Kiara:If I kept Isabella

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Context:In the last oneshots Kiara has a daughter named Isabella and this is the story of what happened if she kept her and not gave her to Sarah. And if JJ didn't die as well.

"I'm sorry Sarah but I'm keeping her." Kiara said. "It's ok she's your kid let me know if you need any help with her." Sarah said. "Thank you." Kiara said. "Kie we're sorry we're late your dad couldn't find a place to park and oh my god is that her." Anna said as she walked into the room. "Yea meet your granddaughter." Kiara said as she motioned for Anna to come over by her. Kiara handed the baby over to Anna and she started crying. "Mom why are you crying?" Kiara said. "Because she has JJs nose and she's so cute." Anna cried. "What's her name?" Mike said. "Isabella Madison Carrera." Kiara said. "Wasn't that the name JJ loved." Mike said. "Yea he did." Kiara said. "He would love her." Anna said. "He would." Kiara said. "I'll be right back." Mike said. "Is he going to get me food because that would be great." Kiara said. "I don't where he's going but I hope he brings the camera." Anna said. Anna gave Kiara Isabella back and sat next to her. "You don't need anything like water or" Anna said but was cutoff by Kiara. "Mom I'm ok. I don't— JJ." Kiara said as she saw JJ standing in the doorway. "Hey Mama." JJ said. "Don't do this to me right now." Kiara said as she tried to stop herself from crying. "I got you your favorite chinese." JJ said. JJ placed the food down and gave Anna the flowers he bought for Kiara. "She's mine right?" JJ asked. "Yes you idiot." Kiara said. "If I wash my hands can I hold her?" JJ said. "Yes." Kiara said. JJ washed his hands and then slowly grabbed Isabella. "What's her name? Wait let me guess." JJ said. "Michelle" JJ said. "No" Kiara said. "It's Isabella and her middle name is Michelle." JJ said. "You got one thing right her name is Isabella Madison Carrera." Kiara said. "Carrera why not Maybank?" JJ said. "The nurse hasn't signed the papers or anything I can change her last name you know." Kiara said. "Please Kie." JJ said. "I'll think about it." Kiara said.

Fast forward to now
"Isabella Madison Maybank you are in big trouble young lady." Kiara yelled. "Dad what do we do?" Isabella said. "You go to your grandparents house while I try to calm your mom down." JJ said. "Ok should I leave now?" Isabella said. "Where is she?" Kiara yelled. JJ saw Kiara and went over to hold her back. "Izz go." JJ said. Isabella ran out of the house and straight to her grandparents house. "Let me go you big blonde." Kiara said. "You need to calm down." JJ said. "She ruined everything don't you get that. She's the reason the house is a mess and I can't get any work done." Kiara said. "You ruined everything Kie not her she was trying to help you even though you wouldn't let her." JJ said. "She was not helping me." Kiara said. "Yes she was the nights I came home late she made all of us dinner,cleaned the whole kitchen each time she did it,made our lunches,even writing little notes in them,making your favorite coffee before you leave for work,and on top of that she still got herself ready for school and you didn't even pick up the phone when her teacher called saying she's been sleeping in class but she's still on top of all her work. All of this is happening because you aren't paying attention and she is just trying to help you." JJ said. Kiara just walked away and listened to JJ telling her she just can't walk away from the truth. "Isabella what are you doing here?" Mike said. "Mom's mad at me and I don't know why." Isabella said out of breath." "Come in your grandma made cookies." Mike said. "I don't want cookies I just want Mom to not be mad at me." Isabella said. Isabella went upstairs and into Kiara's old room. Kiara was in her bedroom just crying. "Kie honey do you want to go see Izzy?" JJ said as he knocked on the door. "I guess but I know she hates me right now." Kiara hiccuped. "Come on we can get her something on the way." JJ said. Kiara came out and of the room with her face stained from crying. "Come here tell Papa J everything." JJ said as he opened up his arms so Kiara could hug him. "I'm a horrible mom I didn't even realize my own daughter was helping me out." Kiara said. "Kie you aren't a horrible mother don't ever say that you were just stressed out with work and." JJ said as she was cutoff by Kiara. "That doesn't mean I had to let all my stress out on my kid. Now come on we're going to go get her." Kiara said. "Do we have to it's raining and I don't want to get my shoes wet." JJ said. "You let Isabella run to my parent's house in the rain you can walk outside in it." Kiara said as she dragged JJ out of the house. "But my shoes." JJ whined. "They'll be fine." Kiara said. Kiara and JJ got into their car and drove to Kiara's parent's house.

"Mom where is she?" Kiara said as she walked inside the house. "She's upstairs probably in your old room." Anna said. "Ooo cookies." JJ said. "Help yourself there double chocolate chip." Anna said. JJ went to go grab himself a cookie while Kiara went upstairs. "Belly can I come in?" Kiara said as she knocked on the door. "Mom" Isabella said as she opened the door. "You're ok" Kiara said as she hugged Isabella. "Get off of me." Isabella said as she pushed Kiara off of her. "Belly please." Kiara said. "I know you're upset with me because I was stressing you out so much which I'm really sorry about and." Isabella said as she was cutoff by Kiara hugging her. "What are you doing?" Isabella said. "Thank you for what you did Belly I'm sorry I didn't notice it before." Kiara said. "I didn't mean to upset you when I did everything." Isabella said. "I'm not upset with you Belly I just didn't notice." Kiara said. "But I wish you did because I really tried to do what you do but it's really hard." Isabella said. "You did amazing and I thank you for that." Kiara said. "But did you at least read my notes I wrote for you?" Isabella asked. "I did and they were very sweet thank you." Kiara said. "Kie you two almost ready to go?" JJ said as he knocked on the door. "I'm gonna stay here for the night you can go home." Kiara said. "No you're leaving too I just want to stay here with grandma and grandpa without you two." Isabella said. "What why?" Kiara said. "Because I need some time to myself." Isabella said. "But" Kiara said. "But nothing mom just leave I'll see you guys tomorrow or something." Isabella said. Kiara got up and gave Isabella a hug. "Call me if you need me to pick you up." Kiara said. Kiara and JJ walked out and left. Isabella went downstairs and saw Anna and Mike sitting down on the couch. "You didn't want to leave with your mom?" Mike said. "No I didn't want to." Isabella said. "Are you sure?" Anna said. Anna and Mike looked at each other when Isabella pulled out her phone and called Kiara. "Mom can you come pick me up?" Isabella hiccuped. "She's on her way isn't she?" Mike said. "Yea I" Isabella said as she was cutoff by Kiara hugging her. "Didn't you just leave?" Isabella said. "I dropped your dad off and then I came back." Kiara said. "Come on we're going home your dad is hungry and I told him I'd make dinner." Kiara said. "Bye Grandma bye Grandpa." Isabella said. "Bye Iz." Mike and Anna said. Kiara and Isabella walked out and then went home. "JJ we're home." Kiara said. "Dad why are you eating my chips?" Isabella said. "I got hungry." JJ said. Isabella took the empty bag of chips and threw it away. "These chips weren't even mine they were moms." Isabella said. "Jackson James Maybank you're in big trouble." Kiara said. "Uh oh." JJ said.

Here's another oneshot lmk if you guys have any requests!!

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