Jiara:Stuck with grandpa pt2

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Context:Kiara and JJs daughter Isabella had to go live with Luke because a social worker took her away from Kiara and JJ. Isabella is 13 and Bailey is 12.Kiara and JJ are 29. Isabella is now recovering from the whole incident but there's some hiccups along the way. And a plot twist . TW: Mentions of child abuse will be mentioned on this oneshot

Isabella just had surgery a little over a week ago and she hasn't been reacting to the medicine very well. She's been throwing up a lot and getting dizzy every time she stands. So she's been stuck in the hospital until today since Kiara is taking her home. "Belly honey you ready to go home?" Kiara asked. Isabella slowly woke up and got up to go shower. Isabella got out of the shower and all of her cuts and bruises were showing. "Mom I get it I have cuts everywhere you don't need to keep staring." Isabella said. Kiara just waited for Isabella to get dressed so they could leave. "Do you want anything to eat?" Kiara asked. "A bagel sounds nice" Isabella said. "I'll pick one up on the way home." Kiara said. Isabella just finished packing everything when Kiara came over and hugged her. "Get off of me." Isabella said. "Why are you so moody?" Kiara said. "Can we just go." Isabella said. Kiara grabbed Isabella's thing while she slowly walked out. Isabella got in the car and just went on her phone. Once they got home Isabella went inside and went to her room. Kiara went inside and just sat on the couch. "Mom your home." Bailey said as she hugged Kiara. "Hi Bails" Kiara said. Isabella screamed at the top of her lungs which made JJ and Kiara run upstairs and straight into her room. "What's wrong?" JJ said. Isabella was crying in her bed and both Kiara and JJ didn't know what to do. JJ went up to Isabella and she started hitting him. "Bella stop it's me." JJ said. "Get your hands off me." Isabella said. "Belly stop." Kiara said. "Grandpas gonna hit me again." Isabella cried. "That's not your grandpa that's your dad." Kiara said. JJ went over by Isabella and he just hugged her. "I'm not gonna hurt you I promise." JJ whispered. Bailey then ran upstairs and looking panicked. "Bails what's wrong?" Kiara said. "Grandpa broke out of jail and now he's outside and I think he saw me." Bailey said. "Kie you stay with the girls and don't come downstairs." JJ said. "Dad no you're gonna die." Isabella said. "I'll at least die protecting the three girls I love the most." JJ said. "JJ why don't we just call the police and let them handle this." Kiara said. Right as she stopped talking the sound of glass breaking came from downstairs. "You stay here I'll be right back." JJ said as she got up. Isabella was just sitting on her bed freaking out. "Bells breathe." Bailey whispered. JJ went downstairs with the gun he had from the military in his back pocket. "Son you're looking good. I need you to do a favor for me." Luke said.

