Kiara & Sarah:Escape

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Context:Kiara had a daughter when she was 14 and after she had the baby...she got kidnapped. Sarah was also kidnapped and had a kid. Now there both trying to escape with their daughters. Emily is Sarah's daughters and Bailey is Kiara's daughter. They are both 3. The kidnappers name is Alex. Kiara and Sarah are both 17. Kiara and Sarah aren't dating in this. (At least not yet)

"You two have to be really quiet ok." Sarah said. "Ok" Emily whispered. Bailey just gave a thumbs up and continued to be quiet. "What's wrong with twiddle dee and twiddle dumb." Alex said. "They're playing dead." Kiara said as she was washing her hands. "Why are they playing dead?" Alex said. Kiara and Sarah didn't answer since they had started to put their dishes away. "Answer me!" Alex yelled. Kiara and Sarah didn't answer again they just continued doing what they were doing. "Oh you two are un greatful then I see. My brother and I take you and your daughters in,we let you live down here in this bunker that only has one window,and we bring you food. What else do you two want from us?" Alex said. "To go home." Kiara whispered. "Home this is your home." Alex said. "No it's not." Sarah said. "Well you better find a way out before we kill you all." Alex said. "Toodles" Alex said as he walked out and shut the door. "Mommy are we gonna die?" Bailey said. "I don't know Bails." Kiara said. "Who wants garlic bread?" Sarah said as she took the garlic bread out of the oven. "Me" Bailey and Emily said. "Ok come sit down and eat." Sarah said. Sarah placed two bowls of spaghetti in front of Bailey and Emily. "Mommy are you and auntie Kie gonna eat?" Emily asked. "Yea we just have to make our bowls." Sarah said. "Ok" Emily said. Kiara grabbed Sarah's hand and dragged her to the other side of the room. "I don't think Alex locked the door this time this could be our chance to escape." Kiara said. "And go where? Our families have probably lost hope and the police will probably never believe us anyways." Sarah said. "We have to try so our daughters can experience a better life even if that means we have to die." Kiara said. "I know but what if we do die. Who will they have. No one." Sarah said. "Sar we have to try." Kiara said as she grabbed her hand. "You're right." Sarah said as she grabbed Kiara's other hand. "Mommy is Alex my daddy." Bailey asked. "No your dad is someone I went to middle school with." Kiara said. "What's his name?" Bailey asked. "JJ" Kiara said. "Do you love him like you love me." Bailey asked. "Wait who's my daddy Mama." Emily said. "A guy named John B he was a nice guy." Sarah said. "Oh so do you love him too?" Emily asked. "Not as much as I love you." Sarah said as she tickled Emily. Emily laughed really loud which made Sarah and Kiara panic. "What's with the laughing." Alex yelled as he banged on the door. "It was nothing." Sarah said. "It better be now we're going out of town for a month. All of this food should last you guys a month if not make it last!" Alex said. Alex went back upstairs and he forgot to shut the door that leads to where the bunker is.

