Jarah:Stomach flu

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Context:Sarah caught the stomach flu from John B so he takes care of her. Setting:Sarah's and John Bs house. Mentions of puking/vomiting

Sarah and John B were peacefully sleeping in their new house. Last week John B had the stomach flu and Sarah took care of him so it's kind of obvious that sooner or later, Sarah would catch the stomach flu too. In fact Sarah did catch the stomach flu but she didn't want to ruin her and John Bs movie night. Sarah woke up and felt like total crap her head was throbbing,her throat felt scratchy,her stomach felt very queasy,and her skin was paler than usual. Sarah slowly walked into the kitchen and saw John B up and making breakfast for the both of them. "Sarah what are you doing up. You need to be in bed this instant." John B said. "John B I'm fine and besides I'm not sick." Sarah said with a scratchy voice. "Sar you need rest and besides you are looking way paler than yesterday you need to get back in bed immediately." John B said. "John B I'm—" Sarah said as she started to faint. John B luckily caught Sarah right before she was about to hit the ground. John B scooped Sarah into his arms and brought her over to the couch in the living room. John B then felt Sarah's forehead and realized she was burning up so he went into the bathroom and ran a rag under some cold water then he placed it onto Sarah's head.

John B finished making himself breakfast while waiting for Sarah to wake up. "John B why is there a rag on my forehead?" Sarah said as she woke up. "Oh your awake well the rag was to help cool your forehead down since you have a fever." John B said. "Ok well I'm hungry do you save some food for me?" Sarah asked. "I did would you like some?" John B asked while plating Sarah some of the pancakes he made for them. "Yes please." Sarah said as saw John B bringing her a small plate with 2 small pancakes and some fruit. John B sat next to Sarah and turned on there favorite show to watch. Sarah was eating the pancakes John B made for her and right after she finished one pancake, Sarah felt very nauseous and she quickly got up and ran to bathroom. Sarah quickly opened the toilet lid and vomited the singular pancake she had just eaten. John B followed her and rubbed her back while she threw up.

"It's ok let it out I'm right here." John B told Sarah. Sarah finished vomiting and she felt that her body was extremely exhausted and she couldn't even get up. "Sarah are you alright?" John B asked. "No my body aches." Sarah said. John B kissed Sarah's forehead and helped her onto her feet and he noticed how Sarah just wrapped her arms around John Bs shoulders. John B picked Sarah up and brought her into there bedroom and placed her onto there bed. "John B can I have some water please?" Sarah asked. "Yea I'll be right back and if you need to throw up again it's fine I'll just clean it up." John B said. Sarah just laid down and waited for John B to come back with her cup of water. "Sarah here's your glass of water." John B said. Sarah slowly sat up and grabbed the cup of water out of John Bs hand and drank a small sip of water. "Jb can you cuddle with me please?" Sarah asked. "Of course now scoot over." John B said. Sarah scooted over while John B laid right beside her. Then he let Sarah lay on top of his chest and she fell asleep as soon as John B started to rub her back. "Feel better my love." John B whispered into Sarah's ears.

Finally a Jarah oneshot I really need to write more about the other couples so let me know what oneshots you want to see from other couples. (Examples:the couple has a kid,someone in the couple is sick,the couple has date night,or whatever else you want to see.) Just know I don't write smut,

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