Kiara and Sarah:Over protective

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Context:Kiara and Sarah are dating in this and Kiara starts to get over protective.Tw:mentions touching females in there private parts

Sarah and Kiara were at some kook party and some a whole bunch of guys starting hitting on Sarah. "Hey Sarah you wanna go out with me?" A random guy said. Sarah just kept hearing the same thing over and over. Kiara had overheard the guys hitting on her and it made her get mad. She didn't want to check in on Sarah since she usually can just walk away. But this time it was different the guys started touching her in all the wrong places. Kiara saw this and ran over to Sarah. "Leave her alone" Kiara said as she hugged Sarah. "Kiara we were just joking around." One of the guys said. "Touching a girls boob or her vagina isn't a joke." Kiara said. The guys didn't say anything they just looked around. Everyone at the party had saw the guys do that and they immediately started yelling and booing them. Kiara took Sarah back to her car to so she could calm down. "Kie I think I can walk to the car by myself." Sarah said. "Sarah I don't care. What those guys did to you isn't ok." Kiara said. "Kie I know it's just" Sarah said. "It's just what?" Kiara asked. "It's just they've been doing it ever since we started dating and I don't know how to make them stop." Sarah cried. "Sarah you should've told me I would've stayed with you the whole time." Kiara said. Sarah just continued to cry while Kiara just hugged her. "Hey lets go get some food from the wreck." Kiara said. "Can we get milkshakes?" Sarah asked. "With a cherry on top." Kiara said. Sarah had a huge smile on her face and felt a little bit better then before. "I love you Kie." Sarah said. "I love you to Sar". Kiara said as she gave Sarah a kiss on the check.

This was requested by someone I hope they like it and sorry it's really short.

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