The pouges:Car crash

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Context: Cleo and Pope have a daughter named Saylor who is 16 and a younger daughter named Taylor who is 14. JJ and Kiara have a daughter named Bailey who is 16 and younger daughter named Isabella who is 14. John B and Sarah have a daughter named Charlotte who is 16 and a younger daughter Emily who is 14. All the older girls can drive and so they all were driving themselves and their sisters to the beach when they all got into a bad car crash.

"Oh my god. Honey call 911." A woman said who saw the crash. "I am go see if the people are ok." The woman's husband said. Saylor and Taylor were stuck inside of Saylor's car which was flipped over. Bailey and Emily were thrown from the car so they were lying by each other while Charlotte and Isabella were just in the car crying. The women on the phone went up to Charlotte since she was closer to her and asked her what happened. "That's persons car was swerving and then he hit me which caused me to roll over and then my friends all got hit when another persons car started swerving." Charlotte cried. "Help is on the way." The women said. "Is my sister ok or any of my friends ok?" Charlotte said in a panic. "A few other people were checking on the two people who lying in the grass. "That's my sister I have to see her." Charlotte said as she tried to get up." "You need to sit here until the paramedics get here." The women said. "Bailey Bailey." Isabella kept saying over and over. A man was carrying Isabella over to where Charlotte was since her leg was most likely broken. "Where's Saylor and Taylor?" Charlotte said. "Are they the girls in the flipped over car?" The women said. "Yes." Charlotte said. Saylor and Taylor had managed to get out of the car and come over by Charlotte and Isabella before they had fainted. "Saylor" Charlotte said. The women and her husband went to check on Saylor and Taylor while Charlotte was just crying in her smashed car. The police had arrived and they arrested the two people who had caused the accident in the first place. But the police didn't leave until the paramedics had taken all the girls away so the two guys could see the amount of damage they've done. The paramedics took all the girls to the hospital and the police took the two guys to the jail house. Once the parents found out they immediately drove down to the hospital. The police had stopped them from going into the rooms and each family found out horrible news. "All of our daughters are what?" Sarah said. "Only four of them are in comas. Isabella and Charlotte are not." The doctor said. "Can we go see them?" Cleo asked. "Only the parents of Charlotte and Isabella can see them at the moment. Kiara and JJ went with one doctor to go see Isabella while John B and Sarah went with another doctor to see Charlotte. Cleo and Pope just sat in the waiting room. "Belly" Kiara said as she walked into the room. "Mom where's Bailey?" Isabella asked. "She's in a different room." Kiara said. "You want some water?" JJ asked. "Yea but I can't sit up." Isabella said. JJ poured Isabella a cup of water and put a straw in it. "Thank you." Isabella said. "Is Charlotte ok I kept hearing her crying about Emily and Saylor and Taylor they aren't dead are they?" Isabella said. "No Baby they're all in comas except you and Charlotte." JJ said. "When are they gonna wake up." Isabella said. "We don't know but I'm glad you're ok." JJ said. Isabella was just sitting there watching tv when a man came into the room. "Hi Isabella I'm just here to ask you some questions about the accident earlier." The man said. "Those two guys came out of nowhere and hit us." Isabella said. "Anything else?" The man said. "I think they were drunk." Isabella said. The man wrote that down and then left. "Mom get off of me." Isabella said. "I'm sorry I just thought you had died." Kiara said. "Isabella are you ready for your surgery?" The nurse said. "I guess so." Isabella said. Isabella said bye to Kiara and JJ and then got wheeled to the operation room. "What is she having surgery on?" Kiara said. "Her side the cut is pretty bad and then her acl got torn." The nurse said. "Mom I'll be ok dad make sure she doesn't freak out." Isabella said. "You got it Izz" JJ said. The nurse wheeled Isabella to the operation room while JJ and Kiara went back to the waiting room. "Did they wake up yet?" JJ said. "Saylor and Taylor did but Emily and Bailey haven't yet."Sarah said "How's Charlotte?" Kiara said. "She's really exhausted but she's in surgery right now for her ankle." Sarah said. "Well I'm gonna head home and I'll come back tomorrow you can come if you want to." Kiara said. "I might go but I have to catch up on work but I'll try to swing by." Sarah said. JJ and Kiara left while Sarah and John B did the same. Cleo and Pope just left after visiting hours ended.

