John B & Charlotte:The talk

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Context: John B has a younger sister named Charlotte who lives with him she's 15 years old while John B is 21 anyways Charlotte has a little talk with John B. Sarah and John B aren't dating in this. Sarah is dating Kiara.

Charlotte was in the bathroom puking for the fifth time today. "Again Charlotte." John B said as he held her hair back. "Sorry" Charlotte hiccuped since she had been crying. "You've been puking a lot lately are you ok?" John B asked. "Yea it was just my sandwich from earlier." Charlotte said. "You want me to go get you some medicine?" John B asked. "No it'll pass." Charlotte said. "Ok let me know if you need anything." John B said. Charlotte just gave a thumbs up and called Sarah. "Hey Char what's up." Sarah said (over the phone) "I need you to get John Bs favorite sub I think I'm gonna tell him that I'm you know." Charlotte said. "Ok I'll be there in about fifteen minutes." Sarah said. "Ok" Charlotte said. "Char can you come here please." John B said. "Hold on." Charlotte said as she flushed the toilet. "What do you want?" Charlotte said. "I just wanted to let you know Sarah texted me that her and Kiara are coming over." John B said. "Ok tell me when they get here I'll be in my room." Charlotte said. "Alright." John B said. Charlotte went into her room and just waited for Sarah and Kiara to walk in. Then there was a knock on the door so Charlotte answered it. "Hey are you ready to tell him the news?" Sarah asked. "No he's probably gonna kick me out." Charlotte said. "I'm pretty sure he won't but if he does you can stay with me and Kie." Sarah said. "Promise." Charlotte said. "Promise." Sarah said. Charlotte and Sarah walked downstairs when they saw John B waiting for something. "Kie says you have something to tell me." John B said. "Yea but you can't get mad." Charlotte said. "It depends on what you tell me." John B said. Sarah gave Charlotte the sandwich and stood behind her. "Come on tell me."John B said. "I'm pregnant." Charlotte said. "Give him the sandwich." Sarah said. Charlotte gave John B the sandwich and waited for him to blow up. "You're not pregnant because if you were pregnant you would've had to have sex. And you're 15 which means you can't have sex." John B said. "I know but the guy was really cute." Charlotte said. "Charlotte just pack your things and go." John B said. "John B you can't kick me out." Charlotte said. "Well if you're going to act like an adult you're going to be treated like one." John B said. "You think I wanted to get pregnant I only had sex with him so he wouldn't kill himself." Charlotte said. "I don't care pack your shit and leave." John B said. Charlotte went upstairs to pack her things while Sarah and Kiara followed. "You can stay with us you know." Kiara said. "Thanks" Charlotte said. Sarah and Kiara helped Charlotte pack her things and then they left. "You hungry?" Sarah asked. "No im too nauseous to eat." Charlotte said. "Do you want us to pull over so you can puke?" Sarah asked. "Yea" Charlotte said. Sarah pulled over and gave Kiara a plastic bag she had in the car. "I hate throwing up." Charlotte said. "I know I'm sorry." Kiara said as she gave Charlotte the plastic bag. Charlotte threw up into the bag while Kiara rubbed her back. "This sucks." Charlotte cried. "Well it should get better throughout time." Sarah said. "I hope so." Charlotte said.

Here's another request someone had let me know if I should do a part 2 or if you have any requests. It can be with siblings,family or just the couple.

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