Kiara:stomach bug

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Context:Kiara is 18 and she got the stomach bug from Sarah since they've been living together. Anyways Kiara and JJ aren't dating in this. (Kiara and Sarah are)

"Mike can you get the door." Anna said. Mike went to go open the door and he saw Kiara wrapped up in a blanket. "Kiara" Mike said. Kiara fell into Mikes arms and her whole body was shaking. "Kie you're burning up." Mike said. Anna walked over and saw Kiara shaking. "Bring her inside while I get her some medicine." Anna said. Mike carried Kiara inside and took her over by the couch. "Kie take this it should help with your fever." Anna said. "Do you want me to call Sarah?" Mike said. "No she's visiting Rafe right now." Kiara said. "Did she get you sick?" Anna said. "What do you think Anna?" Mike said as he sat next to Kiara. Kiara laid on Mikes shoulder and just cried. "Honey what's wrong?" Anna said. "My stomach hurts really bad." Kiara said. "Do you want to go to the bathroom?" Anna asked. "No I don't feel good." Kiara said. "I'll get the trash can." Mike said. Mike went to go get the trash can so Kiara could puke in it. Kiara threw up into the trash can which didn't make her feel better. "You feel any better?" Anna asked. "No I still feel the same." Kiara said. "Are you sure you don't want me to call Sarah?" Mike asked. "No she's busy and I don't want to interrupt her seeing her brother." Kiara said. "Well do you want to take a nap." Anna said. Kiara got up and walked with her mom to her room. "You never took my room apart?" Kiara said. "No we kept it for just in case. I'll put your trash can by the side and I'll come and check on you in a bit." Anna said. Anna was walking out of the room when Kiara told her to wait. "Kie do you want me to stay with you?" Anna said. "Please" Kiara said. "Fine" Anna said. Anna laid next to Kiara and just rubbed her back. "Are you and Sarah gonna have kids?" Anna said. "Not right now maybe in a few years." Kiara said. "Good because I want grandkids." Anna said. "Of course you do." Kiara said. Kiara ended up falling asleep so Anna walked out and just went downstairs. "Mom Dad" Kiara yelled. Anna and Mike went upstairs and saw Kiara puking into the trash can that was by the side of her bed. "Kie let's go to the bathroom." Anna said. "No I'm good." Kiara said. "Stop being stubborn and go to the bathroom." Mike said. "No" Kiara said. Mike picked Kiara up and brought her to the bathroom. "Give me your shirt it's covered sweat." Anna said. "I'm fine." Kiara said. "Anna Mike sorry I'm late I had to check on Rafe and Sofia how's Kie?" Sarah said as she walked inside the house. "You call Sarah?" Kiara said. "Yes I did. You're being super stubborn and she's the only person who." Anna said as she was cutoff by Kiara puking. Sarah came upstairs and saw how bad Kiara looked. "Give me your shirt it's making you overhear right now." Sarah said. Kiara took her shirt off the moment her shirt was off her parent saw her stomach. "You're pregnant" Anna and Mike said in unison. "36 weeks to be exact." Kiara said. Sarah gave Kiara a new shirt to put on and then she walked away. Sarah went downstairs while Kiara slowly got up. "Come on Kie we're leaving." Sarah said. Kiara walked downstairs and as she was walking she felt a pain. "Kie you ok?" Sarah said. "I'm fine my back just hurts." Kiara said. "Kiara who's the father,what's the gender,do you guys have a name picked out?" Anna said. "The dad is some random guy,it's a girl,and yes we do can I go home now?" Kiara said. "Yea we'll talk later." Mike said. Kiara felt another pain but this it was worse. "Kie are you going into labor?" Anna asked. "No I've been having braxton hics I'm just gonna go home." Kiara said. Kiara and Sarah walked out and Anna grabbed her keys. "Where are you going?" Mike said. "To buy our granddaughter some things." Anna said. "Don't go crazy." Mike said. "I'm making no promises." Anna said.

Here's another oneshot for yall lmk if I should do a part two!!

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