Kiara:My kids are what?

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Context:Kiara decided to adopt a set of twin girls named Bailey and Hailey (who were 3 at the time when Kiara was 18) Now Kiara is 28 and the twins are 13 anyways Kiara's kids are.... TW:MENTIONS OF SEXUAL ASSAULT, RAPING,AND SUICIDE ARE MENTIONED IN THIS ONESHOT!!

"Bailey when's Mom coming?" Hailey said. "I don't know but I'm really cold." Bailey said as she started shivering. Bailey and Hailey were walking home from school when two guys grabbed them and took them away. No one had seen them get taken,no camera footage no nothing. No one knew where these girls were except one person who wouldn't talk. Connor. Connor was the guy who made Kiara want to slit wrist her freshman year knew where her kids were and who took them. "Connor tell us where they are we've been in this room for hours my men have been looking all night and day for these girls just tell us." The detective said as he banged the table. "I'm not telling you because I want my friends to keep them hostage for as long as they can. The girls can try to escape but they probably won't be able to after being tied up and locked in a shed." Connor said. "Just tell me where you would kidnap someone and why you would do it?" The detective said. "I would take them to this abandoned shed out by the abandoned docks,give them drugs,have sex with them,watch them scream for help,and then keep them locked in there until I feel like letting them out." Connor said. "Is that where you would keep two teenage girls?" The detective said. "Of course I would." Connor said. "Thank you the police will now arrest you." The detective said. "What you made me say that you bitch those girls are gonna die and you'll be too late." Connor yelled as the police took him away. "Dispatch just told us they've gotten a call from a girl named Bailey Carrera we've got their location." A man said. "Send them out." The detective said. The police officers went to go find Bailey and Hailey. "Let me go." Bailey yelled. "Stop please." Hailey cried. The two guys were touching Bailey and Hailey in their privates while they were screaming for help. The guys heard the police sirens in the distance so they threw the girls into the water and started running. The police officers saw the girls trying to stay a float in the water since their hands and feet were tied together. They jumped in the water and grabbed the girls. Bailey and Hailey were catching their breath and shivering while the police officers put them down on the dock. "Mom" Hailey said. "She's going to meet you both at the hospital." The police officer said. "Mom" Bailey said. "I think they're drugged can you call for an ambulance." A police officer said. The girls were sitting next to the police officers when they called for an ambulance. "They'll be here in like five minutes." Another officer said. "Cold" Bailey said. The officers took Bailey and Hailey to their cars and tried to warm them up. Bailey and Hailey were shivering while the officers were talking to them about what happened.

"My kids are missing and your telling me too relax." Kiara said. "Kiara honey I just think you should take some time to destress so you don't pass out." Anna said. Kiara had gotten a phone call and quickly ran out of the house. "Where are you going?" Anna said. "They found the girls I've got to go to the hospital." Kiara said as she got into her car. Anna just shut the door and Kiara drove away. Once the girls got to the hospital they were admitted to rooms and then treated for the drugs they had consumed. "Bailey and Hailey Carrera what room are they in?" Kiara said as she ran to the front desk. "Slow down sweetheart and tell me again when you catch your breath." The lady at the front desk said. "Bailey and Hailey Carrera what room are they in?" Kiara said slower. "They're in room 328 we roomed them together since they asked." The front desk lady said. "Ok thank you." Kiara said. Kiara went to go find room 328 and when she did she saw Bailey and Hailey lying in the beds puking their guts out. "Ma'am we need you to step out of the room at the moment so we can take care of the girls." The nurse said as she pushed Kiara out of the room. Kiara just stood outside while the nurses helped Bailey and Hailey. The nurses told Kiara she could come back inside the room when the girls were a little more conscious of what was going on. "Mom" Bailey said. Kiara went into the room and sat in between Bailey and Hailey. "Are you two feeling ok?" Kiara asked. "My stomach doesn't hurt that much anymore but I want to go home." Hailey said. "You guys can't go home yet." Kiara said. "What?" Bailey said. "Mom we want to go home now." Hailey said. "You can't I already asked the doctors just want to make sure you're both getting enough to eat." Kiara said. "But we have been eating enough." Bailey said. "No you haven't and they're also want to monitor you both for the night." Kiara said. "I can go get you guys something to eat and then come back." Kiara said. "You promise you're coming back?" Hailey said. "Yes I promise." Kiara said. Kiara went to go get the girls something to eat while they just watched tv. "Bails do you think mom missed us?" Hailey said. "Yea" Bailey said. Bailey and Hailey were just talking to each other when Kiara came back to into the room with their food. "I got you guys burritos." Kiara said. Bailey and Hailey started eating their burritos while Kiara was braiding their hair. "Mom can we go home tomorrow?" Bailey said. "If the doctors let you." Kiara said. "Mom did you miss us?" Hailey said. "Of course I did why wouldn't I?" Kiara said. "Because the guys said that you wouldn't miss us and that you didn't care about us." Hailey said. "Hay that wasn't true. Those guys just wanted to use us." Bailey said. "But they said Mom didn't care about us." Hailey said. "I know they said that but you didn't believe them did you?" Bailey said. "I didn't at first but then I just thought about how they kept saying they wanted us to die without Mom knowing. And then that made me think about what they said and" Hailey said as she was cutoff by Kiara hugging her. "I love you both more than I love myself. I couldn't imagine my life without you two." Kiara said. Bailey had joined hug but clenching her side. "Bails what's wrong with your side?" Kiara said. "I don't know but it really hurts." Bailey said. "Is this a bad time?" A nurse said as she walked into the room. "My side hurts." Bailey said. The nurse looked at Baileys side and saw that her side was covered in hives. "I think your having an allergic reaction let me call a doctor." The nurse said. "It hurts to breathe." Bailey said as she struggled to catch her breath. Kiara and Hailey backed up when a doctor came into the room. "Do you have an epipen?" The doctor said. Kiara gave the doctor a epipen and he stabbed it to Bailey's thigh. Bailey was able to breathe better but her side was still hurting. "Monitor her breathing for the night but her sister can go home." The doctor said. Hailey went to go change while Bailey just laid down. "I'll be back to pick you up tomorrow ok." Kiara said as she gave Bailey a hug. Bailey had started to fall asleep as Kiara and Hailey were leaving. Kiara drove home and Hailey immediately took a shower and then went to bed. "Hay hay you want to watch a" Kiara said as she saw Hailey sleeping on the floor. Kiara picked Hailey up and placed her on her bed. "Mom sleep with me." Hailey groaned. "Let me shower first and then I'll sleep with you." Kiara said. Kiara went to go shower while Hailey just slept. Kiara came back into the room and laid next to Hailey. Kiara rubbed Hailey's back to help calm her down. "Hailey your head is heavy." Kiara said as she tried to push her head off of chest.

Here's another oneshot for yall lmk if you guys like it!!

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