Jarah:heartbroken pt2

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Context:the same as the last heartbroken oneshot.

Emily is now eight months pregnant and shes having a girl. "Hey Bails can you hand me my water." Emily asked. Bailey handed Emily her glass of water. "You know we should really tell our parents about us." Bailey said. "I know but what if they don't support us." Emily said. "I think they will." Bailey said. "Ok maybe we should." Emily said. Bailey got up and helped Emily up. "Can we just have them come up here I don't feel like walking downstairs." Emily said. "Do you want me to carry you?" Bailey said. "No I'll just make my dad do it." Emily said. "Alright" Bailey said as she started walking downstairs. "Hey Bails where's Emily?" Sarah asked. "Struggling to walk downstairs." Bailey said as she sat next to Kiara. "Em do you want help" John B asked. "No I'm good" Emily said as she walked into the kitchen. "Em didn't you do just eat?" Kiara said. "I'm getting a juice." Emily said. Emily sat next to Bailey and rested up against her. John B,Kiara,and Sarah all noticed and waited for one of them to ask. "Are you two dating?" Kiara asked. "No" Bailey and Emily quickly said. "Are you sure?" Sarah chimed in. "Mom we aren't dating." Emily said. "Emily we can't keep lying to them." Bailey said. "Well I already lied to them about being pregnant what else is there to lie about?" Emily yelled. "You two dating" Kiara yelled. "And what if we are dating?" Bailey said. "What?" Sarah and John B said. Emily was getting stressed out so she walked away. Bailey followed her and tried to calm her down. "Babe we just need to tell them." Bailey said. "I don't want them to overreact." Emily said. "Well we need to before the baby comes and before you get even more stressed out." Bailey said.

Emily started to feel a pain in her stomach which caused her to scream. Sarah,Kiara,and John B heard her scream and ran to where she was. "Emily what's wrong" Sarah said. "I just got a small contraction" Emily said. "Emily do you wanna sit down?" John B asked. "No I'm fiiiiine" Emily said as she got another contraction. Sarah grabbed Emily's hand and let her squeeze it. "This really hurts." Emily cried. John B carried Emily over to the couch. "Do you wanna go to hospital?" Sarah asked. "I thought we were doing a home birth" Emily groaned. "We can. John B start the water." Sarah said. John B went to go start the water while Sarah,Kiara,and Bailey helped her. "Why does this hurt so bad?" Emily groaned. "Kie can you come with me to find some towels for Em." Sarah said as she got up. "Sure" Kiara said as she followed her. Kiara and Sarah went into the hall closet and grabbed towels while Bailey gave Emily a kiss. "Ah ha" Sarah said as her and Kiara walked back into the living room. "You two are dating" Kiara said. "You guys aren't mad are you?" Emily and Bailey said. "Why would we be mad?" Sarah said. "The waters ready" John B said as he walked over to the girls. "The girls are dating." Sarah whispered. "I know they already to me and JJ." John B whispered back. Emily screamed again as Bailey and Kiara were helping her up. "Emily the baby's head is out." Kiara said as she checked down there. Emily felt another pain again which caused her to push. Bailey was holding one of Emily's hand while Sarah was holding the other. "You're doing great Em" John B said as he handed Kiara a towel. "Dad shut up." Emily yelled. John B stayed quiet and just stood to the side. Emily stopped pushing once she heard the sound of a baby crying. "Here she is" Kiara said as she was holding the baby. Emily was still standing up and holding Sarah and Baileys hands. "Jb can you grab my bags." Kiara asked. John B walked over to where Kiara's bags were and brought them over to her. "Mom you actually brought all that equipment with you." Bailey said. "Yea I told Emily I would be her midwife." Kiara said. "I forgot." Bailey said. "Can you guys let my hands go please." Emily said. Sarah and Bailey let go of Emily's hands while Bailey put Emily's hair up into a bun. Kiara handed Emily the baby and she immediately fell in love with her.

"She's so cute" Emily said. "Bails do you wanna cut the cord?" Kiara asked. "I guess" Bailey said. Bailey walked over to cut the cord and she accidentally looked down there which shocked her. "Bails why did you look down there?" Kiara said. "I didn't mean to but now I don't want to have kids." Bailey said. Bailey cut the cord and Emily just drank the water John B had brought for her. "What are you going to name her?" Kiara asked. "I was thinking Isabella" Emily said. "I like it" Bailey said. "Isabella Rose Routledge." Emily said. "That is so cute Em." Sarah said. "Now let me hold her." Sarah pleaded. "Sar wait a little bit." John B said. "But I wanna hold her." Sarah whined. John B just walked back into the bathroom so he could go drain the tub.

Two years later.
"Mama I ready go Mimi's house." Isabella said. "Ok let's go." Emily said. Emily and Bailey walked over by the front door and helped Isabella put her shoes on. "Ird ird." Isabella kept saying over and over as she was pointing at the bird outside. "Do you see a bird bubs" Bailey said. "Yes ird" Isabella said. Emily finished putting Isabella's shoes on and as she picked her up Bailey grabbed everyone's bags. "I can't believe our parents are letting us go to there beach house." Emily said. "I know and it's Bella's first time at the beach house which is even better." Bailey said. Emily and Bailey walked outside and loaded everything into the car. "Mommy can I take a nap?" Bella asked. "Sure it's a long drive to Mimi's house anyways." Emily said. Bella grabbed her blanket and started to go to sleep in her car seat while Emily and Bailey just talked to each other for most of the drive.

Here's another one shot for y'all I hope you guys like it..

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