"Mommy my tummy hurts" Bailey said. "Come here Bails." Kiara said. Kiara looked at Bailey and she was turning extremely pale. "Sarah what did you put in the spaghetti?" Kiara asked. "The normal stuff that we always do." Sarah said. "Mommy" Emily said. "Yours hurts too?" Sarah said. Emily shook her head and went over by Sarah. "We need to get them to the hospital." Sarah said. "How are we suppose to get them there if we can't drive?" Kiara said. "Right we need to find a phone and call the police then." Sarah said. "I guess" Kiara said. Kiara went over to the door and tried to open it. "I got the door but we need to hurry because it's heavy." Kiara said as she started to struggle. Sarah quickly ran out with Bailey and Emily in her arms. Kiara left a brick in the door for just in case they need to get back in. "I put that brick in the door but I think there's a way to keep the door open at all times." Kiara said. "Mommy" Bailey whined. "Hold on baby." Kiara said as she pushed the door open. "Wow Kie you're pretty strong." Sarah said. "The door wasn't as heavy as I thought it was." Kiara said. Sarah gave Bailey to Kiara and they both went upstairs. As they were going upstairs they saw outside for the first time ever since Alex and his brother Nate covered the window that lead to the bunker. "Wow" Kiara said. "Is that what outside looks like?" Emily said. "Yea" Sarah said. "Do you see that guy over there?" Kiara said. "Yea he's walking over here." Sarah said. All of a sudden there was a knock at the door. "Go open it" Sarah whispered. Kiara went to go open the door and she saw a police officer. "Hi I'm officer Rafe Cameron and I—" Rafe said as he was cutoff by Sarah hugging him. "Sarah you're alive" Rade said as he hugged her back. "Yea we were in that bunker for the past three years." Sarah said. "Where are the people who kidnapped you?" Rafe said. "They left I think we don't know but we need to go to the hospital." Sarah said. "Why are you two hurt?" Rafe said. "No our kids are starting to get really sick and they need help." Kiara said. "Those guys didn't do this to you two did they?" Rafe said. "No can you just get us to the hospital." Kiara said. "Maybe I should call an ambulance for you guys or-" Rafe said as he was cutoff by Sarah. "Rafe are you gonna help your niece or not." Sarah yelled. "Mama I feel yucky." Emily said. Sarah went over by Emily and felt her forehead. "She's burning up." Sarah said. "Bring them both to car and I'll let the hospital know you two are coming." Rafe said. Kiara and Sarah walked out holding their daughters when Alex and Nate came back. "Who let you two out?" Alex said as he walked over to Kiara and Sarah. "Answer him before I kill the both of you and your kids." Nate said. "This is the outer banks police department. We have you surrounded drop your weapons and put your hands where we can see them." Sheriff Shoupe said over his radio. "Damn coppers" Alex said as he put his gun down. Nate did the same and put his hands up. "You both are under arrest for the kidnapping of two minors anything you say or do will be used against you in court." The officers said that handcuffed Nate and Alex.

"You two alright?" Sheriff Shoupe said. Kiara and Sarah backed away from Shoupe and hid behind Rafe. "Rafe you wanna take them in to get checked out. Their kids aren't looking too hot." Shoupe said. "Yea could you guys call Kiara's parents and let them know she's alive." Rafe said before he got into his car. "We're already ringing them now." Shoupe said. "Rafe" Kiara said. "Yea" Rafe said. "How did they know we were here?" Kiara asked. "We've been searching for these guys for years after they took you both. The whole department has been searching for any little clue they could get their hand on." Rafe said. "So you guys were actually looking for us." Sarah said. "Yes I wanted to prove that my sister and her best friend were still alive." Rafe said. Rafe pulled up to the emergency room and there were many nurses and doctors outside waiting for Kiara and Sarah. The nurses and doctors helped Emily and Bailey they then took Kiara and Sarah into questioning which they both hated. "Where is she?" Anna said. "She's in another room." Rafe said. Anna and Mike went into the room where Kiara and Sarah were. "Mom" Kiara said. "Hi" Anna said. Kiara gave Anna and Mike a hug but she quickly stopped. "Mama look the doctor gave me a sticker." Bailey said. "Let me see." Kiara said. Bailey climbed up onto the bed Kiara was sitting on and showed her the sticker. "Who's that?" Bailey whispered. "They're my parents." Kiara said. "So grandma and grandpa." Bailey said. "Yep." Kiara said. "Hey Kie can we sit with you Emily won't stop asking me?" Sarah said. "Sure" Kiara said. Emily sat next to Bailey and they both were playing with the toys Rafe had brought for them. While Sarah and Kiara were just talking amongst themselves. Anna and Mike just hugged Sarah and then they left. "Mommy when can we go to our new home?"Emily asked. "Soon Em." Sarah said. "Ok momma." Emily said as she cuddled into Sarah's arms. "I'm gonna take her back to our room so she can sleep I'll see you tomorrow." Sarah said. "Alright." Kiara said. Sarah started to walk out when Kiara stopped her. "Kie if you're gonna tell me that you have a crush on me then——." Sarah said as she was cutoff by Kiara kissing her. "Who has on crush on who now ." Kiara said. Sarah gave Kiara another kiss and walked out.

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