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Context:John B and Sarah have a teenage daughter named Emily who is 16 year old and she just went through a pretty big breakup with her boyfriend. Let's just say they try their best to comfort her.

"She's blasting Taylor Swift again." John B said. "She going through a lot right now." Sarah said. "Well should I give her the food I bought for her?" John B said. "Umm maybe not." Sarah said. Sarah and John B just continued watching tv while Emily came downstairs. "Hey Em how you feeling?" John B asked. "Fat" Emily cried. "Did Tyler call you fat?" John B said. "That's the reason he broke up with me." Emily cried. Sarah motioned for Emily to sit down next to her. "Mom he left me for Sam. I look ten times better than her." Emily said as she sat next to Sarah. "He's just a boy who didn't really care about you. I would just forget about him."Sarah said. "Your right I'll forget about him it's not like I actually liked him." Emily said. "Weren't just balling your eyes out over him" John B said. "Dad you don't understand." Emily said. "So you are going to get back with him?" John asked. "Are you crazy? He only dated me so his EX would feel jealous. He never even took me in a date." Emily said. Emily then got up and walked back to her room. "Em wait." Sarah said. "What do you want?" Emily said. "Your dad bought you a burger from the wreck and he wants to know if you're gonna eat it." Sarah said. Emily stomped into the kitchen grabbed the bag of food that was on the counter and stomped back upstairs. "Thank you" Emily groaned. "Do you want to go target with Kie and Bailey later?" Sarah asked. "No thanks" Emily said as she shut her bedroom door.

"Sar I'll be right". John B said as he grabbed his keys. "Where are you going?" Sarah said. "To the store." John B said. "Mom" Emily cried. "I'm coming." Sarah said. Sarah walked upstairs and knocked on Emily's door. Emily opened the door and her eyes were puffy and red. "Emily" Sarah said. Emily just cried into Sarah's arms. "Hey breakups happen. It's not like Tyler knocked you up or anything." Sarah said. "Well me and Tyler really broke up three months ago." Emily whispered. "What do you mean you and Tyler broke up three months ago?" Sarah said. "Tyler and I broke up three months ago...when he found out I was pregnant." Emily said. "Emily Hope Routledge. You're pregnant?" Sarah said. "I was gonna tell you guys but I I didn't know how to." Emily said. "Well is this how you planned it?" Sarah said. "No" Emily cried again. "Please don't be mad. I've been working at the wreck way more so I save some money for the baby." Emily said. "Em I'm not mad at all.I just don't know how your father is going to react." Sarah said. "What if he kicks me out" Emily said as she started to panic. Sarah placed her hands on Emily's shoulders to try and calm her down. "Your dad is not going to kick you out. If he does then I will go with you." Sarah said. "You would go with me?" Emily said. "Yes I want to see my daughter become a mother." Sarah said. "You're pregnant" John B said as he was standing in the doorway. "Dad it's not what it looks like." Emily said. "Then what is it." John B said. "I I" Emily stuttered but quickly pushed through John B and ran into the bathroom. Emily shut the door and vomited into the toilet. "I'm going to check on her." John B said. "Wait" Sarah said. "What" John B said. "Please don't yell at her she's already been crying for the past twenty minutes." Sarah said. John B just rolled his eyes and walked into the bathroom.

"Emily how ya feeling." John B said. "Like I just threw up a gallon of food." Emily said. "So Tyler really knocked you up?" John B said. "Yea but I don't remember any of it." Emily said. "Wait he assaulted you" John B said. "Yes" Emily whispered. "Where does he live?" John B said. "His parents moved him away since he "knocked"me up." Emily said. "You aren't mad are you?" Emily said. "No I'm not mad I'm just upset that his jackass parents made him move away." John B said. Emily got up and walked back to her room John B followed. "Can you both please leave". Emily said. "Ok but I want to schedule an appointment to check on the baby." Sarah said. "Whatever just get out." Emily yelled. Sarah and John B walked out and shut the door. Emily then grabbed her phone and texted Bailey.
E:hey I told my parents
B:what did they say?
E:they aren't mad but they wish I would've told earlier.
B:well atleast you didn't tell them about us..
E:That's a conversation for both of our parents
E:love you
B:love you too babe

Here's another oneshot for y'all lmk if you guys like and if I should do a part 2...

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