Jiara:the sleeping Carrera

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Context:Kiara was the one who got hit in the head and JJ rescued her. They also got taken back to Obx so Kiara was taken to the hospital. Everyday the pouges have been visiting her but JJ stayed with her everyday. He also started writing letters for her since he couldn't talk to her. Also instead of Pope and Kiara hooking up JJ and Kiara did btw.

"JJ I think it's time for you to leave so you can freshen up." Mike said. "I can't leave what if she wakes up." JJ said. "If she does then you won't smell like a dog." Mike said. "Alright" JJ said. Mike and JJ walked out of Kiara's hospital room while Anna stayed behind. "Kie you have to wake up please." Anna cried. "Everyone misses you especially JJ I think he has a crush on. Which is super obvious now but please wake up." Anna said. The nurse came into the room to check on Kiara and she noticed that Kiara's eyes started fluttering. "Let me get the doctor." The nurse said. Kiara opened her eyes which the bright lights of the doctor's flashlights blind her. "What happened." Kiara slurred. "You got hit in the head when you were on that boat with your friends." Anna said. "Where's JJ" Kiara asked. "Your dad took him to our house so he could shower." Anna said. "Well I want to see him." Kiara said. "Kie you just woke up and you have a pretty bad concussion I don't think you'll be leaving anytime soon." Anna said. "Mom please" Kiara cried. "JJ will be back soon." Anna said. "Like how soon?" Kiara said. "At least twenty or thirty minutes." Anna said. "That's too long I need him now." Kiara said. "He'll be back soon but he wrote you some letters." Anna said. Anna grabbed the stack of letters JJ had wrote for Kiara and gave them to her. "Read these while I go get a snack from the vending machine." Anna said. "Wait can you get me something." Kiara said. "Sure" Anna said as she was walking out. Kiara opened the letter that said open first on it.

The letter read:Dear Kiara I know you aren't awake yet but I want you to know that I in love with you. I'm so in love with you that every time I see you I just want to kiss you and tell you how beautiful you look and how I want to get married to you and hopefully start a family even if it's one kid or five kids I don't care. Kiara you're the girl of my dreams and I want to know if I'm the guy of your dreams. Even if I'm not I hope this letter meant something to you. Love your favorite blonde boy JJ Maybank.

"Kie I got you a bag of chips." Anna said as she walked back into Kiara's hospital room. Kiara didn't say anything since she trying to hide the fact she was crying. "Kiara are you ok?" Anna asked. "Yea I'm fine" Kiara said. "Did you read his letter?" Anna said. "Yea it was really cute and sweet." Kiara said. "Kie" Mike said as he walked back into the room. "Hi dad" Kiara said as she gave Mike a hug. JJ was standing in the door way with a bouquet of pink roses and a pink bear. "JJ you know you can come in ri—" Kiara said as she was cutoff by JJ hugging her. "JJ I can't breathe." Kiara said. "Sorry it's just I really —" JJ said as he was cutoff by Kiara kissing him. "Yes" Mike and Anna whispered. "I missed you too." Kiara said. JJ pulled up a chair next to Kiara's bed and started telling her everything that she missed while she was in the hospital. The doctor then came in and checked Kiara out. Everything was fine except her blood test results. "Kiara is there any chance you've been sexually active lately?" The doctor asked. "No" Kiara said. "Well according to your blood test you have. You're pregnant." The doctor said. "What." Kiara said. "Kiara Anna Carrera you better explain this now." Mike said. The doctor left the room so everyone could talk. "I I had sex with JJ two months ago and we didn't use protection." Kiara said. "Obviously not" Anna said. "I'm sorry" Kiara said. "Well what are you two going to do?" Anna said. "It's up to Kiara. It's her body." JJ said. "I want to keep the baby." Kiara said. "Well if you're keeping the baby then you better find some place to stay." Mike said. "Mike we can't just kick her out she's 16." Anna said. "Well she's acting like an adult so she can make adult decisions." Mike said. "Dad" Kiara cried. Mike walked out the room and out of the hospital. Kiara started crying and JJ immediately comforted her. "It's ok I'm gonna be with you every step of the way." JJ whispered.

Here's another request!! I hope they like it and lmk if I should do a part two.

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