The mini pouges:treasure hunt

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Context:This takes place years in the future where all the pouges have a kid or kids. Sarah and John B have a 14 year old daughter named Samantha but she goes by Sam,Kiara and JJ have triplets two of them are girls and one of them is a boy. The girls are named Eloise and Bailey the boys name is Connor. The triplets are 15. Cleo and Pope have twins a girl named Saylor and boy named Jason who are 16. All the kids are best friends since they all grew up together and they all decide to go out and look for El Delrado. (The og pouges never found it). Anyways theirs a few hiccups along the way.

"I want to go home." Sam cried. "You've been wanting to go home for who knows how long we've been out here." Connor said. "Well who wouldn't want to go home after being stranded on some stupid island for at least a week or a month who fucking knows." Eloise said. "Language" Jason said. "Shut up mom" Saylor said. Which made everyone laugh but Jason. "I hate to say this but I agree with Sam I think we should trying to find a way home."Bailey said. "We all haven't had a proper shower in a while" Connor said. "Our parents are probably worried sick about us." Jason said. "And Sam's and Bailey's cuts are getting worse." Eloise said. "So it's settled we now need to find a way home." Saylor said. "I guess so everyone but Sam and Bailey go look for things to make a fire or something we can use to signal someone. But go in pairs." Jason said. Jason and Connor went together while Eloise and Saylor went together. "Bails" Sam said. "Yea"Bailey said. "Do you think my grandpa was an idiot for spending his whole life looking for El Delrado." Sam asked. "I I don't know. Maybe he did maybe he didn't." Bailey said. "Can you two help us with this firewood." Eloise said. Bailey and Sam got up and started helping Eloise and Saylor set up the firewood. "We got fish" Jason yelled as him and Connor walked over to everyone. "Good once we start the fire we can cook them." Bailey said. The girls started the fire and the guys cooked the fish. "Ok tomorrow we can set up the sos sign and hope for the best." Connor said. "Well I'm going to sleep." Sam said. "Me too" Saylor,Eloise,and Bailey said. "Alright do you guys want us to put out the fire?" Connor asked. "No maybe someone will fly over." Saylor said. "Maybe. Night guys." Jason said. "Night" Everyone else said.

While everyone was sleeping the sound of a helicopters filled the area. "Guys wake up" Jason said. "GUYS WAKE THE HELL UP." Jason yelled. "Jason why are you waking us.... Holy shit. We're saved." Saylor said. Jason woke up Connor and Eloise while Saylor woke up Sam and Bailey. "Hey you kids alright?" The women said through the helicopter microphone. "No we've been stranded here for about three weeks and we really want to go home." Connor yelled. "Wait are you guys the five kids who went missing two months ago." The women said. "Yes ma'am" Connor yelled. "Wow. We found the missing kids I repeat we've found the missing kids." The woman said into her walkie talkie. The helicopters landed in front of everyone and immediately rescue workers started rushing to help and check on everyone. "Hey these two have cuts on their sides." A rescue worker said. "Alright let's get them loaded into the choppers and take them home." The women said. Connor,Jason,and Saylor got into one helicopter while Eloise,Bailey,and Sam got into another. "How did you guys even end up out here?" The women said. "Umm we were looking for El Delrado and we got stuck." Connor said. "El Delrado does that even exist?" The women said. "We think so but we didn't find it." Connor said. "Oh well." The women said. "How did you two get those nasty looking cuts?" The rescue worker asked. "We got cut by a tree." Bailey said. "A tree?" The worker said. "Yes" Sam said. "How much longer until we're home?" Eloise said. "Two hours at the most." The worker said. "Do you guys have any snacks?" Sam asked. "Yea I have some chips." The worker said. The worker gave the girls some chips and a bottle of water. The women gave Connor and Jason some food as well and they all just talked amongst themselves. "When you bring the kids let them know there's an ambulance and their parents are waiting." A voice said over the walkie talkie. The helicopters landed and everyone got out except Bailey and Sam. "Hey what's wrong?" Eloise asked. "Our sides really hurt." Bailey said. "I'll tell—"Eloise said but was cutoff by Kiara hugging her. "Mom get off of me" Eloise said. Kiara let go of Eloise and she saw Bailey and Sam holding their sides.

"Where's my mom and dad?" Sam asked. "They're waiting by the ambulance." Kiara said. "Oh"Sam said. "Connor come help your sister and Sam" Kiara said. "Can't Eloise help Bailey and Sam." Connor whined. "Connor Lee Maybank get your ass over." Kiara said. Connor walked over to where Bailey and Sam were and carried Bailey over to the ambulance. Eloise carried Sam and Kiara just followed. "Sam" Sarah said. Eloise placed Sam on the gurney and walked over to Bailey. "Are you ok?"John B asked. "Yea my side just hurts" Sam said. Sarah and John B gave Sam a hug. The paramedics checked Sam and Bailey out and then took them to the hospital. After they arrived at the hospital Sam and Bailey just had to get their cuts stitched and everyone else just got a normal check up. "Did you guys find anything close to El Delrado." John B asked. "Dad we got stranded on an island for three weeks." Sam said. "What does that have to do with anything." John B said. "We didn't find stupid El Delrado and we never will." Sam said. "How do you know?" John B yelled. "Because I just do." Sam yelled. "What is going on in here?" Sarah said. "Dad is so god damn annoying." Sam said as she walked out. "JB you can't ask them about that." Kiara said. "Why not?" John B said. "Because it's dumb and not has fucking found it." Sarah yelled. "Sam let's go." Sarah said. Sam got up and walked out of the hospital room. "Bye dad" Sam whispered. "Can Bailey and Eloise sleepover?" Sam asked. "I'll ask Kiara tomorrow. I want them to spend some time with her and JJ." Sarah said. "Oh ok" Sam said. Sarah and Sam got into the car and headed home. "Mom are you mad at dad?" Sam asked. "No he's just pissing me off." Sarah said. "Oh so can we get food." Sam said. "Sure" Sarah said. Sarah stopped at McDonalds and got Sam some food. "You know if we found El Delrado I wouldn't have told dad right." Sam said. "Oh I know." Sarah said as she parked the car. Sam and Sarah went inside the house and went on with their night.

This was requested by someone I tried to do the best I could.

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