Cleo and Pope:date night (at home)

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Context:Cleo and Pope have a little date night at home since it's raining outside.

Pope was making a very "fancy" dinner. He was making steak,mashed potatoes,and asparagus. "Pope this smells good." Cleo said as she walked into the kitchen. "Well it's almost done." Pope said. "Yea I'm gonna go get changed." Cleo said as she walked back to their room. While Cleo went to get changed Pope finished making their dinner. He placed everything on plates,lit a candle,and held a bouquet of roses in his hand. "Ok Pope how do I loo-" Cleo said as she walked into the kitchen and saw everything Pope did. "You look amazing." Pope said as he handed Cleo the roses. "Really?" Cleo asked. "Yea you look beautiful." Pope said. Cleo placed the flowers on counter and sat down. Cleo grabbed her food and started eating. "Is it good?" Pope asked. "mhm" Cleo said with her mouth full. Pope ate his food as well and when they were done they decided to watch a movie. "We should watch my girl." Cleo said. "I thought we finished it?" Pope asked. "We didn't since we fell asleep." Cleo said. Pope walked over and turned on the tv while Cleo washed the dishes. "Do you want popcorn?" Cleo asked as she was drying her hands. "Nah I'm good." Pope said. "Ok I didn't want any either." Cleo said. Cleo sat down next to Pope and turned on my girl. As they were watching it the funeral scene came on and Cleo started crying. "I don't want to watch this movie anymore." Cleo cried. "Why?" Pope asked. "Because Thomas J is dead and now him and Vada don't get to go climb trees anymore." Cleo said. "Do you just want to move on to the next step in date night." Pope asked. "I guess." Cleo said. Pope got up and started making out with Cleo and... we all know what happens next.

Anyways here's another oneshot for y'all sorry it's bad.

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