Jarah:Kitty Hawk

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Context:John B and Sarah have two daughters named Emily and Charlotte. Charlotte is 16 and Emily is 13 anyways they got sent to Kitty hawk which has been drugging kids so now they are stuck there until Sarah and John B save them. Btw Sarah is a registered nurse.

Emily was holding Charlottes hair back as she was throwing up on the floor. "Emmy" Charlotte slurred. "Yea?" Emily said. "You're pretty" Charlotte slurred. "Thank you. Your fever is getting worse I need to call mom so we can get out of here." Emily said. "Phone over there." Charlotte slurred. "I know but I can't get up because of my legs." Emily said. Emily had been drugged with a numbing drug so she can't feel her legs. Charlotte had been drugged with a drug that makes her act like she drunk but with flu symptoms at the same time. "Char how many times are you going to throw up." Emily said as she held Charlotte's hair again. "Hey your parents are here to pick you guys up since your both to sick to do any work." A consular said. "Have them come in." Emily said. "They are you little bitch." The consular said. "Asshole." Emily whispered. "Emily Charlotte are you guys ok?" Sarah said as she ran in. "Watch out Char's puke is everywhere." Emily said. "Daddy" Charlotte slurred. John B picked up Charlotte bridal style and Sarah gave Emily a piggy back ride then quickly got them out of there. "Mom what took you guys so long?" Emily asked. "Every time I called they would just say you guys were fine and if we looked for you both. They were gonna kill you guys." Sarah said. "How long has your sister been puking?" John B asked. "Two hours she can't keep anything down. Let alone speak a full sentence." Emily said. "Daddy look funny." Charlotte slurred. John B placed Charlotte in the backseat and buckled her seatbelt. Sarah did the same Emily and then she got into the passenger seat. "Do you know what they drugged you both with?" Sarah asked. "I don't know but they gave Char something that makes her act like she's drunk." Emily said. "We see that." Sarah said. Charlotte ended up passing out on Emily's shoulder just from the fact her body was so exhausted from vomiting for over two hours. "Mom Charlotte passed out." Emily said. "We're almost to the hospital just make sure she's breathing." Sarah said. "She is but she's really hot." Emily said. "Take her shirt off." Sarah said. Emily tired to take Charlotte's shirt off but she couldn't since John B had slammed on the brakes. "John B what the hell." Sarah said. "We're here." John B whispered. "Sarah what are you doing here?" Kiara asked. "Char and Emmy got sent to Kitty Hawk and now they're both drugged." Sarah said. "You wanna go with Char I'll take John B and Emmy." Kiara said. "Alright I'll just have to put my scrubs on." Sarah said. "Ok just clock in so you get paid." Kiara said. "I know." Sarah said as she ran inside.

"Aunt Kie you're working today?" Emily said. "Yep." Kiara said as she lifted Emily up. "Charlottes gonna be ok right?" Emily asked. "Yea the same thing happened with Bailey and Eloise they were fine after a few days." Kiara said. "So I'm gonna be —" Emily said right as she puked on the sidewalk. "Emmy" John B said as he pulled her hair back. "Bring her inside while I tell the secretary to call the janitor." Kiara said as she handed Emily over. Kiara went inside while John B carried Emily inside. "Bring her over here." Kiara said. John B went into the room where Kiara was and he placed Emily down. "JB can you leave for a few minutes so I can examine her." Kiara said. "Sure" John B said. John B walked out. "I want mom" Emily said. "She's with Charlotte right now." Kiara said. "I'll hold your hand if you want." Kiara said. "Just when they give me the shot." Emily said. Kiara held Emily's hand while another nurse gave her a shot. "That wasn't so bad was it." Kiara said. "No but I'm kinda tired." Emily said. Kiara gestured for John B to come back into the room so he could lay with Emily. "What did you give her?" John B whispered. "Melatonin and the drug that wears off the numbing drug." Kiara said. "It's the same thing we gave Eloise so she could calm down." Kiara said. "So I'll just lay with her until—" John B said as he waited for Kiara to finish. "She wakes up or she pukes." Kiara said. Kiara walked out of the room and saw Sarah covered in puke. "Let me guess Char puked again." Kiara said as she laughed. "Yea but I got her to sleep which is good I guess." Sarah said. "Emily's asleep so they should be fine within a few days." Kiara said. "Thank god." Sarah said. "Go change you smell like puke." Kiara said. "Screw you." Sarah said as she walked away.

Here's another Jarah oneshot hope yall like it and go read my book Home if you haven't already.

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