"What do you need Dad?" JJ said. "I need you to bring the girls down here so I can apologize to them." Luke said. "No you're not hurting my daughters anymore than you already have." JJ said. "Look JJ let me apologize to them." Luke said. "Dad you need to leave right now." JJ said. "Why am I scaring you?" Luke said. JJ started to pick up the glass on the floor to try and avoid conversation with Luke. Luke then saw Kiara coming downstairs because she had wanted to see what was going on. He took note of that and he put Kiara in a chokehold. "JJ" Kiara chocked out. "Dad let her go." JJ said. "You got married to this son of bitch really. No wonder why your kids are pussies." Luke said. JJ took Luke's arm and twisted it to the point his shoulder was about to break. "Alright son you can let go now." Luke said. Luke had let go of Kiara who was catching her breath. "Dad what are you doing?" Isabella said as she came downstairs. "Mom are you ok?" Bailey said. Kiara was just crying into Baileys arms while Isabella just froze. "Izzy are you scared of me?" Luke said. JJ had stopped twisting Luke's arm so he could save Isabella. "Touch her and you're dead." JJ said. "Ooo I'm so scared." Luke mocked. Luke jumped at Isabella which made her think about all the fighting lessons she had learned from Rafe and she just took Luke's arm and body slammed him on the ground. "Touch my mom again and I'll come into your cell and slit your throat." Isabella said into Luke's ear. "You slit my throat really." Luke said. Isabella took her foot and was to kick Luke in his stomach but she stopped. "Bella stop." Rafe said. The police officers were surrounding the house when Luke had taken JJs gun out of his pocket and held it up against Kiara's head. "Mom" Bailey said. "Luke put the gun." Rafe said. Luke had shot JJ with the gun and immediately ran out the door. "JJ stay with me man." Rafe said as he caught JJ before he fell to the ground. Kiara went over by JJ and held his hand. "Kie you have to promise me you'll take care of the girls." JJ chocked out. "I promise." Kiara cried. JJ had started to choke on his own blood when Kiara started going into nurse mode. "Rafe give me your belt." Kiara said. Rafe gave Kiara his belt while Isabella and Bailey held JJs hand. "If you're gonna die you're at least gonna die with me trying to save you." Kiara said. Kiara tied the belt around JJs stomach right as the paramedics showed up. The paramedics took JJ to the hospital while Rafe drove Kiara,Isabella,and Bailey to the hospital. Kiara was waiting in the waiting room while Isabella and Bailey were getting snacks with Rafe. Ky had walked over by Kiara when the girls came back. "Kiara I'm sorry but JJ didn't make it. He was losing too much blood and we couldn't get him back." Ky said. "Dad's dead" Isabella said. Bailey went to go see JJs body when Ky stopped her. "Let me go you bitch. Bailey said. Bailey broke out of Kys arms and went to the room JJs body was in. "Dad I know you're not in the afterlife yet so you gotta wake up. Because mom is balling her eyes out and Isabella right here." Bailey said. "Dad come on please." Isabella said. The machine JJ was connected to beeped. "Bella stop making beeping sounds with your mouth." Bailey said. "That's not me." Isabella said. "It's dad." The girls said in unison. "Mom dad's not dead come look." Isabella said. Kiara got up and went to go look at what they were talking about. Ky went with them too and she saw JJs eyes flutter open. "Holy shit that hurt." JJ said as he woke up. "Dad" Bailey and Isabella said as they hugged JJ. "Not my favorite shirt." JJ said. Kiara kissed JJ and slapped him. "Don't ever do that again." Kiara said. "Oww that hurt." JJ said. "I love you." Kiara said. "I love you too." JJ said. "Bells are you ok you look like you're gonna be sick." Bailey said. Isabella was swaying back and forth when she fell into Baileys arms. "Mom" Bailey said. "I need a gurney." Ky yelled. Bailey felt Isabella's pulse and she wasn't breathing. Bailey started doing CPR on her until Ky noticed. The gurney had arrived when Ky swapped spots with Bailey. "Isabella's gonna die and it's all grandpas fault." Bailey said. "Kiara" Ky said. Kiara just broke down even more until she passed out from being lightheaded.

"Mommy." Isabella said. Isabella started shaking Kiara's body. "Mommy" Isabella said. Kiara woke up and saw the room she was trapped in. "How did we get here?" Kiara said. "Mommy I was born here. At Kitty hawk and so was Bailey when Daddy came back and tried to rescue us." Isabella said. "Honey how old are you?" Kiara said. "Five and Bailey just turned 4. Mommy you hit your head to hard." Isabella said. "Hey you good I saw you hit your head a few days ago and now you've been having crazy dreams. You told me you were in Isabella's point of view and you got abused by your crazy father in law and then your boyfriend died I think you and your kids need to leave from this place it's making you crazy." A random girl said. "How are we suppose to leave from here?" Kiara said. "Have your kids get really sick or something." "Carrera your kids are free to go." A counselor said. "No we aren't leaving Mommy." Bailey said. Bailey and Isabella were clinging onto Kiara's legs when they both heard JJ call for them. "What happened to your head?" JJ asked. "I don't know but I feel kind of dizzy." Kiara said. Kiara fell into JJs arms so he picked her up and the girls followed. "Is mommy gonna be ok?" Isabella asked. "Mommy just needs to get some sleep that's all." JJ said.

Here's the next part to the last Jiara oneshot lmk if yall like it or not!!

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