JJ's little brother:lost teddy bear.

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Context:JJ has a little brother and he lost his teddy bear. His little brother is 5 years old. Kiara and JJ are dating in this.

"JJ JJ JJ". Connor yells. "JJ wake up Connor is calling for you." Kiara groaned. "Ok I'm coming I'll be right back Kie." JJ said. JJ walked into Connor's room and he saw crying. "Hey what's wrong buddy?" JJ asked. "I I lost Mr Teddy." Connor cried. "Oh no do you remember the last place you had him?" JJ asked. "No". Connor said as he started to cry louder. Kiara heard Connor crying and she couldn't take it anymore so she walked into his room and saw JJ crawling on the ground and Connor sitting in his bed crying. Connor saw Kiara walk in so he decided to make grabby hands and waited until she picked him up. Kiara walked over to Connor picked him up and she slowly rubbed his back. "It's ok Connor me and JJ will look for Mr.Teddy." Kiara said. "But I can't sleep without him." Connor cried. "I know but maybe I can help you go to sleep." Kiara said while she yawned. Connor just let Kiara do what she needed to do. Kiara got into Connor's bed and let him lay on top of her chest and she rubbed his back until they both fell asleep. "Hey Conno-". JJ said right as he saw Kiara and Connor asleep. "Goodnight my love". JJ said as he gave Kiara a kiss on the cheek. "And good night buddy." He said while he slipped Mr.Teddy into Connor's arms.

This was a request someone asked for awhile ago. I'm so sorry that it is very short but I hope the person who requested for this still somewhat likes it.

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