Jarah & Jiara:Family Beach day (or so they thought)

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Context:Sarah and John B have a 7 year old daughter named Claire while JJ and Kie also have a 7 year old daughter named Eloise. Claire and Eloise are best friends and all of them are staying in a beach house they bought for the summer. TW: Mentions of puking

"El CC wake up." Sarah and Kiara said. Both Claire and Eloise were still sleeping so Kiara and Sarah sent in the big guns to come wake them up. John B and JJ walked inside of the girls room,picked them up and dropped them onto the couch. The girls still didn't wake up which was shocking. "Girls." Sarah said as her and Kiara walked over to the couch. "Hey bubs wake up." Kiara said to Eloise while Sarah said "CC wake up." The girls finally woke up but when they woke up the girls felt off. "Mommy I don't feel good." Eloise said as she laid down on Kiara's chest. "I don't feel good either Mama." Claire said. "You both do feel a little warm." Kiara said as she felt both of the girls forehead. "Look like we are gonna have to postpone our beach day boys." Sarah said. "What!! We had our whole day planned." JJ said. "Yea me and JJ we're gonna go surfing while you guys play in the sand." John B said. "Well you guys can still go to the beach if you want to but we'll be staying here with the girls." Sarah said as she lifted Claire up off of the couch. "We can't go to the beach without you guys." JJ said. "Daddy you can go to the beach." Eloise said. "Yea Daddy you can go to the beach too." Claire said. "Are you girls sure?" JJ and John B asked. "We're sure but you have to ask Mommy too." Eloise said. "Can we go please?" The guys asked. "Yes just go but come back before it gets dark." Kiara said to JJ. "Same to you John B Sarah yelled from the kitchen.

"Come let's go." John B said as he opened the door. "Alright see you guys later." JJ said. "Bye guys." Kiara and Sarah said. "Mommy." Claire yelled. "Hold on I'm coming." Sarah yelled back. Sarah ran to Claire and saw a big puddle of vomit on the floor. Right behind Claire was Eloise rubbing her back and holding her hair. "Kie get in here." Sarah called out. "I'm coming." Kiara said. Kiara walked in and saw they same thing Sarah had just seen. "Maybe we shouldn't have sent the boys to the beach." Kiara said. "Yea maybe." Sarah said. "I'll get the mop." Sarah said. "And I'll take the girls into the bathroom." Sarah said. Sarah and Kiara then went onto doing what they said they were going to do. "Auntie Kie my tummy hurts." Claire said. "I know CC." Kiara said as she rubbed Claire's stomach. "Mommy my tummy hurts too." Eloise whined. "El are you just saying that because Claire said that or—-." Kiara said right as she was cut off by Eloise vomiting into the toilet. Clarie ended up vomiting into the trash can right next to the sink. "Sarah I need some help in here." Kiara called out. "I'm coming I just finished cleaning up the puke that was in the girls room." Sarah said as she walked into the bathroom. "Mama." Claire said very weak. "Oh CC I'm here now." Sarah said as she started to rub Claire's back. "Girls do you two want to get up and go in the living room or stay here." Kiara asked.

The girls didn't respond so Sarah and Kiara slowly picked them up and took them to the living room. Sarah and Kiara placed the girls next to each other on the couch and then went into the kitchen to grab them some medicine. "We should have some medicine in this cabinet somewhere." Kiara said while rummaging through the cabinet. "Maybe we can ask JJ and John B to get some." Sarah said. "Yea I'll call John B." Sarah said. "I'll call JJ." Kiara said. Kiara and Sarah called their husband's and told them to come home while their seven year old daughters are fast asleep on the couch. "Hey we're back." JJ said. "I thought you guys went to the beach?" Sarah asked. "No we went to the store and bought you and the girls medicine,some snacks,and clothes." John B said. "Aww thank you but I don't need medicine." Sarah said. "Neither do I." Kiara chimed in. "Well you two always get sick the exact same day as the girls so we just wanted to be prepared." JJ said as he gave Kiara a kiss on her forehead. "We aren't sick!" Sarah and Kiara say at the same time. "Mommy." The girls called from the living room. "Yea what is it?" Kiara said as Sarah walked in behind her. "Can you sleep with us?" The girls asked. "Yea just give us one min—-." Kiara said but she was cutoff by Sarah vomiting on the floor. Not even two seconds later Kiara vomits on the floor too. "See what did we tell you." JJ said. John B walks over to Sarah and Kie and starts to rub their backs. "Daddy is Mommy going to be alright?" Claire asked. "Yea don't worry CC. Mommy and Auntie Kie just caught what you girls have." John B said. "Oh ok." Claire said. Once the older girls had stopped vomiting JJ and John B took them both into the bathroom. "Now do you believe you're sick." JJ said. "Yeah." Kiara said. "I wanna lay down." Sarah whined. "Let me get the puke out of your hair then you can lay down with the girls." John B said.

Once the guys finished getting their wives and daughters situated they started to make all of them some soup. "Alright here's your guys soup and for the girls two little sandwiches." JJ and John B said. "Why do they get sandwiches and we get soup." Sarah whined. "Because we ran out of soup and we know they won't eat it anyways." John B said. "Yea." Thanks Daddy." Claire said. "Thank you Daddy." Elosie said. "Anytime girls." JJ said. When everyone finished their food,the Maybank and Routledge family all laid together on two separate couches and watched a movie together. Well the girls fell asleep while the guys were talking about their epic beach day they had in mind.

Alright guys here's another oneshot. I hope you guys like it.

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