Jiara:wisdom teeth

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Context:Kiara got her wisdom teeth out and JJ takes care of her. They are dating in this.

"JJ I'm scared." Kiara said. "Don't be the doctor has explained the surgery many times." JJ said. "Ok well your gonna be there when I get out right?" Kiara asked. "Of course." JJ said as he gave Kiara a kiss on the check. "Kiara Carrera" a nurse called. Kiara got up a followed the nurse into the room. JJ then walked out and headed to the store. When JJ got to the store he got stuff for smoothies,a blanket,a stuff animal,and a bouquet of roses. After he checked out he headed back to the dentist office. When he got there he saw Kiara being wheeled out to the car. The nurses tried to help Kiara into the car but she wanted to do it herself. "Kie do you want me to help?" JJ asked. "No I got it." Kiara said just with gauze in her mouth. JJ just watched her struggle and when she fell to the ground one of the nurses helped her into the car. "Thank you." JJ said as he buckled her in. "Your welcome the anesthesia should wear off by tomorrow." The nurse said as she and and her co workers walked back in. JJ hopped into the drivers seat and started the car. "Your hot" Kiara said with the gauze in her mouth. "Thank you your hot to." JJ said as he pulled off. "I'm not hot I'm super hot" Kiara said. "Ok mrs super hot let's just get you home." JJ said. Kiara stoped talking and started touching the gauze in her mouth. As she was touching it one of them fell out and landed on her shirt. Kiara screamed and said my tongue fell out over and over. "Your tongue didn't fall out you just can't feel it." JJ said trying to reassuring her. "Are you sure my tongue is in there." Kiara said as she pointed towards her mouth. "I'm sure Kie." JJ said. Kiara then just started crying. JJ didn't know what to do but luckily they had just arrived home. JJ parked the car and got out. Which made Kiara cry even more. "Where are you going?" Kiara cried. "I'm right here" JJ said as he opened the passenger door. Kiara then reached her hands out and waited for JJ to carry her inside. JJ let Kiara wrap her arms around him since he knew she was gonna take forever to walk inside. JJ shut the door and brought Kiara inside,when they got inside he placed Kiara down onto the couch and walked into the kitchen. He grabbed a paper towel and a change of gauze. Before JJ sat down he set up his phone and started recording this whole moment. "Ok Kie I'm gonna take your gauze out and put new ones in." JJ said. JJ took the gauze out of Kiara's mouth and placed them onto the paper towel. He then put new gauze in her mouth and wiped her mouth again since she slobbered a little bit. "Alright Kie I'm done." JJ said as he got up from the couch and threw the paper towel in the garbage. "Can we get burgers?" Kiara whined. "No we can't get burgers." JJ said. "Why". Kiara cried. "Because the doctor said so." JJ said. Then Kiara started crying again. JJ walked over to her and hugged while she cried and he stopped his phone which was recording the whole time. "I can't wait for the anesthesia to wear off." JJ said as he rubbed Kiara's back.

Here's another oneshot for y'all!! Sorry it's bad...

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