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Context:Sarah and John B have a 13 year old daughter named Charlotte and she recently just got hit by a car. She now is at home recovering so Sarah and John B are taking care of her.

Charlotte woke up screaming from a nightmare she had just experienced. "Char are you ok?" Sarah said as she ran into Charlotte's room. "John B" Sarah called out. Charlotte was siting on her bed hyperventilating squeezing her moms hand. "It's ok just take deep breaths." Sarah said. "Sorry I was getting Charlotte a new bucket and some water. What happened." John B said as he entered the room. "She had another nightmare and she's having another panic attack." Sarah said. "Ok what do you want me to do?" John B asked. "Turn on a brighter light and hold her other hand." Sarah said. John B turned on Charlotte's lamp and he grabbed Charlotte's other hand. "Do you want to talk about your dream?" John B asked. "Big truck came and hit me." Charlotte said. "Char it was just dream." Sarah said. "It was the same truck that hit me." Charlotte said as she started to cry. "Here drink your water." John B said. "Thanks" Charlotte said. "Mom bucket." Charlotte said. Sarah handed Charlotte the bucket and she immediately threw up. "I'll go get her medicine." John B said. "Alright I'll be here." Sarah said. "I can't take anymore more of that medicine it makes me sick." Charlotte groaned. "Well if your head and back feel better the doctor said you could stop taking it." Sarah said. "Well my back still hurts but can't I take something else." Charlotte said. "I don't know we can call your doctor and see what she says." Sarah said. "Just forget I'll take the medicine." Charlotte. "Char if the medicine is making you sick then you shouldn't be taking it." John B said. John gave Charlotte one of the pills she has to take for her concussion. She took the pill and laid back down. "Char you gotta get up and walk today." John B said. "Why" Charlotte groaned. "Because the doctor said you need to." John B said as he pulled Charlotte up. "Dad be careful." Charlotte winced. "Sorry Char." John B said. Charlotte slowly got up and her legs were shaking. "You're doing great." Sarah said. Sarah and John B were on both of Charlottes sides and watching her get up. "Let's just walk downstairs and into the kitchen." John B said. "I don't think I can." Charlotte said. "Just do your best." Sarah said. Charlotte slowly walked into the kitchen and it made her feel a lot better knowing she's not gonna be stuck in her bed forever. As Charlotte started to walk to the counter she felt really dizzy. John B noticed and he grabbed one of her arms. "Char you wanna sit down?" John B asked.

"Sur—" Charlotte said as she passed out. John B caught Charlotte before she fell on the ground. "I'll get her an ice pack." Sarah said. John B carried her over to the couch and placed her down. "She's burning up." John B said. "Mom" Charlotte slurred. "Hold on baby." Sarah said. Sarah came over and placed an ice pack on Charlotte's head. "Char why didn't you tell us you were sick?" John B said. "I thought it was from my medicine." Charlotte said. "You have a fever of 102. That can't be from your medicine." Sarah said as she moved thermometer away from Charlottes head. "Well I still want to keep walking." Charlotte said as she positioned herself to get up off of the couch. "Char lay back down." John B said. "Dad just let me get up." Charlotte said. John B and Sarah let Charlotte get up and she immediately fell back onto the couch. "My head hurts." Charlotte said. "So your back is feeling better." Sarah said. "It hurts less than my head." Charlotte said. "I'll get your medicine." Sarah said. "Char you're looking a little green you good?" John B said. John B grabbed Charlotte's hair and held it back as she threw up on the floor. Sarah placed a trash can in front of Charlotte and she continued to vomit into it. "Water" Charlotte croaked. "Here" Sarah said. Sarah gave Charlotte a cup of water and rubbed her back. "We should go to the doctor."Sarah said. "No" Charlotte said. "This is the fifth time you've thrown up in the past 12 hours you're going to the doctor whether you like or not." John B said as he picked up Charlotte. "Put me down." Charlotte said. John B carried Charlotte to the car and put her in the back seat. "You two are the worst parents ever." Charlotte yelled. "That's her fever talking." John B said. "It better be." Sarah said as she started the car. "You buckled her in right." Sarah said. "Yes" John B said.

Here's another oneshot lmk if you have any requests.

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