Kiara and Gracie Maybank:Rescuing Gracie Pt2

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Context:JJ has a little sister named Gracie and she's 12 years old. JJ got sent to Military school and Luke came back so she became his new punching bag. And Kiara promised JJ that she would take care of Gracie until he came back. In the end Kiara comes up with a plan to finally save Gracie. (Kiara and JJ are dating in this). TW:mentions of child abuse if you don't like that please don't keep reading. If you read the other Kiara and Gracie Maybank oneshots The only difference with this one is that Kiara isn't pregnant.

Recap: "Ok nurse get me an Iv and call for an emergency head ct. Who knows how long she has." The doctor said. The doctors rush Gracie to get a head ct and Kiara tries to follow them but someone stopped her... "get your hands off of me I need to make sure she's ok." Kiara said to the random person.

The random person didn't let go of Kiara they just hugged her. The second that the random person hugged Kiara she knew right away who it was. "JJ" Kiara cried. "Yea. Who else would it be?" JJ said. "I need to see Gracie." Kiara pleaded. Kiara tried to break from JJ's arms but he wasn't letting her go. "Kie we need to let the doctors do there job." JJ said. "But she needs me." Kiara cried. "I know but right now she needs the doctors to help her." JJ said. "Yea your right." Kiara said. Kiara and JJ sat down in the waiting room and watched tv. "Hey Kie?" JJ asked. "hmm." Kiara groaned. "Do you want to get married?" JJ asked. "Obviously" Kiara said. "Well once Gracie is well enough we are getting married." JJ said. "But I don't have a ring." Kiara said. "It's ok we can get married in a courthouse and then we can go on our surfing trip." JJ said. "Alright that sounds like an amazing plan." Kiara said. "Then we can have one or two kids." JJ said. "What about Gracie?" Kiara said. "We can adopt her then we can all be one happy family." JJ said. Kiara just laughed and saw a nurse walking towards her and JJ.

"Excuse me?" The nurse said. "Yes" Kiara replied. "Your here with Gracie Maybank right?" The nurse said. "Yes we are. Why?" Kiara said. "Umm how about we talk away from the public eye." The nurse said. The nurse took Kiara and JJ into Gracie's room. The moment they walked in Kiara broke down. Gracie had tubes surrounding her,a ventilator,and a many bruises up and down her body. "Her surgery's went well... but after she got out of her final one she coded.. it took the doctors ten minutes to bring her back." The nurse said. "What does that have to do with all the tubes and machines surrounding her." JJ said. "Well after she coded she wasn't breathing on her own so we put her on a ventilator and now she's in a coma." The nurse said. "Is there anyway she'll come out of this." Kiara asked. "There's a possibility she can but right now all you guys can do is wait. Her body just needs time to heal." The nurse said. "I'll just leave you two alone with her. You can talk to her. It does help with brain activity." The nurse said as she walked out.

"Oh G this is all my fault. If I hadn't gone to military school none of this would've happened. I'm your big brother I'm suppose to protect you. I can't even do that." JJ cried. Kiara just hugged JJ and let him cry into her arms. "Hey she's a fighter. If there's a chance she can pull through this then we just have to hope and pray that it happens." Kiara said. "Yea but what if she doesn't wake up." JJ said while wiping his face. "Don't think like that. We have to stay positive. Gracie would want us too." Kiara said as she started to cry. JJ got up and gave Gracie a kiss on the check and whispered in her ear "I love you" and walked out. Kiara also gave Gracie a kiss on the check and said "G please come back I need my little sister back." Then proceeded to walkout. "Alright let's go home we can visit her tomorrow." JJ said. "Yea can we get pizza please." Kiara asked. "Sure I haven't had real food in 6 months." JJ said. Kiara and JJ walked out of the hospital and drove to the nearest pizza place.

Here's part 2 to the rescuing Gracie oneshot let me know if you like it.

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