said. "No I'm staying with her you go back to bed." Charlotte said. Charlotte was talking a little loud which woke up Sarah. "What's with this family meeting in the bathroom." Sarah said as she appeared in the doorway. "Emmys throwing up again." John B said. "Mom." Charlotte said as she held her arms out for Sarah. "Baby you are burning up. Do you want some water?" Sarah said as she gave Charlotte a hug. "No I want to stay with Emmy." Charlotte said. "You can stay with her but me and your dad are gonna get you both some medicine." Sarah said. "Ok." Charlotte said. Sarah and John B went downstairs to get the girls some water. "Emmy are you done puking?" Charlotte asked. "I think so." Emily said. Charlotte felt like she had to throw up so her and Emily switched spots. Charlotte threw up and immediately started crying. "It's ok Mom and Dad will be back soon." Emily said as she rubbed Charlotte's back. "I want Aunt Kie not Mom." Charlotte cried. "What why?" Emily said. "Aunt Kie is better than Mom she's nicer than her whenever we're sick." Charlotte cried. "But Mom is our Mom. That's just your fever talking." Emily said. "No I want Aunt Kie." Charlotte said. "Char Aunt Kie is on the phone if you want to talk to her." Sarah said as she gave Charlotte water. "No I want to see her." Charlotte said. "Honey you can wear the shirts Aunt Kie got you both from her surfing trip." Sarah said. "Mom give me the phone." Emily said. Sarah gave Emily the phone and placed it in front of Charlotte. "Aunt Kie is at her house see she's right next door." Emily said as she pointed at the background of the FaceTime call. "She can come over tomorrow?" Charlotte asked. "I'll stop by ok." Kiara said over the phone. "Ok." Charlotte said. Kiara hung up the phone so Emily gave it back to Sarah. "Let's get you two back to bed." Sarah said. Charlotte and Emily got up and walked with Sarah back to Emily's room. "Charlotte your ok with sleeping in here? Sarah asked. Charlotte just got into Emily's bed and then Sarah tucked them in. "I'll check on you guys later ok." Sarah said. "Ok" Charlotte said. Sarah shut the door and then went back to her room. "Are the girls doing better?" John B asked. "What do you think?" Sarah said. "Don't yell at me it's not my fault Charlotte likes Kie more than you maybe you should tell her the truth." John B said. "I'll tell her when she's not sick anymore." Sarah said. "Or have Kie tell her tomorrow." John B said.
"Can we stop talking about this please." Sarah said. "Well they need to find out the truth sooner or later." John B said. "We can tell them tomorrow ok." Sarah said as she started to get frustrated. "Ok I'm sorry I just think it's time for Charlotte to know." John B said. "I know." Sarah said as she gave John B a kiss. Sarah and John B went to sleep for the night.

Sarah and John B got out of bed and got ready for Kiara to come over. Charlotte and Emily came downstairs wrapped in blankets. "Hey you two want something to eat?" John B asked. The girls shook their heads no and laid down on the couch. "Sit up so you two can take your medicine." Sarah said. Emily and Charlotte slowly sat up and took their medicine when Kiara walked in with a box. "Why do you have a box?" Emily said. "It's for Charlotte." Kiara said. "What's in it?" Charlotte said. "Open it in your room." Kiara said. "Why in my room?" Charlotte said before she had a huge coughing fit. "Yea I wanna see what's in there." Emily said. Charlotte opened the box and it was a picture of Kiara in the hospital holding a baby. "Is that me?" Charlotte asked. "Yea" Kiara whispered. "You're my real mom?" Charlotte said. Charlotte got up and threw the stuff on the floor. "Charlotte wait." Emily said as she followed her. "How could you not tell me." Charlotte said. "I we were going to tell you but." Sarah said as she was cutoff by Charlotte running to the bathroom. Sarah was going to follow but she thought it would be better if Kiara went and check in Charlotte instead. "Charlotte honey are you ok?" Kiara said as she knocked on the bathroom door. Charlotte opened the door and just fell into Kiara's arms. "Sarah" Kiara said. Sarah was a little busy with a puking Emily to even look over at Kiara. "Mom I don't feel good." Charlotte said. Kiara just rubbed Charlottes back as she hugged her.

Here's another oneshot let me know if I should do another part to this or another oneshot with Charlotte and Kiara... there is one more thing I should say Charlotte isn't Charlottes real name. Guess what her real name is..

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