Jarah:the terrible tweens

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Context:Sarah and John B have two twin tweens/12 year old daughters. Let's just say they both got into a fight and now the whole house is filled with tension. And there's a huge storm coming just like the one from the season one finale.

"Emily and Riley come downstairs please." Sarah asked. Emily and Riley walked downstairs and right over to where Sarah and John B were standing. "Girls I want you two to apologize too one another." John B said. "Dad why do we need to apologize to each other. It's not my fault she snitched on me." Emily said. "I did not snitch on you mom was the who bribed me to tell her. And then she told dad." Riley said. "Oh so now your blaming this on mom?" Emily said. "I am not blaming anything on her it's just ju-" Riley said as she was cutoff by Emily. "your so gullible and mom uses that as an advantage." Riley said. "I do not! Sarah chimed in. "Yes you do mom." Riley and Emily said in unison. "Well mom made me my favorite breakfast I've never seen her do that for you Emily." Riley said. "That's because I don't fall for moms tricks." Emily said. "Your the one who's a mommy's girl and literally has to be by her or else you might cry." Emily yelled. Riley didn't know what to say except "fuck you Emily and fuck this entire family" as she ran out the door sobbing. "Riley come back please." John B yelled as he started to chase after her. Emily immediately grabbed her phone and followed Riley. "Emily where are you going?" Sarah and John B yelled. "To find my sister." Riley yelled back. Sarah grabbed the car keys started waking to the door but John B stopped her. "John B what are you doing? There's a huge storm coming within the next hour,we need to get our daughters back." Sarah said as she tried to maneuver her way through John Bs arms. "Sarah there is no way in hell the girls are going to be gone for that long. Besides it's not like they took the keys to the boat or anything." John B said. "Really you didn't see Riley snag the keys as she ran out the door." Sarah said. "She did?" John B said. "No shit Sherlock." Sarah groaned. "I think she's been hanging out with JJ a little too much." John B said. "You think!" Sarah silently yelled.

At the docks/on the boat
"Riley please stop?" Emily said as she caught up to Riley. "Why are you here?" Riley asked. "Because your my twin sister and I can't live
without." Emily said. "Aww Em that's so sweet." Riley said as she gave Emily a hug. As the the girls were hugging Riley forgot that she had started the boat so the boat started moving. "Riley did you start the boat?" Emily asked. "Yea I forgot." Riley said. "Riley we need to stop the boat!" Emily said. "I know but dad forgot to fix the brakes after the went out." Emily said. "Ok well we need to put our life jackets on then call mom and dad." Riley said as she threw Emily a life jacket. Riley and Emily out there life jackets on and then tried to come up with a way to get the boat to stop. "Ok Em you steer while I call dad." Riley said. Emily ran over to the steering wheel and right as she started to steer rain just came pouring down. "You have got to be kidding me." The girls yelled. "Emily mom and dad aren't answering there phones." Riley yelled since the rain was very loud. "Call Aunt Kie or Uncle JJ." Emily yelled. "I did they didn't answer either." Riley yelled. "Well help me steer then the wind is making this really hard." Emily yelled. Riley ran over to Emily and helped her steer. "Emily Riley can you hear me?" John B said over the boats radio. "Dad? Why didn't you answer your phone?" Emily yelled into the radio. "The power went out but are you guys alright?" John B said. "Yea were fine but we can't stop the boat and we keep drifting out to sea." Emily yelled. "hang on I'll get help." John B said into the radio.

"Are you guys going to save our daughters or not." Sarah yelled. "ma'am we are doing the best we can but the weather is not safe enough for our officers to be out there." The sheriff said. "So our daughters are just suppose to sit out there while you guys stand around here and do nothing!" Sarah yelled. "Sarah just calm down the girls are going to be fine." John B said. "Fine! fine! I don't want the girls to be fine I want them to be here standing right next to me." Sarah yelled. Then Sarah and John B kept going back and forth until they heard Kiara called them over. "Kie what is it?" John B asked. "It's the girls". Kiara said with tears in her eyes. "What do you mean It's the girls?" Sarah asked. "they wanted us to tell you guys that they love you and that there sorry for always getting into fights and and that you guys were the best parents in the world." Kiara said right before she broke down. "No Kiara Anna Maybank please tell me your lying right now!" John B yelled. "I'm not." Kiara sobbed. In that moment Sarah just broke down,she fell to her knees,and cried into Kiara's arms. While John B cried into JJs arms.

The next day
"Riley Riley where are you?" Emily called out. "Emily Emily?" Riley voice called in the distance. "Riley" "Emily" "Riley""Emily". The girls kept yelling as they swam towards each other. "Your ok. I thought I lost you." Emily said. "Me too." Riley replied. Riley and Emily looked at each other and saw that they both had huge cuts on there foreheads. "Woah you have a huge cut on your head." The girls said in unison. "Ok we need to find a way home." Emily said. "Alright but are you seeing what I'm seeing." Riley asked. "If your talking about a huge boat coming towards us then yes." Emily said. "Other than the huge boat Em." Riley groaned. "Oh the people on the boat yea I do." Emily said. "Wait Riley do you know what this means." Emily said. "What does it mean Emily." Riley sarcastically said. "It means we're saved." Emily said. "We're saved..... we're saved." Riley said. Riley and Emily started waving there arms up and down to try to get whoever was on the boats attention. The boat had stopped right next to Emily and Riley but the girls looked at the people who were on the boat in confusion. "Girls we are so glad your alive." Sarah said as she helped Emily out of the water. John B helped Riley out of the water and he noticed how the second both of the girls toes touched the boat they immediately started to panic. "Get me off this thing. GET ME OFF THIS THING." The girls yelled. Sarah and Kiara immediately walked over to the girls and tried to help them calm down.

"Hey hey focus on me and your mom ok." Kiara said. "Take deep breaths". Sarah said. JJ slowly started the boat and drove at steady pace. The girls felt the boar rock just a little bit which caused them to panic once again. "Your ok your ok we've got you." Sarah and Kiara told the girls as they hugged them. "Mom Aunt Kie I was so scared. I thought I was gonna die." The girls said. "Well luckily you didn't and now your safe. Once we get back to the docks me and your dad are going to take you to the hospital ok." Sarah said. "No I want Aunt Kie to go not dad." Riley pleaded. "Are you sure?" Kiara asked. "yes." Both Emily and Riley yelled. "Hey I don't care as long as they get to a hospital." John B said. Emily hugged Sarah while Riley hugged Kiara for the rest of the way back. Sarah and Kiara just hugged the girls as tight as they could and let them cry or do whatever they needed to do in there arms. "Mom your not mad at us right?" Emily asked. "No I'm just glad you both are ok but your dad on the other hand I'm not a hundred percent if he's mad or glad but let's just he's both right now." Sarah said. "Ok. So does that mean we aren't grounded." Riley asked. "No your not grounded. But you two aren't aloud to drive the boat for a little bit." John B chimed in. "Ok that's fine with me." Emily said. "Me too." Riley said. Then the rest of the ride back was silent except for JJ singing Bob Marley very off key.

Alright guys this was a request from someone. I hope that they like it and I'll try to write all the requests everyone left on the last request page.

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