The next day Saylor and Taylor were actually doing a lot better then the doctors thought so Cleo and Pope got to take them home while Isabella and Charlotte were still sleeping even after there surgery's. Emily and Bailey on the other hand were still in there comas but they were getting worse. John B and JJ went to see the girls before work and they went to go see Emily and Bailey first. John B walked into Emily's room and saw her just covered in bandages a cast on her leg and a bandage on her wrist. Emily was also connected to a ventilator. "Emmy if you can hear me I need you to wake up. Not for me or this twenty dollars I'll give you but for your mom and Charlotte your friends. I need you Em I don't know who I'm gonna sneak out with and go get ice cream with anymore." John B said as he started to cry. John B had felt Emily grip his hand that's when the nurse walked in and saw Emily choking on the ventilator tube. John B moved back and let the nurses do whatever. "You're not my mom where is she." Emily croaked out. "She's at work." The nurse said. "I want my mom." Emily yelled. John B was calling Sarah and telling her to get down to the hospital and while he was on the phone Emily saw him. "Dad where's mom why isn't she here?" Emily said. "Emmy do you know where you are right now?" John B said. "In the hospital where's mom?" Emily said. "She's on her way." John B said. "Why isn't she here now?" Emily said. "She was at home working." John B said. The nurses were trying to get Emily to calm down so they brought Charlotte into the room. "Hey let's take a breath and calm down ok." Charlotte said. Charlotte started to hold Emily's hand. "You need to get some sleep your body is tired." Charlotte whispered. "I'm not tired." Emily said as she yawned. "Whenever you're tired you get all mad and angry. Which you are mad right now because mom isn't here." Charlotte said. "I'm not mad." Emily said. "You're tired so lay down and go to sleep." Charlotte said. Emily laid up against Sarah who had entered the room and got into the bed Emily was laying in. "I'll see you when you wake up ok." Charlotte said. Emily fell asleep on Sarah's chest and then Charlotte was wheeled out by John B.

(This is happening at the same time as Emily's waking up)
After John B and JJ went there separate ways JJ went to go see Bailey. Bailey had some of her hair cut off since it was ripped out. She also had a cast on her arm,her leg,and a bandage on her forehead. Bailey just wasn't attached to a ventilator she was just lying very still and her skin was so pale. "Bails your gonna be so mad when you find out they cut your hair. It only looks like 2 inches so now it's not to your butt but still. It does look good makes you look like your mom." JJ said as he felt Baileys hair. "You know if you wake up we can go on the road trip you've been wanting to go on. Or I'll get you that one shirt you've always wanted for the past year." JJ said. JJ just sat there and acted like he wasn't crying even though he was. "JJ I thought you were going to work?" Kiara said as she walked in with Isabella in her wheelchair. "Oh my god they cut her hair she's gonna be pissed." Isabella said. "But it looks good." JJ said. "Yes dad it looks good but she won't like it." Isabella said. "Well I'm gonna make sure her hair isn't too short." Kiara said. Kiara was looking at Bailey's hair. "It's actually not too bad I think she could deal with it." Kiara said. Kiara and JJ went to go talk with the doctor while Isabella stayed with Bailey. "Bails I know I'm not the best sister and I steal your clothes all the time but I really want you to wake up so I can give you your clothes back and a hug." Isabella said. Baileys eyes had started to flutter which Isabella wasn't paying attention since she was just talking a lot. "Bells shut up you're so loud." Bailey groaned. "You shut up. Holy shit Mom Baileys awake." Isabella said. Kiara,JJ,and the doctor came into the room and saw Bailey feeling her hair. "They cut my hair." Bailey cried. "It's just a little trim." The doctor said. "A little trim they cut like six inches off now I look mom even more." Bailey cried. "Bails it's ok now you can add highlights to your hair." Isabella said. "I don't want highlights anymore I wanted my hair to be long and then cut it off right before the summer ends now I can't." Bailey said. "Told you she would be pissed." JJ said. "You are not helping." Kiara said. "Well now that you're awake you can forget about everything I said before the accident." Isabella said. "We're not over the fact that you took my shirt,bikini,shorts,and went to party along with Emily and Taylor who told there parents and they already had their punishment and you didn't. Oh wait I just did sorry Belly." Bailey said. "You little shit." Isabella said. Bailey just smirked at Isabella while Kiara and JJ were realizing what Bailey had just said. "She also got super drunk." Bailey said. "Bailey stop talking." Isabella said. "Can't my mind is just full of sister secrets I've been keeping." Bailey said. "Bailey had sex with Tyler." Isabella said. "Bailey Nicole Maybank you did what?" JJ said. "You are so dead." Bailey said as she looked at Isabella.

Here's another oneshot lmk if yall like it or not. I'm probably gonna post another request page because I can't remember the requests people have.

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