Jarah:A fight between Father and Daughter

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Context:Sarah and John B have a 16 year old daughter named Emily (shes adopted) who decided to sneak out and go to a party with her friends. She came home drunk and John B was pissed while Sarah was more understanding. Italics mean flashbacks.

"Mom you can't tell dad I got drunk ok." Emily slurred. "I won't but you need to go to bed." Sarah said. "No bed for me let's go get milkshakes." Emily slurred. "Honey we can get milkshakes another time right now you need a shower and then some sleep." Sarah said. Emily just sat on her bed while Sarah took her shoes off. Sarah took Emily to the bathroom when John B heard Emily laughing really loud. "Emmy be quiet." Sarah said. "Hey dad" Emily slurred. "Is she drunk?" John B said. "Yes" Sarah said. "Mom my tummy hurts." Emily said. Sarah moved Emily in front of the toilet and then she threw up. Sarah rubbed her back while John B just walked out. "If you're gonna be all mad at least grab her some new clothes." Sarah said as she was holding Emily's hair back. John B grabbed Emily something else to wear while Sarah helped her into the shower. "Here I'll be in bed if you need me." John B said as he put the clothes outside of the bathroom door. Emily got out of the shower and changed into her new clothes. "John B can you carry Emily to her room please." Sarah yelled. John B didn't even come to the bathroom he just ignored Sarah. "John B" Sarah yelled. John B walked over by the bathroom and saw Emily holding her arms out and Sarah picking up Emily's clothes. "Dad looks mad." Emily slurred. "I am come on." John B said as he picked up Emily. John B placed Emily on her bed and then walked out. "Here's a bucket for just in case. I'll check on you in the morning." Sarah said. Emily just went to sleep and so did Sarah.

It was the next morning and Emily woke up with a killer headache. "Mom" Emily said. "Hey you're finally up. Your dad's been wanting to talk to you but I don't think you should." Sarah said. "Oh he's probably mad that I got drunk last night." Emily said. "Yea but I told him how you didn't mean to and you called me so you didn't go home with a drunk driver at least." Sarah said. "I'm going to be grounded for the rest of my life." Emily said. "No you aren't maybe for a few months but not the rest of your life." Sarah said. "Emily get down here." John B yelled. "Mom I'm gonna die." Emily said. "Just go down there I'll be there with you." Sarah said. Emily got up and went downstairs. "It's bright as hell in here." Emily said. "Language" John B said. "Sorry" Emily said. Emily sat down on the couch and waited for John B to go off. "How in the hell did you come home drunk. And you snuck out to go to the party. I know damn well I raised you better than that." John B yelled. "I know but I called mom to pick me up so I wouldn't die." Emily said. "But this isn't even the first time you've done this. It's the fifth time in the past five months. Emily you can't keep doing this." John B said. "Well maybe I wanted to not be judged by the people I hang out with." Emily said. "Well don't hang out with them anymore." John B said. "Well I like them so I'm going to keep hanging out with them." Emily said. "Maybe you shouldn't because they're a bad influence and you're gonna end up just like your biological mom and have a baby at 16." John B yelled. "John B" Sarah yelled. "Well newsflash to you I already had sex twice this week and he didn't use a condom." Emily yelled. "You are so ignorant get the fuck out." John B yelled. "Gladly." Emily said as she grabbed her phone. Emily slammed the door behind her and started walking somewhere. Sarah just started crying when Emily slammed the door while John B went upstairs. Sarah was texting Emily when she got a call from her. "Mom I love you" Emily said. "Emmy I love you too where are you?" Sarah said. "I'm going to find my biological mom." Emily said. "By yourself?" Sarah said. "Well can you at least let me back in so I can shower and pack a bag." Emily said. "Yea I'm making you lunches." Sarah said. "Ok" Emily said. "Are you outside?" Sarah asked. "Yea" Emily said. Sarah hung up the phone and saw Emily standing there. "Go shower and be quick your dad is still upstairs." Sarah said. Emily went upstairs and took a shower then packed a bag. When she came back downstairs John B was standing right there. "Excuse me I need to I need to get my food." Emily said. John B was blocking her way. "Move you stupid brunette." Emily said. Emily pushed John B out of the way and then grabbed the food Sarah had made for her. Emily went to walk out when she felt John B stop her. "Let me go." Emily said. John B let go at the last minute and she walked out. "Did she take her car keys?" Sarah said. Emily started her car and she drove off. Sarah just broke down and went upstairs. John B just sat in the living room rethinking his decisions.

Here's another oneshot for you guys lmk if I should make a part 2!!

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