Jarah & Jiara:the flu

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Sarah,John B,Kiara,and JJ all live together. They both have daughters. Isabella who's Kiara and JJs daughter and Bailey who's Sarah and John Bs daughter. Anyways while Sarah and Kiara are having a no kids/husband day the girls end up sick with the flu/stomach flu. Which means John B and JJ have to try and take care of them.

"Bella" Bailey whispered. "What" Bella whispered back. "Nothing I just wanted to see if you were asleep." Bailey said. "Really Bails" Bella said. "Sorry but I'm not feeling good and my mom isn't here to give me a hug." Bailey said. "Same here. Maybe we should call them." Bella said. "No we can't interrupt their no kids day. They really deserve it." Bailey said. "But they told us if we feel worse that we should call them." Bella said. "Maybe we should wait and see if it goes away." Bailey said. "I guess you're right. I'm going back to sleep." Bella said. "me too" Bailey said as she yawned. Bella and Bailey went back to sleep until they both felt the need to vomit. The girls quickly got up and ran to their bathrooms. John B and JJ saw them racing into the bathrooms so they both went to check on them. "Bella you ok?" JJ asked as he started rubbing her back. "I want mom" Bella cried. "I'll call her once you're finished." JJ said. "No you can't you'll ruin her day off." Bella said. "Honey your mom told me and Uncle JB that if you two start to feel sick we should call them." JJ said. "Well I'm not sick anymore see." Bella said as she quickly stood up. As Bella stood up she got up a little too fast which made her get dizzy,causing her to stumble into JJs arms. "Not sick huh." JJ said as he placed Bella on the floor. "I'm not sick." Bella yelled. "Now get out!" Bella yelled even louder. "Izzy let me—" JJ said but was cutoff by the bathroom door being slammed in his face. The same thing happened to John B so they both just went downstairs and sat on the couch. "Did you text Kie?" John B asked. "Just sent it." JJ said. "You text Sarah?" JJ asked. "Just sent the message a minute ago." John B said. As the guys were waiting for their wives to text them back they heard one of the bathroom doors open. John B and JJ whipped their heads and saw Bailey walk into Bella's bathroom. "At least they're together." John B said. "That's great there both probably puking up and storm in there." JJ said. "I think they're just talking to each other."
John B said.

"You actually brought the trash can with you" Bella said as she saw Bailey sit down next to her with her bathrooms trash can in her hands. "Yea I don't want to puke on the floor." Bailey said. "I guess you're right. Did you text your mom?" Bella said. "Yea she said my dad already told her and that her and your mom are on their way back." Bailey said. "We ruined there day." Bella cried. It took Bailey a little bit to realize it but she thought the exact same thing. Both Bailey and Bella were just sitting on Bella's bathroom floor crying. "We gotta check on the girls man" JJ said. "What's the point you know how they get when they're sick." John B said. "I know they only want their moms and for us to not even exist." JJ groaned. "Yep we are completely useless while they're sick ." John B said. "You two aren't completely useless." Sarah said as she placed a bag down on the counter. "Yea you two always bring us there medicine and you make them food." Kiara chimed in. "Which bathroom are the girls in?" Sarah asked. "Bella's" John B said. Kiara and Sarah headed upstairs to check on the girls. Kiara knocked on the door and asked if they could come in. There was no answer since Bella was vomiting. But Bailey did open the door to rush to her bathroom. "Bails" Sarah said as she followed Bailey into her bathroom. Kiara walked into Bella's bathroom and saw how much Bella was vomiting. At this point Bella and Bailey were puking up nothing since their bodies had nothing left. Kiara grabbed Bella's curly brown hair and put in a messy bun. "Mom I don't feel good." Bella said as she rested her body up against Kiara's. "I see you wanna go downstairs or to your room?" Kiara asked as she rubbed Bella's back. "Downstairs" Bella whispered. "Alright let me help you up." Kiara said as she was getting up. Bella tried to get up but failed. Luckily JJ was already standing in the doorway since Sarah had called for John B he figured he should just make sure Bella is alright. "Do you want help?" Kiara asked. "No I'm fine." Bella said as she tried to get up once again. Bella body just gave and collapsed to the floor. That's when JJ stepped in and picked Bella up. Bella just let him since she had no other choice.

JJ brought Bella downstairs and placed her next to Bailey. "You two need to eat something." Sarah said as she saw how pale the girls were. The girls just groaned and laid their heads on each other shoulders. "At least drink some water." Kiara said. JJ and John B handed the girls a cup of water and they both drank a little bit of it. Right as JJ and John B were about to take their cups back to the kitchen the girls stopped them. "What?" John B said. Bella and Bailey gave their dads a hug which caused them to sit down next to the girls. "What do you two want to eat?" Sarah asked. "I don't know" Bailey said. "Well you can either have crackers or an orange." Kiara said. "Orange" Bella and Bailey said. Kiara grabbed four oranges out of the fridge while Sarah grabbed some medicine out of the cabinet. "Take your medicine then eat your oranges." Sarah said as she gave the girls a pill. The girls took the pills,drank some of their water,and started to peel their oranges. "Wait what about your guys day off." Bailey said. "We don't need it I think your dads do." Kiara said. "We get a day off" JJ said. "Yes go have fun but be home by midnight." Kiara said as she gave JJ a kiss on the cheek. "That goes for you too John B." Sarah said. John B and JJ quickly got up from the couch,grabbed their keys,and left. "Wow I didn't know they were in a hurry." Bailey said. "Me either." Bella said. The girls just continued to eat their oranges while Kiara and Sarah just laid up against them. "Mom what are you doing?" The girls asked. "Trying to get sick." Kiara said. "Why?" Bella asked. "So I don't have to see my parents this weekend." Kiara said. "Mom are you trying to get sick too?" Bailey asked. "Yes because if Kie gets sick so do I." Sarah said as she continued to rub her body against Bailey's. "Are you guys sure this is gonna work?" Bella asked. "We just have to wait and see." Kiara said. Bella and Bailey just continued to eat their oranges while their moms were doing whatever they needed to get sick.

Here's another oneshot for y'all hope you guys like it.

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